Prez Jeff Davis #racist

[From "Genocide: The Inescapable Conclusion"]

Genocide is just a word invented by a Jew to demonize the Nazis. As a Dixian-American, I feel no particular link to the Nazis, swastikas, Roman salutes, etc. I’m really pretty ambivalent on those things. Whatever. Jean-Marie Le Pen hit the nail on the head when he called the Jew/Gypsy genocide a detail of history. Ethnic cleansing is a universal part of world history. Nations have always had intermittent wars, wherein they killed their enemies. So what? The common pejorative use of the word genocide as something unthinkable is ignorance gone to seed as it elevates losing for your people as somehow morally superior to winning for your people. Meanwhile Jews don’t seem to show any remorse for genociding the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, or the Amalekites.

It is to our peril that we say “I respect nationalism for all peoples.” While we may sometimes be able to strike up treaties and mutually beneficial trade agreements, or the exchange of scholarly research, or a mutualistic white supremacy such as slavery, we must realize that in the big picture human races are indeed biological competitors, that human evolution is a giant tournament with immutable rules that we cannot cancel and in which elimination means racial extinction rather than just failure to win a trophy. There have always been and always will be eliminations. The only thing we have to decide is whether we want our race to continue to the next round at the expense of others or for other races to continue to the next round at the expense of our own. While it is possible some remnant populations may be retained for cheap labor or medical research, the pro-genocide stance is an inescapable conclusion on at least three different grounds:
• competition for resources
• disease control
•• reservoir for existing diseases
•• emerging diseases and antibiotic resistance
•• engineered diseases (biological warfare)
• environmental pollution


The brown hordes of the world are a reservoir for diseases that we could easily eradicate if we were only willing to eradicate the host population. Rotary club has long worked toward the vision of A Polio Free World, and could have achieved it a long time ago if we would only eliminate the native population of Afghanistan and Pakistan along with some other problem areas. Rotary claims that polio vaccines can be as cheap as $0.60 USD each, but of course these children (that we also pay to feed and vaccinate for other diseases) grow up to bear more children who will also need to be vaccinated and fed. Meanwhile, the going rate for AK-47 ammo is less than $0.30 USD, can be administered at any age, and actually breaks the cycle. With wide scale 3rd world genocides, we could much more easily eradicate polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough, influenza, rubella, zika, malaria, and many other diseases for good.


It’s important to realize that new diseases and antibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms are continually evolving. For instance, AIDS is not a disease from antiquity, but could have been eradicated before it was even discovered if negroes had been eradicated from Africa as little as 50-100 years ago.


Most readers are probably already aware that preserving endangered species is a white thing, but perhaps few have realized that third worlders will happily dump durable pollutants into the air and water that will eventually end up in the globally shared seafood supply. Example: DDT was banned from USA in 1972 but is still being found in seafood and still being made and used in India while China only recently stopped manufacturing it. Given that DDT only has a 150 yr half life in water, it is unlikely that India alone is going to doom the world’s oceans with this one chemical, but it demonstrates a problem that is bound to grow as the 3rd world grows. If African countries ever manage to profitably manufacture and use chemicals like this, there is little doubt that they will use them carelessly, just like they mismanage everything else they do. Similar concerns should be expected if any of these countries ever manages to split the atom and generate nuclear wastes.

The inescapable conclusion:
Although deportations and international treaties may mitigate some of the issues listed above, none of them will be fully resolved without implementing the largest genocide the world has seen up to this point. It is my personal opinion that the biggest threat dindu nations pose to whites is through diseases and that peaceful deportations would do little to diminish that threat. I also think that with present trends, it is more likely that the next deadly pandemic will arise naturally from the 3rd world rather than engineered by the Islamic world, however the West’s penchant for affirmative action in education may just educate the right Muslim scientists for the job.

Genocide necessarily involves either suppression of fertility or active or passive killing, or some combination of methods. Passive killing might include the refusal to supply aid such as food or medical care, preferring to just let Nature run her course, or refusal to come to the rescue when brown tribes genocide each other. The passive method would cause greater suffering and would not finish the job, as there will always be a remnant population to rebound in time. Clearly, an active genocide using white man methods would be more humane than passively letting Nature or savage tribes to do a much sloppier and less complete job. In the same way that animal lovers cannot adopt and care for every stray, but must accept that many be euthanized or sterilized, so it must be with the lower races of humanity.

The Bright side:
Extermination of the brown hordes in their homelands could give vast new territories to us. They are ours for the taking. Perhaps some readers wish they could have taken part in the US Homestead acts. Those days do not have to be gone forever. We could gain vast territories and give them away to settlers much like in the old days. We could even form new white countries, and settle much more territory than the entire continental US put together. In Africa, India, and Latin America 100 or even 1,000 acre tracts could be given away to young homesteaders. Or perhaps our governments could just auction parcels of land or mineral rights instead of collecting taxes. It is up to us white men to agree on the justness of our cause, how the spoils will be divided among us, and to go out and conquer and settle like only white men can.

Note: This article is meant to provoke thought and discussion and should be used for informational and educational purposes only. TRS does not support church shootings or any sort of violent or illegal activity of any kind. Support your local Police.



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