Bill Muehberg #fundie #homophobia
When Orwell’s 1984 appeared in 1949, Stalinist Russia provided much of the fodder for his dystopian vision, and for the menacing Big Brother. Well, the Soviet Union is no more, but we can argue that Big Brother totalitarianism is still alive and well in the West today.
And without question the militant homosexual juggernaut is nicely filling in for where the Communists left off. The homosexual militants are using the coercive powers of the state to crack down on all disagreement and opposition. And it gets uglier each passing day.
I recently wrote a book documenting nearly 200 cases of people directly being impacted by the new pink totalitarians. Ordinary men and women who run afoul of the homosexual agenda are losing their jobs, being fined, and even jailed. And this has simply escalated big time since then.
Well, he took his case to an appeals court, and the decision has just come in: Phillips must bow to the activists and violate his conscience – end of story. Wow, so does that mean a Jewish baker will be forced to make a cake for a neo-Nazi social function?
Will a Muslim t-shirt company be forced to print t-shirts for Christians with the words “Jesus is God’s Son and Saviour” on it? Will homosexual florists be forced to cater for an anti-homosexual marriage function? Will atheist entertainers be forced to perform at Christian worship services?
And if you think that is a bit of a stretch to say people can be severely punished for hurting someone’s feelings, simply recall the recent case of a bakery in Oregon run by a Christian couple. They were fined $135,000 for causing ‘emotional distress’ to a lesbian couple for not making them a wedding cake! I wrote about that mind-numbing decision.
Make no mistake about it: Big Brother is alive and well, and he comes in six colours of the rainbow. Goodbye freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Welcome to the Brave New World of homosexual totalitarianism.