Japanese Ainu #racist stormfront.org
The White Race is alien to this planet
The White race are the descendents of the White Annunaki/Nordic Aliens.
The black race was the slave race created by the Annunaki/Nordic Aliens by genetically manipulating the DNA of the Cro Magnon and Ape.
It is no mistake that countless ancient civilizations and cultures like the ancient Mayans, Egyptians and Indians (Indus Valley Indians) around the world depict their Kings and Queens as "fair" while their slaves as "black".
On top of that, the White race burn their skin easily in sunlight, age very quickly and go bald easily, indicating the fact their habitat on Earth is not natural to them.
Those who don't believe and say that the white skin color is due to the lack of sunlight in cold temperate regions, I only point to the Eskimo and Inuit people who technically have lived in the arctic regions for thousands of years and yet are Brown.