Poison #racist stormfront.org
Just look at Syria and you might know what I mean...
Syria is a brown cesspool of nonwhites that, in and of itself, has no relevance to the White world. If it wasn't for rapeugees, I wouldn't give a rat's "tail" about what happens to it. I personally find rooting for or aiding one faction of nonwhite browns there as retarded as rooting for the other. Just because Putin is spending White lives and White resources on aiding one faction of the brown riffraff in a brown cesspool doesn't make him better than the Western libs who would like to spend lives and resources in favor of another faction. In fact, the Western WNs can't stop whining and carping about how their countries should stop meddling in the nonwhite world or trying to "help" it at the cost of Whites, and yet they often cheer Putin doing something that is fundamentally the same. Go figure. I mean, when you start lauding support for one group of non-whites there, might as well laud support and/or intervention for Somali, Israel or Bangladesh's benefit - as far as I am concerned, same thing.
Since Putin got involved in Syria, the war didn't end, nor did the stream of rapeugees into Europe (shouldn't be interpreted that I am blaming the entirety of the mess on them two, I am just saying there was/is no change). On the contrary, Assad and Putin have intensified the war there and leveled a few major urban centers, pushing out yet more population. I fail to see what exactly I am supposed to be impressed with. The country itself (Syria) is a nonsensical chimera left in the aftermath of colonialism, where a small ethnic-religious minority (Assad's Alawites) rules over a much larger Sunni majority that's culturally and ethnically distinct. In the ideal world, Whites would self-insulate from that mess and then let it fall apart and sort itself out. In the end, if the natural way of things was allowed to prevail, it would probably fracture into several more homogenous and "natural" states that make more sense - like, a Sunni piece that is aligned with Saudi Arabia and/or Turkey, an Alawite-stan, perhaps some Kurdish statelet etc. Putin's intervention there appears to be playing a losing (in the long term) game of preventing and delaying this natural process and trying to prolong the unnatural life of a non-viable Franken-State, instead of embracing the natural course of events (if, perhaps, shaping it a little for a less destructive path). It's similar to the Soviet strategy in the Afghanistan, when they tried for years to keep a non-viable government on life support. It was "winning" in the short term, but eventually collapsed overnight as soon as Soviets ran out of funds and willingness to dump resources into a brown cesspool. If ever Putin gets tired or loses the Russian public backing for spending Slav lives and resources there, similar fate could await Assad's government and the no longer viable Franken-State concept of "big old Syria under Assad" that they are trying to sustain past it's natural lifespan.
That is what I see when I look at Syria.
POISON it might be all true what you said but still I take PUTIN any day over the 100% kosher Zionist sock-puppets running the West
Talk is cheap. If you really believed that you would be posting it from Putin's wonderful "non Kosher" "White paradise" and not from the "Zionist West". But I bet you aren't, while moving around the globe today is no problem at all. For example, a non-white from Africa, one of those rapeugees, might say something like "I take the comfortable West with all these wonderful free handouts and accessible women over my African sh.ithole homeland any day" and if one of them said it he would really mean it, because they are flooding into the West by all means available, crossing seas and what not, despite that they barely have money. In contrast to that, you say "I take Putin any day" but, at the end of the day, it's just rhetoric without much substance. IF you want to enjoy Putin's so called "nationalistic White paradise" (which actually only exists in fantasies) you easily try it, see where it gets you. Like, for starters, sites like Stormfront are all hosted in the "evil West" - usually in the U.S. A Russian version of Stormfront would have been raided by SWAT years/decades ago and its ownders and/or prominent members would very likely go to prison, as it "incites racial hatred and feelings of racial exclusivity" and much other such "extremist" and "illegal" (in Putin's police state) things.