That never stopped other presidents from attending church. Apparently Obama's physical fitness is more important than his spiritual one. I see this guy is already off to a bad start as a role model. He had EVERYONE fooled. Power trumped everything else in his life - anything to be president. He's disgusting.
"Apparently Obama's physical fitness is more important than his spiritual one."
Lack of "spiritual fitness" won't cause you to die of heart failure.
"I see this guy is already off to a bad start as a role model."
Yes, he should be more like Clinton and Bush.
"He had EVERYONE fooled. Power trumped everything else in his life - anything to be president."
Uh, isn't that the definition of a POLITICIAN IN THE FIRST PLACE?!
Yeah, what a terrible role model, with his message of change and hope...the way he's so deeply and honestly in love with his wife, the way he loves his children enough to teach them charity and responsibility...what a louse...
Maybe he prays while he works out? Ever think of that? You don't need to be on your knees in church to talk to God. Some of us feel our most spiritual while in a meditative state. I find that the peace of mind I get while swimming is the same peace I get while praying the rosary, and who are you to say that isn't communication with God?
Doesn't he, ya know, have a country to run? I know he hasn't been sworn in yet but he's got more important things to worry about.
Besides, there's a bit in your holy book about praying in private. You might wanna look into that.
I'd rather have a physically fit president than a religious president but I don't see what the controversy is here. Is this about keeping the Sabbath holy? So if there was a national emergency that occurred on a Sunday, he shouldn't do anything about it? People really need to stop harping over little things and concentrate on his politics.
Oh yeah? What's the word on John McCain's church attendance, since you dumbasses seem to believe he's so godly? Oh right, no one gives a shit whether he goes to church or not, since he's not a black Democrat.
"Apparently Obama's physical fitness is more important than his spiritual one"
Whaaaaaaa! Heaven forbid.
People like you who think that you can only be fulfilled and adherent to a belief system are the cancer that is responsible for driving so many away from the church, ironically due to your adamance that church attendance is mandatory for no rational reason. I thank you for that. Hell, people like you are the reason why my grandfather doesn't go to church at all, and why my parents never bothered to attend, or force us to attend. Thank you so very much.
"I see this guy is already off to a bad start as a role model."
"He had EVERYONE fooled."
Oh, I see.
"Power trumped everything else in his life - anything to be president."
Than why does it seem like he has a loving family? And a law degree? Why so you seem like such a moron?
And Malkavian Jeff wins at life! : )
By the FSM they're desperate to pin anything they can on him aren't they.
So Obama is disgusting because he believes taking care of the country is more important than some bogus church thingy. But I bet you think Bush is the very image of virtue despite the fact that he's started wars based on nothing and lied to his people multiple times. I think you need to work on your priorities.
As a student of Buddhism, it is in the best interests of those seeking enlightenment to keep their body physically healthy. Thus, a Sunday Exercise is a sort of spiritual worship.
Mind you, Buddhist spirituality is actively agnostic towards the monotheistic/polytheistic/flyingspaghettistic issue, so the whole "Church" thing doesn't apply.
It's okay to be jealous that your president is intelligent, handsome, and speaks beautifully, and that his image on TV alone probably attracts more girls to hug their TV than you ever get lol.
"Power trumped everything else in his life - anything to be president. He's disgusting."
Hmm, sounds like John McCain to me.
...had everyone fooled!? You DO realize we just had 8 years of Bush, right? And Obama's been the Prez Elect for oh say, about a month, and you're already complaining? Sheesh, you people are sad.
Actually, Bush´s alcoholism was bad, not just for his spirituality but for his health too. You know, mens sana in corpore sano.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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