Atrociter #racist
[Why aren't white people defending the confederate flag?]
The enemy would just LOVE you to come out and confront them at the moment. They have been planning this day for years as you all know. Also they'll make plenty of notes from these monitored sites so enraged, frustrated posters should keep that in mind when 'calling out' their fellow patriots over supposed 'inactivity'.
Everybody of our mindet is fuming over this, and you have plenty of support this side of the water in the old country where we too have our daily insults. The constant pushing and 'drip drip' effect as the traitors see what they 'can get away with'.
Our Politicos are so complacent they can wander around with very few guards, but why should they worry? If any one was to dare and do something constructive, by that I mean to go after the main body of the 'Hydra' rather than the numerous heads, well they'd vanish forever as a lesson to the rest of us. I have no doubt that there will be a 'push back' in response to this horrendous slur, but at the right time rather than this staged scenario with our foes waiting in the wings.