The 'History Scholar' Award
"Feminism grew powerful in the late 60s early 70s because they jumped on the civil rights bandwagon and became an 'oppressed minority"
yes, when the communists were passing out ‘official victim of white man’ cards to blacks, indians, etc. the females cut in line, batted their eyelashes and got as many cards as they wanted
and i think it happened that way because the majority of bleeding heart liberal types (folks that can very easily and readily feel for people of different color skin, ethnicity, etc.) are men (ever find a female that could actually feel for people that weren’t at least 98% similar to herself?)
if even a fourth of those people passing out the cards were female it might have gone down a bit different
ever find a female that could actually feel for people that weren’t at least 98% similar to herself?
Can anyone tell this yokel ALL people are at least 98% similar? To my best of knowledge it's even more in the direction of 99,99%
Anyone else has the idea this idjit is either a poe or needs to get laid because he never got?
If this guy had a good editor, this entire rant could be boiled down to:
I hate women, because they won't let me fuck them.
"If this guy had a good editor, this entire rant could be boiled down to:
I hate women, because they won't let me fuck them."
I think most of the misogynist rants posted here could be boiled down to that.
"what i really like here is how the "card" metaphor starts out as a figure of speech and then transforms into an actual event. where were the tables set up?"
I guess he's saying that women seduced communists into standing up for women's rights. Or something similarly insane.
Yanno, the knuckle-dragging misogynist is actually almost like a breath of fresh air, given all the misandrists we've gotten here lately.
On a side note, did you know Firefox doesn't consider "misandry" or "misandrist" to be legitimate words?
SPearHead meet RadFemHub
Let battle commence
to the death.......
evolmailumpire: Look, it's all very simple:
Now I hate bleeding heart liberal types as much as the next man, but at least they're men, which is more than you can say for women (pause for laughter)..., which proves they were never suppressed by men in the first place, or if they were (which they weren't) it was cuz' they didn't know how to feel for people of different ethnicities etc., not like men who know how to feel for such (particularly bleeding heart liberals - which of course makes it a bad thing - but at least bleeding heart liberals are not women). So, there's that.
I put it through the UN-warrhgaarhble automaton and this is what came out:
It was GOOD of communist-bleeding-heart-liberal-men to hand out cards to women, but they shouldn't have done it, because women, who are EVIL, wouldn't have done it.
Shucks! Stil inconsistent.
"Good old misogyny, a nice change of pace from the psychotic feminists with a tenuous grasp of biology."
I don't know if this guy is better or worse than the "heterosexual sex is unnatural" women. Their stupidity regarding biology is astounding, but this guy commits the "I don't like it, so it must in some way be connected to communism" fallacy which loses him a ton of points.
If you don't think that women are victims of white men, I would like to remind you that women didn't even have the right to vote until 1920, and only about 30 years ago were started to be accepted in the workplace as equals and not just secretaries, but even now they still tend to not get paid as much as men.
Call me a bleeding heart liberal, but I really don't think that people should be oppressed just because of their color, ethnicity, gender, etc. I suppose that makes me a communist, too.
Oh, honey. I'm a chick, and I wander somewhere between "I don't give a fuck about you" and "Holy fuck somebody's being oppressed and we simply cannot have that."
See, there's a little thing called justice, honey, and I happen to like it a lot.
"yes, when the communists were passing out official victim of white man’ cards to blacks, indians, etc. the females cut in line, batted their eyelashes and got as many cards as they wanted"
I fucking hate these idiots that believe that there was never any need for civil rights movements and that all the minorities were simply picking on the poor white man and blaming him for everything. Slavery was real. Minorities couldn't vote (and that was just 50 years ago). Women couldn't vote. Minorities and women couldn't serve in the military. I don't know how someone who's heard of the civil rights movement can have their opinion so twisted as to think that the white man was the actual victim and that the minorities and women were complaining about nothing.
Oh, and as for 'communists', the word 'communist' does not mean "everyone I disagree with".
"yes, when the communists were passing out official victim of white man’ cards to blacks, indians, etc. the females cut in line, batted their eyelashes and got as many cards as they wanted."
Yeah, white people weren't really persecuting anybody. Slavery, the Trail of Tears, voting rights...those were just misunderstandings!
