Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia
Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed Senate Bill 1062, a bill on religious freedom, or as I like to think of it, a bullying prevention law for grown-ups.
Why did she cave? Because Senator John McCain, other liberal Republicans, the shallow media, and amazingly, the NFL, joined the always complaining and usually inaccurate homosexual lobby in screaming about this bill, claiming it would lead to wide-scale refusal of services to homosexuals. A similar bill has also been unfortunately withdrawn in my home state of Ohio, at least for now.
The reality is, this fiasco was all about anti-Christian bigotry leading toward denial of religious freedom. And it’s mostly sodomy that is taking America to this dark place. Did we not understand the message of Genesis 19? The rabid, sexually corrupt mob is serious, they hate the authority of God and they will twist the facts, or just flat-out lie, to silence those who speak the truth.
Let’s understand a few basic facts. We already have religious freedom in our Constitution, so this isn’t a shocking concept. But that doesn’t mean this bill wasn’t necessary. First of all, it was a bill to strengthen a religious freedom measure already existing in Arizona. And we have a similar federal religious freedom bill passed in 1997 and signed into law by President Bill Clinton after nearly unanimous votes in both houses of Congress Were they all being “anti-gay” in approving such a measure?
No, it’s just that the whole country wasn’t yet subjected to the tyranny of the pink lobby, and politicians weren’t yet ducking for cover right and left. They are now.
Such bills have been made necessary recently to restore a “strict scrutiny” standard when applying First Amendment rights. Photographers, bakers, florists and others have been sued when they would not provide their services to homosexual couples for a so-called wedding. Homosexual activists want to force Christians to honor what we consider sin. Similar bills have already passed in 17 other states, so again, this shouldn’t be at all controversial.