Homosexuals males who self-abuse rarely report their condition to mental health or law enforcement agencies. Self-abuse among homosexuals usually only comes to light when the must rush to a Hospital Emergency Room to have some some sort of foreign object surgically removed from their anus. Since they come to the plate with two strikes against them, one has to ponder what effect this kind of bazar behavior will have on the homosexual males who wed in California.
At first I thought 'wait, why is he thinking about gay guys masturbating?' THEN I thought 'wait, he's thinking about gay guys shoving things up their butts? Someone's got something they're not telling us...'
Welcome to Victorian England, have a nice day? (certainly has the same attitude to masturbation that they did)
Also, what does this have to with gay people getting married?
Fuck all.
Wait a minute - are you saying that legal gay marriage will force men to stick foreign objects into their butts, or that straight men will experience uncontrollable urges to have foreign objects removed from their anuses by ER personnel? Would they have to purchase said objects at a bazaar or do they have to hit a baseball before getting a marriage license?
(1) Why would marriage have any effect on whether gay men get stuff stuck in their butts? Does LeRoy think refusing to allow gays to marry will make them celibate?
(2) The only person I ever heard of going to the hospital with a foreign object in their butt was a straight woman.
"Self-abuse among homosexuals usually only comes to light when the must rush to a Hospital Emergency Room to have some some sort of foreign object surgically removed from their anus."
Wait... what? I assumed "self-abuse" meant purposely hurting oneself by cutting, burning, etc. Does he mean masturbation? If so, what the hell is he talking about? That's an activity, not a "condition," there's no reason to report it to "mental health or law enforcement agencies." Or is he simply talking about being gay, which is neither a mental illness nor against the law? Just.. gah. No part of this post makes sense.
Also it's "bizzare," not "bazar."
I haven't heard the self-abuse comment since the 60's. It means masturbation. Seems that Homosexuals are masturbators that like to shove foreign objects up their ass while the fap.
Either that or LeRoy has a very vivid fantasy life.
How and when did masturbation become synonymous with self-abuse? The rest of the post seems mere ravings; kid, we can't see inside your head, so we can't know what the fuck you are blathering about with "they come to the plate with two strikes against them" without some kind of explanation or reference.
... rarely report their condition to ... law enforcement agencies.
"Excuse me, officer, I self-abuse."
"We all do, sonny. Just don't do it in public."
It's true that people often come into ERs with odd objects up their bums but it's not just gay men. It's straight men, straight women, lesbians, and in one horrific case about 20 years ago a gay man who had been severely beaten and had a can of hairspray forcefully inserted into his anus by a gang of "fag bashers". So, LeRoy, go fuck yourself with a cactus and die in a fire.
Leroy, your command of English is pathetic.
A Bazaar (correctly spelled) is a market. The word you want is bizarre - strange, odd, out of the ordinary.
Your close concern with homosexuals and what they may, or may not insert in their anuses (rather than straight men and what they insert to stimulate their prostates - O yes they do!) tells more about you than perhaps you intended to reveal.
You've got a shopping fetish buying dildos?
A guy comes up to the plate with two strikes against him? I've seen this movie - the guy hits a home run, wins the game, becomes a hero and gets the girl (or, in this case, the guy).
What are the two strikes against them exactly? Is one being gay?
Yes, presumably and the other strike’ is having foreign objects lodged up their asses, much like the original poster.
Except the object up his ass happens to be his own head.
Since when is masturbation a "condition"? If you want to think it's a SIN, that's none of my business, but I don't know of it having any medical side-effects. Or legal repercussions. It's only within a religious context that it's a problem.
Hmmm... angry comments about homosexuals... in depth thought about gay masturbation...
I've got it: reaction formation, repression, and projection. All that along with his obsessions about homosexual behavior means that he's in the closet.
It's ok LeRoy, you can come out. We'll accept you.
To be fair, knowing a nurse...tales are acceptable, as long as names are held to protect the identities of the (not-so-)innocent. And there is a mote of truth to this. Apparently it's quite common for a rather embarassed man to come in trying to explain how something "accidentally" got lodged up his ass...to which it must automatically mean gay to dear OP, because no straight man would ever stimulate his prostate for sexual pleasure.
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