As I've said fairly often (though it usually gets quickly deleted on SF because, though absolutely indisputably correct and an important understanding for men and women alike, it is rather too politically-incorrect)...
White women without their White men are lost little rowboats adrift on a stormy darkening sea.
They NEED -- AND WANT -- to be controlled and directed by their men.
Indeed, any male animal who will control and direct them will do. Even a subhuman retarded male ape. They don't really care what they're told to do -- just that they're told to do it.
The OP video image reminds me of the photo image seared into my consciousness of fully uniformed-up White U.S. Marines holding umbrellas over the dry empty nappy heads of the negro homosexual Barack Obama and his transgender "wife," Michael, on a rainy day in DC as the two silly apes were escorted into their waiting White-chauffeured bullet-proofed black limousine (designed and built by White men).
Jewish inversions and perversions of the Natural Order.
"Indeed, any male animal who will control and direct them will do."
If not for Tenniel being a repeat offender, I would have suspected her to be a case of Poe's law.
"Even a subhuman retarded male ape."
I would love to see the IQ and education of the Stormcunts that post this. I would assure you they wouldn't be any higher than any other race average, hell I REALLY assure you they would be below average compared to most whites.
And even if we assume someone that is racist has a IQ of 115+, it still wouldn't credit the BS they spew.
fully uniformed-up White U.S. Marines holding umbrellas over the dry empty nappy heads of the negro homosexual Barack Obama and his transgender "wife,"
I'm really going to miss seeing how badly this kind of thing drives you racists crazy after January 2017. That is, unless Bernie beats Hillary for the Democratic nomination, then we'll have all sorts of antisemitism to look forward to.
I promise you, I've gone a damn sight farther in my little rowboat than you ever will.
Where do these "Michelle is trans" people think the Obama daughters came from?
Pick a theory. They're adopted. Wait, they're Barack's from a surrogate. Oh wait, they're Michelle's from an ex-girlfriend. Oh wait again, one is Barack's and one is Michelle's and they had the surrogate/s murdered to hide it.
I'm waiting for the day one of these idiots says that Michelle took over the identity of the murdered surrogate and that's why no one realizes the truth. /tinfoil
Because obviously, the person who knows best what a woman wants is not the woman, but a man who doesn't even know her and lives within an entirely different set of circumstances.
Just the smug fucking arrogance of these overgrown man-children riles as much as the vile content of their words does.
@#1911020 and Nazani
I did read a niece piece of tinfoil once that claimed that Michelle was a transgendered man while Barack is a transgendered woman (which explains the mom jeans and supposed effeminateness) who actually gave birth to the kids.
I shit you not. Pity I can't find the link to this gem again.
You see what I had to deal with! Am I such a monster, having to work with such uneducated louts? Let me tell you a spoiler - none of them reached an Ivy League School, fewer still graduated high school.
Most live in trailer trash lots - and have little ambition to leave them. And they still spout white supremacy.
See the supremacy of the American White, living in squalor, fat, ugly, malformed, inbred, proud of his ignorance and loving his cousin!
You remind me of everyone I hated from my last job.
"negro homosexual Barack Obama and his transgender "wife," Michael"
- does he really mean what he says here or is he just throwing things he find's disguesting at people he's racist against to make his disguest absolutly clear? Because as honest accusations this doesn't make the slightest lick of sense.
"bullet-proofed black limousine (designed and built by White men)."
- Oh, really? Were you there at the designing and building of this car (and all it's components) to say with absolute certainty, that not a single non-white was involved in any of this?
"empty nappy heads"
- empty head? So, where is your law degree, if you can get one even with an empty head?
@Demon Duck of Doom
As far as I can tell, they believe, for various stupid reasons, that Barack Obama is so obviously gay that he can't possibly be married to a 'real' woman.
Indeed, any male animal who will control and direct them will do. Even a subhuman retarded male ape. They don't really care what they're told to do -- just that they're told to do it.
So when you say the white race is superior, you just mean that white men are superior? Does this mean that black men are superior to white women, since according to you women are easily controlled by people you think are subhuman retarded apes? Wouldn't that make women worse than subhuman retarded apes?
I guess logic never had a place amongst white supremacists, though.
They NEED -- AND WANT -- to be controlled and directed by their men.
No we don't. Just ask us!
Indeed, any male animal who will control and direct them will do. Even a subhuman retarded male ape. They don't really care what they're told to do -- just that they're told to do it.
That head female of that troop of Bonobos over there would like a word with you....
After that, say "howdy" to Hyenas, Praying Mantis, most Spiders, Bees, Wasps, Anglerfish, Elephants, Whales, and numerous other species where the FEMALE is the Big Kahuna.
The OP video image reminds me of the photo image seared into my consciousness of fully uniformed-up White U.S. Marines holding umbrellas over the dry empty nappy heads of the negro homosexual Barack Obama and his transgender "wife," Michael, on a rainy day in DC as the two silly apes were escorted into their waiting White-chauffeured bullet-proofed black limousine (designed and built by White men).
The Obamas have more class and intelligence than you'll ever have. Also, how do you know only white folks created that limo? Have you talked to them?
What do you expect the soldier escorts to be doing? They're not the President and First Lady! They're doing their job!
Jewish inversions and perversions of the Natural Order.
Have you READ the Jewish Scriptures? Would you say that stuff to a horde of angry Haredis? I highly doubt they're into gender-bending, feminism or whatever. Haredis treat women like kryptonite. They can't stand to look at photos of women. They feel the same about LGBTs.
I find blaming Liberalism/Progressivism on Judaism hilarious!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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