We took prayer out of schools,The ten commandments out of schools and courts,countless people use God's name in vain...and your shocked we have all of these horrible natural diasters in America?
The idea of evolution is like one day 70 billion years ago 2 rocks collided and the world was formed...LOL thats only true in STARWARS folks.
Last night when looking at the eclipse,I said to my self......if theirs no God..than how come everything is so beautiful?
My point is : I'm a Christian,I was homeschooled my entire life and learned the right way,people that believe in evolution believe scientists are always right - let me present ths point.
Can we see the brain of a professor? Can we touch it? Can we Smell it? Then how do we know theirs a brain in this professor? Because we have faith and Cat Scans prove it.
As for God,he has 10,000 years of history of his power an majesty in the Bible,but athiests are so damn stupid and ignorant they believe that 10,000 years of people...are crazy? nuts? Psychos?