
nevermind #fundie totse.com

and not all animals were taken on board the ark...eg wolly mammoths... and if you read the account where god gives noah the dimensions for the vessel (ark) then its easily big enough. and then why is there a HUGE WOODEN VESSEL buried under the snow atop of mount ararat? its far to big to be carried up there...oh these holes in the account just arent there! theres plenty of proof... you just dont look at it because the bible says it happened. i forgot, it isnt 'cool' to belive in the bible these days.

fuckingdouchebag #conspiracy totse.com

How do you think the north american union will implement itself?

late 2008:Economic collapse of America

mid 2009:Financial bankruptcy of American government, part of illuminatis plan to implement one world goverment.

late 2009-2010:Possible civil war and chaos in America because of fall of government, economic failure and skyrocketing cost of living (think starvation, death, riots and third world standards in the ghetto)

2010:U.N. leaders and other influential powers decide to implement a north American union to save American economy and end civil chaos. Issuance of the Amero.

I also think this is all going to happen under Obama's presidency to make him look like a black failure of a president - not able to do anything but watch the country fall into anarchy and chaos, because the Illuminati are racist.

James ED #fundie totse.com

[Apparently the band Tool is the Antichrist...the Antichrist must have a new identity every week or there must be hundreds.]

I am not implying that Tool is the antichrist, although they very well could be. I am saying that Tool is a a bringer of evil from the dark one and everything they stand for is evil and corrupt.

I have seen what Tool music and videos have done to people. Stay on the side of righteousness and purity, accept Jesus Christ into your heart and you will be saved.

Most people will accept evil, in fact most people here will accept the evil point of view on this thread. Don't do what the people who accept evil do. Don't do what they do, surround yourself with righteousness and holyness. Jesus Christ will come to you and protect you. You will be saved.

Tool is a Tool, a Tool of Satan.

soul flayer #fundie totse.com

im just wondering what u evolutionist think on the 3rd(or the 2nd, not sure) law of thermodynamics also called entropy, which is the tendancy for things to get worse instead of better... i see deasieses, plagues, famine. it seems like aids, cancer, diabedies, dounsyndrom and all these other things came out not too long ago. there r more mentally fucked up ppl in the world today than there was 200 years ago. even sane ppl r suffering with things like ADHD and stuff. this dont look like evolution to me.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

... it is bloody ignorant to dissmiss all these findings cos your precious evolution theory maybe wrong if the flood acocunt is true. because it will put all your carbon dating out, and therefore all your timescales, and all the fossils will be out... you say thats rubbish, but its a distinct possibility. dont put so much faith in something that is so flawed itself.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

there isnt a lack of evidence about the flood, its just that scientists choose not to acknowledge it, as it would prove much of our thinking today wrong. and scientists hate to be wrong

nevermind #fundie totse.com

plus as we get older, our reasoning does not deteriotate....our capacity for memory can detrioate, but thats only cos we aint using it. people with alzheimers can easily still reason, even if they cant remember anything for the whole of there lives accept the day there living in now...

nevermind #fundie totse.com

with so much evidence against evolution, or the lack of evidence to support it i could say that evolutionists are unscientific. most evolutionists are remarkably closed minded, more so than creationists. the constant support for evolution even though there has been no tangeble facts to support it for the last 100 years looks closed minded to me.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

it must be millions of years old, but then the carbon dating techiniques are only accurate back 30 million years... the bible account of a flood some 4,000 or more years ago would easily compensate for the huge shift in carbon levels, and so putting our carbon dating systems well out.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

many people also have talked about the suns radiation gradually mutating us throughout time...then why does our bodies create pigmentation (sun tan) to stop the suns radiation from damaging us? darker skinned peoples where the radiation is higher (eg africa)...if radiation helps us to evolve...then why does our bodies fight against it??

nevermind #fundie totse.com

im sure the us navy could build such a vessel. the point is the wouldnt because they see no need to do so. also, the biggest US navy aircraft carriers are of a similar size to what the ark was meant to be, so you are talking bullshit.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

Also, the bible states of humans living close to 1,000 years... if people did live close to 1,000 years, then these rare fossils you dig up of men that scientists ASSUME had the same lifespan as us and say they are millions of years old-someone living close to 1,000 years would have a massivly increased carbon level in there bones... and without the scientists considering this possibility, the date of millions of years put on these fossils could be massivly out.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

i said it could of been held in space, like saturns rings. it is entirerly possible for the earth to have had saturn-like rings of ice all around it, and more water in the atmosphere, causing a warmer climate and less radiation from the sun coming to hit earth. this could be a factor in the people before the flood supposedly living much longer.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

and then those wonderful gallapogos (cant be arsed to spell it properly) birds. evolved? nope. they are all finches. they have not evolved... dont say that im speaking out of my ass, because this article [from Scientific American, on creationist misconceptions] you have given me is speaking out of about 50million evolutionists asses, or however many there are on this planet. the article is FULL of mistakes, and bad research. if you want me to go through every single point...ask me.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

and the bible says they landed on mount ararat. howcome a HUGE wooden wreck has been found atop of this mountain? its the ark... with the massive inaccuracy of carbon dating systems, it is entirely possible that these ice ages are what scientists mis-interpret, and are really the flood... the evidence is all there, but scientists dissmiss it, because if the bible is *shock horror* correct...then it would put big doubts over all there work.