"(ever find a female that could actually feel for people that weren’t at least 98% similar to herself?)"
I hate to keep asking this of people such as yourself, but have you ever actually met a female before? I can only assume that you guys haven't given the kinds of things that you say.
Look, I know that this site regretfully newspeak-ed "fundie" to "extremist we don't like", but we really need a Sexist Say...
The last quotes had nothing at all to do with all the other religious quotes on the site.
Is this the official Gender Wars month?
For those boiling this shtick down to "I can't get laid" I think a clearer reduction will amount to "I've no idea how to control or vaguely manipulate a woman."
That is all it's ever about, really. Control.
"Feminism grew powerful in the late 60s early 70s because they jumped on the civil rights bandwagon and became an 'oppressed minority"
Actually, it was because smart, educated women started entering the workplace in larger numbers, looked around, and found that they were getting less pay and opportunity for doing the same work as men, and were getting sexually harassed in the bargain. The men married to such women quickly found out that they were indirectly getting screwed by this system, too, so they supported the women. The fact that the birth control pill put birth control directly into the hands of women helped, too, as many of the sexual taboos put in place mainly by men to assure that women didn't have other men's babies became outmoded.
Erm, aren't half of the blacks, Indians etc, female?
Ever heard about Florence Nightingale.
As we share 99,99999999999999 percent of our genes with each other, that is no problem.
Yes, it might have been different. The women would probably not have been swayed by something to trivial as the batting of eyelashes.
Yeah, look, I'm sorry, but it's now become necessary to get a Sexists Say The Darndest Things section. A ridiculous amount of quotes this month have been sexism quotes. It's overshadowing the traditional fundie-ness.
Ah, if fundie means crazy extremist...
Still, I find the almost indistinguishable crazy from the misandrists and misogynists oddly interesting. Something to do with their similarity to each other.
"yes, when the communists were passing out official victim of white man’ cards to blacks, indians, etc...."
I simply must have at least one of those to start my collection. Do you have any you want to sell? I have a few doubles in my "Official Victims of NFL Football" collection. I could trade you a Joe Theismann for a Geronimo or maybe Reggie Brown for Dr. Martin Luther King?
Yes, damn those Communists for oppressing everyone equally regardless of their race, gender or creed!
Women were never a minority but they are oppressed. Note:
the 15th amendment came before the 19th amendment.
But I believe in equality: there's no reason for the wackos at Radfem to hog all the crazy. Carry on evilwhitemalempire!
Both of these guys are idiots. So... caring about someone other than a family member makes me a bleeding heart liberal? Then I'm damn proud of it!
And by the way, your feminist movement is off by 50-100 years! Do you really think women were just magically able to vote because men decided to change their mind? Uh, no. A powerful movement convinced these men (let's face it, women didn't run govt back then) to allow women's suffrage!
Ah yes, the old "Women aren't human beings because they won't fuck me" argument. I even managed to guess the source of the quote before I got to the end. What do I win?
@ Brendan Rizzo
Since when was Jim Crow uniquely American? It went on (and continues) in many countries, just under a different name. For example, Japan has no laws against discrimination based on race or nationality, and look what goes on there:
"if even a fourth of those people passing out the cards were female it might have gone down a bit different"
Now this is the tricky bit: it may mean any number of things, like:
a) if women had already been empowered they wouldn't empower women (...)
b) if women had already been empowered they wouldn't have empowered minorities: women are racist (but is this good or bad according to evilshitemailumpire?)
c) 25% of those in power should be women who are extremely similar (min. 98% alike) because this avoids further empowerment of minorities
d) bleeding heart liberal men are the real women
e) I got carried away by my card metaphor into a gordian knot of people and sentiments I don't understand and which therefore terrifies me
..just noticed.. he never uses the word women (or womyn for that sake), only 'females': creepy guy
Cmon guys, we've all been hurt in relationships and been on the receiving end of bitchery and manipulation. Don't use that to write off an entire gender.
Some women are bitches, some aren't. Some men are bastards, some aren't. That's the banal truth.
The same goes for any large group about which people claim "they're all the same".
Like the song goes, Freethinker;
"People are people, so why should it be;
You and I should get along so awfully?"
"Feminism grew powerful in the late 60s early 70s..."
Sooooo...apparently Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth, etc. never existed, right?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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