Seems like apes can do everything we can...except evolve, must be that 1% of DNA that make us different
I never said evolution isn’t real I just don’t believe we evolved from apes.
The thing is its still a THEORY!
We are apes! Some of us are particularly ignorant apes that aren't aware of the unshakeable requirements of a scientific theory, or that there are billions of facts that support evolution.
Oh well, have fun refusing to evolve!
Find out what the facts are before denying anything. You don't believe we evolved from apes? Neither do most folks. Some however believe that humans and apes (which we are part of by the way) descended from a common ancestor. Maybe this is the root of your confusion?
I don't think an 'ape' can do all the same things that I can. However, maybe your abilities are closer to that of a poo-flinger.
Lastly, find out what theory means, (have an adult explain it for you) and come back, mmkay? THanks for playing.
The ToE doesn't say we evolved from gorillas or chimpanzees, just that we share common ancestry with the other currently existing apes. As has been pointed out, humans are apes (hominidae homo sapien sapien.)
Is it just me, or do a disproportionate number of the people unable to grasp the concept of a scientific theory, such as the Theory of Evolution, come from the USA?
Something in the water?
I know it's covered in your science textbooks, disclaimers notwithstanding.
Is anybody paying attention down there?
Apes, lacking full sentience, have an inability to learn things like physics.
Much the same as fundies.
Berny said: "Is it just me, or do a disproportionate number of the people unable to grasp the concept of a scientific theory, such as the Theory of Evolution, come from the USA?
Something in the water?
I know it's covered in your science textbooks, disclaimers notwithstanding.
Is anybody paying attention down there?"
I know, I know. Too many of my neighbors are oblivious even to the events going on in the world. We are not all so thick here, just seems to be a lot of bible walls erected to keep out the learnin'. Believe me, it depresses me everyday to listen to the products of the american educational system try to muddle through their days.
True story; I went to the theatre and asked the girl behind the counter for "one third" of the amount of butter they normally put on the popcorn. She stood stock-still for a good ten seconds, her hand on the butter-pump (heh), staring into the bag of popcorn. Finally she turns to me and says, 'You want three times the butter?'
I fear for our future.
Lobe, the "missing link" thing is a Fundie Favourite - whenever anyone finds a transitional fossil between two species, the fundies insist that that too is a unique species and then demand further transitional fossils between the former transitional fossil and the two it bridges. Unfortunately, no one's yet found a way of adequately explaining to them that a finite value less than 100% supportive evidence should probably not be always rounded down to 0%.
I wonder, given the intelligence and sentience of modern H. homo sapiens - not to mention the technological progress we have made - whether or not it is actually possible to choose to participate in evolution.
This guy sucks the philosophy right out of that question.
Lobe, the "missing link" thing is a Fundie Favourite - whenever anyone finds a transitional fossil between two species, the fundies insist that that too is a unique species and then demand further transitional fossils between the former transitional fossil and the two it bridges. Unfortunately, no one's yet found a way of adequately explaining to them that a finite value less than 100% supportive evidence should probably not be always rounded down to 0%.
Not to mention that, any time the slightest flaw, hole, or just anything that doesn't sound as appealing is IMMEDIATELY replaced by the AMAZINGLY sound theory that we were just poofed into existence by some guy in the clouds who got bored one day.
Clearly, you need to learn what constitutes a scientific theory. In layman's terms, if something in science is a "theory", it's a FACT!!!!!
I'm sure if by some strange reason, the biologists decide to change the name from "Theory of Evolution" to "Law of Evolution" to end the "i'ts just a theory" thing. the creationists will come criying "They are tryin to impose evolution now!! HELP, WE'ARE BEGIN OPRESSED!!" Even Pope John Paul II sayed that evolution is "more than a hypothesis". Why are these people so stunborn? It'isn evolution part of the glory of the creation? I like to think it so...
PD: Sorry for my bad english, i'm from Argentina, but I think that I maked my point clear.
“Seems like apes can do everything we can...except evolve,”
You clearly have no idea what the theory of evolution really is. The definition is NOT ‘learns to make airplanes and keyboards.’
"must be that 1% of DNA that make us different”
Depends on which apes you’re talking about, doesn’t it?
Orangutans, bonobos, chimps, gorillas, or humans. We’re not even 1% different from human apes.
“I never said evolution isn’t real I just don’t believe we evolved from apes.”
You’re an ape.
Your parents are apes.
Most experts estimate that you have beteen 30 and 50 mutations in your DNA that your parents didn’t give you.
BY FUCKING DEFINITION you evolved from apes.
“The thing is its still a THEORY!”
That doesn’t mean anything like what you think it does.
So, out of four statements:
#1: Wrong
#2: Wrong
#3: Stating what you believe, so you’re not wrong, just really bloody ignorant
#4: Good golly, even more bloody ignorant
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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