"? Christians threatened with prison for protesting the homosexual agenda."
You seriously expect us to believe that? In a country where the Phelps clan manages to continue their antics? Hell, not only can't the police arrest them, they actually have to spend time and manpower (which means taxpayers money) to protect them from counterprotesters. If the Phelps clan can manage that, your "protesters" would have to get violent, or at least to harrass people specifically to get arrested.
And let's be honest for an instant: you aren't protesting "the homosexual agenda", there is no such thing. You are attempting to bully homosexuals out of existence, or at least to make sure that they remain second class citizens. I do kinda wish you could get arrested for that crap...
"? Employees of Fortune 500 companies fired for quoting the scriptures or forbidden to display family pictures in their office cubicles because they offend homosexual employees."
Regarding the first part: seriously? In Murikka? I do believe that some big companies have an employees code of conduct that asks people to refrain from divisive subjects like politics, religion or sports, but if this is just a quote in a civil conversation it's very probable that nobody will give enough of a crap to raise a stink. If, on the other hand, someone is beating coworkers (or worse, customers) over the head with Leviticus quotes, you can bet he'll get fired, and rightfully so! Hostile work environments negatively impact productivity: do you really expect big companies to tolerate that?
As for the second part: absolute bullshit! Unless your family is the Phelps clan, maybe. If company policy forbids personalizing your cubicle, everybody has to obey it. You're supposed to be working anyway, not talking about religion or gazing at pictures of the missus and your spawns...
"? Christian churches are being ordered by the government to perform lesbian marriages."
Complete bullcrap: the ACLU would be slapping the government with the First Amendment if any government official ever got brain-dead enough to try to pull such a stunt.
"? “Anti-bullying” programs explicitly promote homosexuality in public schools."
Since homosexuality (real or percieved) is a major cause of bullying, it only makes sense to address the question head on. Despite what you may believe, explaining what homosexuality is and fighting homophobia is not quite the same thing as telling kiddies that they should "turn gay" (which isn't possible anyway)
Since bullying (be it gay-bashing or other forms of bullying) results in many cases of depression, bad grades and even suicide attempts, one could argue that the government could be accused of criminal neglect if it didn't fight the problem.
"? Municipal workers forbidden by the city to say “family values” because those words constitute a hate crime."
Hate crime legistation doesn't work this way! [/Morbo]
And yeah, "family values" has become a pretty loaded expression. It's probably best if government workers avoid using a vocabulary that stinks of right-wing dog whistle politics.
"? Proposed federal laws supposedly aimed at preventing employment discrimination that would make discrimination against Christians the law of the land."
Preventing you from discriminating isn't discrimination against you...
"? Other “antidiscrimination” laws make Christian charities illegal."
Nope, only disqualifies them for government funding if they let the "Christian" part get in the way of the "charity" part.
"? Secularist liberals in Congress seek to censor or bankrupt Christian broadcasters."
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Tell me that again the day the court forces Limbaugh out of the air or rules that Faux Noise has to report the truth.
"? The IRS “cracking down” on Christian pastors who oppose homosexual propaganda in schools, abortion on demand, or same-sex marriage."
[Citation needed]. I wish the IRS had the balls to take away the tax-exempt status of churches that dabble in politics, like it is supposed to do...
"? The real impact of same-sex marriage? Any criticism of homosexuality would be legally defined as bigotry. Christians who protest could lose their jobs, go to jail, or see their churches shut down by the government."
Unless you can provide an actual valid reason to oppose marriage equality or homosexuality, it IS pure bigotry. But the First Amendment protects your right to be a bigot and to make you bigotry known to all.
"? The Christian haters are becoming an elite class of super citizens whose moral views are actively sponsored by the state while Christians are increasingly censored, penalized, and even prosecuted."
Bullcrap! And stop trying to associate all Christians with your lunatic brand of fundie Christianity.