In the Bible it states that ocne adam and eve sinned they realized they were naked and covered up. They didn't want to be seen naked. Now if this never happened what is the purpose of wearing clothes?
But, they lived in paradise and stuff! They didn't need clothes!
Once they knew the difference between good and evil they somehow thought nudity was naughty, even though they were made for each other.
Personally, I though clothing was an idea of necessity, but I'm not in on "the right plan."
Well, as a nudist, I think you make a good point. things would be a lot better if we were all naked. In fact, if anyone is reading this, Brothers and Sisters! Shed your unholy garments! Be free!!!!!
And besides the basic purpose of clothing (protection from the elements), the main purpose of clothing in a social environment is (since ancient times):
To look good.
Shocking, my dear fundie, isn't it? There is a lot of vanity (oh, how SINFUL!) involved in wearing clothes. You won't believe it, but sometimes it is FUN to dress up. And I really like it to see my wife (and other women, btw) in nice, sexy clothes. But I know, the concept of 'fun' seems to be abhorrent to fundies.
Well, being a Scandinavian, it's really, really cold this time of the year. It's quite warm now, for the season; 2 degrees centigrade (which, according to my converter, means 35,6 in Fahrenheit). Not really a time for walking around naked...
It could be as low as -20 centigrade, -4 Fahrenheit, without anyone being surprised.
Some of my friends in the north of Sweden have had -39 centigrade this winter, -38,2 Fahrenheit.
What happened? Why are the grades suddenly very similar?
Is my converter faulty?
So we don't freeze to death in cold weather, dumbshit.
You'll notice that the traditional tribal people that live in hot climates often wear little to no clothing, because they don't need it.
Here in Wisconsin its a nice 18 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Feel free to frolic naked if you like but my balls are shriveling at the mere thought.
Please don't sit on my furniture with your naked butt either.
Nights in Africa, our ancestral homeland, were cold during the Ice Ages. People found that animal skins or woven leaves could keep them warm at night. Soon after clothing was invented, people lost most body hair, as it was a hindrance during the hot daytime, and no longer needed at night. It is a classic case of technology driving evolution. Once clothing was invented, humanity could spread out from Africa all over the world.
So you think being naked isn't strange?
Always wear trousers
In public houses
Or you'll have nowhere to put the change.
Naked in a pub
The fruit machine pays out big
Shove it up your arse?!
Tesco's freezer aisle
Naked woman not Elsa
Her nipples Frozen
London's Oxford Street
You want to go bollocko?
Thus grabbed by the Fuzz
So clothes not needed?
Half-a-Brain dumped in Arctic
Half-Life now Half-Dead .
Actually ,I can think of several reasons to wear clothes.
1) Protection from the elements (probably the most basic)
2)Adornment (to improve appearance, especially in a sexual context)
3) Identification (such as uniforms)
4)Ceremonial/Symbolic (such as clerical vestments)
5)Aesthetics/Creative Expression (the basis for a lot of "fashion ")
These are just the ones from off the top of my head, you might think of others.
So why does the OP think it's such an unfathomable mystery?
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