It seems that evolutionists are now prepared to concede that the sun is NOT fixed in the sky, but is, in fact, constantly moving.
So now we hear half the truth, but when will we get the WHOLE truth (ie., that the sun circles the earth)???
Also, what evolutionists haven't explained is, if the sun is indeed moving, then WHO is doing the moving, if not Almighty God???
Well the sun is orbiting the galaxy, so momentum is moving it.
But considering the mass ratio between the sun and the Earth, and where that places the barycenter of our gravitational relationship, it's safe to say that the earth orbits the sun, not the other way around.
In the center of every galaxy is a giant black hole. That is why the sun is moving. Also, the universe is constantly expanding, but I could be wrong. And what do evolutionists have to do with this? Also, I do believe everyone (past and present and future-hopefully) knows the sun is NOT fixed in the sky, since we do have night and day.
"It seems that evolutionists are now prepared to concede that the sun is NOT fixed in the sky, but is, in fact, constantly moving."
I don't recall evolutionists ever denying it. Did you mean Christians?
"So now we hear half the truth, but when will we get the WHOLE truth (ie., that the sun circles the earth)???"
When pigs fly. Pray for evolution to occur.
"Also, what evolutionists haven't explained is, if the sun is indeed moving, then WHO is doing the moving, if not Almighty God???"
Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course. Duh.
Wow, he's a geocentrist.
Not only that, but: "Gravity cannot exist in a vaccuum"
From the comments section. o_0
I really hope this guy's a Poe.
But after looking through his blog, I'm forced to conclude that if he's a Poe, he's very good.
Ah, Garvan. You bless us again with that fundy logic that makes us laugh so much.
Due to the gravitational pull of the planets, the sun tends to 'wobble' a bit, but that's all. The sun does NOT circle the earth. Astronomy has proven this without a shadow of a doubt (unless you're an ignorant fundy idiot). And the wobbling of the sun is not caused by any sky fairy, like I said, it's due to gravitational pull. No deity needed. That's a good try though, too bad you're just an idiot.
if the sun is indeed moving
I thought your argument was that it isn't?
then WHO is doing the moving
Apollo, of course. Unlike Jehovah, he's actually got it in his job description.
Paschal Wagner: I thought that it was Helios, god with a flaming chariot?
Anyway, Garvan, astrophysicists say that the Earth is orbiting around the Sun, but that Sun doesn't stand still (in the galaxy). No one said anything about the Sun orbiting the Earth.
Hell, anyone who's heard the Monty Python Galaxy Song knows that "the sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see are moving at a million miles a day."
So if the evolutionists are admitting that the sun moves, then good for them for understanding some science, even though it's outside their own field. This ellison twonk however, clearly does not understand any science at all.
You mean cosmologists. Evolution has nothing to do with the movement of large bodies in space.
We left the heliocentric model of the universe behind a long time ago. We now have a multi-galactic model that has no center (since the universe is infinite).
The sun still doesn't orbit earth.
The sun moves because of the gravity that holds the galaxy together.
Your understanding if science is, roughly, FAIL!
Empedocles, the ancient Greek, proposed the theory that everything is in motion. So what's new, Garv? Your bowels in motion too so that you can spout more shite?
Stupid ignorant retarded fucker!
Biology has nothing to do with astronomy and has nothing to say about the sun, besides, when I studied astrophysics in the late 70's we already knew that the sun is moving. In fact, the earth is not circling around the sun, but both the sun and the earth is circling their common gravitational center.
Not even close to being new knowledge.
Honestly, this type of reveresed demonization might have worked in the past, but it doesnt work fact, it makes you look REALLY ignorant to science when you try what you are doing.
Honestly, almost EVERY time you creationists talk about evolution you display a complete lack of education about what you are trying to demonize.
Evolution has nothing to to with astronomy.
And, marching proudly into the fucking 16th century.
And, gravity is doing the moving.
Edit: Garvan's in line for a Darwin Awards honorable mention?....pity he missed winning the award, can I have a link?
Garvan perhaps if you had bothered to get an actual PHD instead of buying one from an unnaccredited diploma mill, you would know that evolution says nothing whatsoever about the sun. Also you would perhaps then have learnt about the existence of gravity (well you should of leant about that in school)and you would understand that your geocentric beliefs are even more nonsense than your creationist beliefs.
Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's revolving,
Revolving at nine hundred miles an hour.
It's orbiting at ninety miles a second, so it's reckoned,
A sun that is the source of all our power.
The sun that you and me, and all the stars that we can see,
Are moving at a million miles a day
In the outer spiral arm, at four thousand miles an hour,
Of the galaxy we call the Milky Way.
"if the sun is indeed moving, then WHO is doing the moving, if not Almighty God???"
Duh!!!! Even the Egyptians knew that the sun is rolled around the heavens by Khepri in the form of a scarab beetle!
The Sun & Solar System is revolving arond the galaxy. Galaxies spin. It's a big pinwheel. Also, it's possible that the sun may actually be a binary star system with the star, Aldarbaran. Also, you sound like a guy who believes everything revolves around the Earth. I'll bet you think the Earth's flat & that Hell is a physical, subterainian firepit. Newsflash, the Earth's round sphere, Hell's a spiritual construct & the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Evolution = Astronomy, according to Garvan Ellison, eh?
And I can find the Higgs-Boson particle by banging together the Old & New Testaments. No need for that costly LHC.
Garvan Ellison = Kent Hovind
And you insult the great Harlan Ellison by daring to share the same surname as him.
What does astronomy have to do with biology?
I was under the impression that it was the Church that held the view that we're the center of the universe, not biology scientists.
In relation to us, the sun is not moving, we're moving around it. One trip takes about a year. In relation to the Milky way, the sun is moving somewhere on the outskirts, a rather small and insignificant star.
As far as I understand it, it's gravitation that's doing the moving, that and the aftermath/continuation of the Big Bang. But don't take it from me, I'm just assuming.
"evolutionists haven't explained is, if the sun is indeed moving, then WHO is doing the moving, if not Almighty God???"
The sun is indeed moving, but only so far as it's part of an insignificant solar system on one of the outer spiral arms of the Milky Way, the galaxy we're part of, and which itself is revolving. And the Milky Way is one of billions of other galaxies going outwards in the universe we're in, which is not only expanding, but is accelerating.
But from our point of view, in the heliocentric solar system called Sol, the sun is stationary, and Earth (& the other planets) is orbiting it.
So I'm afraid that God doesn't enter into the whole cosmological equation. And the LHC will soon supply said equation that will completely destroy Genesis cosmologically, just as Darwin & co. have done similarly with Genesis biologically.
...oh, and it's astronomers who explain such things. Biologists don't.
What the fuck does biological evolution have to do with the orbits of planetary bodies and the proper motion of the sun?
Also, what evolutionists haven't explained is, if the sun is indeed moving, then WHO is doing the moving, if not Almighty God???
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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