Bryan Fischer #homophobia #fundie
Abundant social research confirms that heterosexual married couples are happier and healthier, are more prosperous, and enjoy longer and more stable lives than their cohabiting or homosexual counterparts.
In contrast, same-sex partnerships are notoriously unstable, short-lived and risky. Even "monogamous" same-sex couples in one Dutch study reported that they had an average of eight outside sexual partners a year. Forty-three percent of homosexuals report having had more than 500 sexual partners over the course of a lifetime. In other words, same-sex relationships characteristically fail to satisfy even the companionship purpose for this most sacred of relationships.
The only incentives a rational culture ought to offer, when it comes to sexuality, are incentives for men to marry women and to stay married once they do. Thus public policy should be directed at strengthening the institution of marriage by rewarding married couples with protections and privileges that are not awarded to any other kind of coupling.
While on a sadly superficial level, it may seem that homosexual couples may be able to fulfill the sexual purpose for marriage, the kind of sex in which they engage is inherently risky for human health and contrary to nature. The human body was not designed by the Creator (nor by evolution, if that's your view) for the kinds of uses to which it is put in homosexual encounters.
It is no wonder that there are a host of pathologies associated with homosexual sex, not the least of which are AIDS and a frightening cluster of sexually transmitted diseases. According to the CDC, homosexual sex remains the number one risk factor for contracting HIV/AIDS. The health risks alone should cause us to reconsider our headlong embrace of marriage based on the infamous crime against nature.
When a married couple fails to conceive, it’s a tragedy, and our hearts go out to them. But conception through homosexual sex is a biological impossibility.
We know that the optimal nurturing environment for children is in a home where they are raised by their biological parents who are married to each other. Even secular researchers confirm that moms and dads each have something profoundly unique to invest in the lives of their children. Children need both a mom and a dad, not two of one or two of the other.
No caring, compassionate society would deliberately place vulnerable young children into a home with a missing mother or father, but that is exactly what every gay adoption does.
Bottom line: marriage is about companionship, sex and children. Gay “marriage” cannot legitimately fulfill even one of these three purposes. It is altogether right and rational for society to endorse only man-woman relationships with the label as well as the benefits of marriage.
God defined marriage at the dawn of human history and has never changed his mind. What God has defined, man must not redefine. Let’s hope the Supreme Court is perceptive enough to agree.