I would probably vote Labour right now. I know this will be heresy to some here. But it would be for a few reasons. One, it would wind up the whining Jews, and of course we'd soon see that actually, Corbyn isn't going to round them up into concentration camps, make them wear yellow stars, and smash up their businesses after all. So everyone would see that the Jews had cried wolf. He'd also recognise Palestine which would piss off the Zionists and Israel, and he'd be a major thorn in the side of the ZOG establishment. Who wouldn't enjoy seeing that?
Also, as another member said recently - Britannic Nationalist, I believe - it is arguably better if things get worse economically and in society, to wake more of our people up. Many of our people are too comfortable and focused on their 'career' while society falls apart around them, which they are oblivious to in their bubble. If Labour mess things up with the likes of Diane Abbott in power, maybe that's a good thing in the long run.
And it isn't like the Tories are better is it? Nor is there any nationalist party to vote for (not with any chance of even electing a single MP anyway). So yep... Tories out, Corbyn in. Oh and he supports old Labour / national socialist type policies of nationalising our utilities and public services, and buying British first - which is heresy to the capitalists in the Tory party. Bring it on!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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