Germanican #racist

The jews want to destroy Christianity since they called Christ. Our churches and fake jew worshin=pping Christians show that they have poisioned the churches. They brought Islam that should destroy Christianity. They brough communism that killed 60 million people.A lot of orthodox Christians. Now they brought globalism where we are all united in a materialistic world. Holocaustianity is their religion.

Let jews run the show and pay billion$$$ in interest to them. Don't hate the jewish parasite but feel sorry for him for something that never happened. Every jew is a Holocaust-survivor because there was no holocaust. Jews did not get gassed or were made extinct. They are everywhere run the show and make billion$$$ on the backs of hard working people whose paychecks get smaller every year while everything gets more expensive.

The Holocaust memorials are just there to celebrate the biggest lie of humanity and make sure the jews stay in power extorting all that tax and interest money ! The victims should feel sorry for the jewish parasite that gets all the money for nothing,Being foreign aide or free weapons to israhell.Billion$$$ to FED banksters or billion$$$ for worthless paper to WAll-Street speculators who make off with our real money. But remember it is all good because of the Holocaust (that never happened)....Crazy !!!



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