nevermind #fundie totse.com

[Explaining how the carnivores would eat on a decimated post-flood world]...and grazing animals eat everyday, predators can go without food for several weeks without a kill...ever watch david attenbrough programs where a lion doesnt make a kill for ages? also the possbility of fish left on the land after the water drains away, eaily enough scavenging food for predators...maybe a whale left somewhere? the possbilities of food are endless

nevermind #fundie totse.com

if you take the story of the flood as true, and re-evaluate the history of man, and change the scientific views accordingly (eg carbon dating systems being well out...), then the flood account is easily true... you dont want to take into consideration that evolution maybe wrong... and im not using pseudo science, you are!!

soul flayer #fundie totse.com

not only was a large wooden object found on top of mt ararat, this object also had alot of traces of a substance called mortar which the bible said noah used to build the ark (strange eh????)

nevermind #fundie totse.com

there hasnt been a international survey of the area where the ark is. if there was, then national geographic would feature it. incidentally, national geographic is run by top scientists, who all make a lot of $$ by publishing there evolution theories and discoveries in such publications. there could easily be bias against such an expidtion...

nevermind #fundie totse.com

sarcasm isnt going to make your shaky points any better. you evolutionist ideas are more shaky than bible ones. the reason is that you do not want to acknowledge the possibility that you are wrong. if the bible points are so shaky, then howcome i can use them to reply to everything you have said??

nevermind #fundie totse.com

your talking about [the 750,000 or so species of] insects....well they wouldnt take up much space in the ark would they? they could fly around and land on the walls, ceilings ect, like they do in houses.

Tyrant #fundie totse.com

When Satan tempted Eve with the apple, he tempted her by saying the words 'Eritis sicut Deus, scientes bonum et malum,' which is Latin for 'You will be as God, knowing good and evil.'

ArmsMerchant #fundie totse.com

Why God is not Santa Claus... For one thing, he isn't a he. We assign a gender to deity out of convenience or ignorance. For another, God neither wears a red suit, nor smokes a pipe. But mostly, God does not make a list of who's naughty and who's nice; nor does he reward good children and punish bad ones. God is not about judging and rewarding and punishing.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

Darwin, was the same, his beliefs and writting were also clouded by his beliefs , in his sick mind and his intense hatred for God, and yes he had a intense hatred for God stated by him,both publicly and in writting, and it makes no sense to hate something that doesnt exist, so he must have known God existed.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

Patially true... once a theory is proven it becomes a fact, you statment [that they're never proven] is like saying there is no such thing as tomarrow, because it never comes... Chemistry is not a theory, it is the study of chemical reactions... [which] are pretty easy to prove.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

... you have not done any scientific investigation yourself, you have chosen to believe in the priests and the prophets of evolution, that are constantly proving themselves wrong but keep trying to prove the same therory. If there was proof, it wouldnt be a therory...

Doofnoil2 #fundie totse.com

And then for SOME reason this ball of stuff [the Big Bang singularity] just explodes and flings things out in vectors from that point. (vectors didn't exist prior to the explosion, if you doubt you're retarded).

jester461 #fundie totse.com

In fact, selective breeding is proof for Creationism, not evolution, because it does not happen naturally, and it can't happen naturally. You put a donkey and a horse togehter for years and nothing will happen, but in steps a ' intelligent force' and we get a Mule, but it took that intellegent force to do it.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

I dont tell my students everything, but give them reading assignments... It is so you learn and while your at it might actually learn something else along with the subject.

MrMojoRisin #fundie totse.com

I had a dream where there was this little girl... I felt fear for some reason and all of a sudden her neck snapped. Then a deep voice from all angles said, 'And this proves the existance of god'. It freaked me out quite a bit. I've had things happen to me throughout my life that confirm my beliefs in a higher conciousness.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

The therory of evolution IS based on Darwins written therories, and yes motive is ALWAYS a factor when someone says or writes some... If you hate God and you set out to prove he doesn't exist, yes your motives color you findings. For you to say other wise is a feeble attempt at getting away of the facts.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

He didn't provide a 'mechanism' for anything, he hated God, and he set out to dis prove God... He stole ideas from others and twisted them into a therory that has no scienticfic proof, and is just another branch of religion, weither you worship tree elves, God, the starts or the big bang...

Spirit of '22 #fundie totse.com

Christ could not have been a woman, because women are merely natural, and alone, cannot overcome their animal nature. Men are supernatural, and can act out of things that transcend naturalist concerns.

Doofnoil2 #fundie totse.com

why does the universe bother to exist, or why it came into existance? We all know how.Conclusively show me that without the existance of God and I'll believe that there isn't one.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

And yes it would be nice if you could furnish a cow/shark, but we would also be happy with a trans species monkey, pig, rat, mouse, anything, take your pick , a transpecies anything.

jester461 #fundie totse.com

I am not the one that has based my beliefs on the writtings of a madman, you and your people are the one that made him' the Father of Evolution' not me. To me he is the father of one of the biggest travesties of history. And again yes he stole his ideas, and took credit for them...