amanda2324 #homophobia
It is not only offensive, but completely wrong to compare sexuality to skin color. One is a useful attribute for survival (skin color), one is not. One is something that is clearly visible /and/ is a physical reality; one is not.
Further, the experiences of the two groups are different. Have homosexuals ever been enslaved? No. Have they ever had their personhood denied? No. Do their parades attract hundreds of police officers who will beat them within an inch of their lives, and the courts and other police officers do nothing about it? No. Have homosexuals ever been forced to go to different restrooms, different drinking fountains, different schools, etc? No. Have they ever been disallowed to vote? No. Have they ever been disallowed to own property? No.
So it is offensive to a lot of people because blacks, as a group, had it like 10000000 times worse than homosexuals have ever had it as a group.
The worst thing they can whine about is that they can't get a piece of paper from the government that declares them "married." That's just NOT equivalent to being enslaved and legally able to be beaten /to death/. Hence why it's offensive to do the comparison. It's not valid, it's absolutely and totally incorrect, and makes their claims seem hyperbolic and childish.
Yes, other places in the world; no here. So here, in the US, what they are doing is in fact whining. None of their whining and lobbying here does a single, not even miniscule, thing for anyone who participates in same-sex erotic behavior anywhere else in the world. So, yeah. What they are doing here, in this country, is only whining. They may NOT, EVER use the suffering of people in OTHER countries as a means of obtaining anything /here/.
[ The point is that, in essence, both groups have been historically persecuted for something that is innate to their being, and that's why it is not an offensive comparison to make. ]
False. Homosexuality as a concept did not exist until within the last, according to my faulty memory, 60 years. Same-sex erotic BEHAVIOR is /not/ innate to anyone's being, and is the /actual/ thing that's ever been criminalized with death. And guess what? No one /has/ to participate or initiate same-sex behavior. It's not an innate part of their being. Now, skin color, which is neither a behavior nor something they can hide, is an entirely different matter.
[ Attempting to trivialise the persecution of gay people because their sexuality is not "clearly visible" is laughably superficial. ]
I never trivialized the persecution of gay people because sexual orientation isn't visible. I've trivialized in only in the sense that I've put it into perspective with groups of people who've actually had to deal with /real/ oppression and discrimination. So, in fact, I haven't trivialized anything. You and your false and ignorant comparisons trivialize /real/ cases of horrid discrimination and oppression
[ When the holocaust ended, people who were in there for racial issues where released.
The allies never released the homosexuals, because they saw nothing wrong with people being imprisoned for being gay, and many, many lgbt people are killed, even to this day.
So get fucked. ]
Due to your use of vulgar language, I can tell you're not here for an intelligent, rational discussion.