James Gregory #racist stormfront.org
The Jews have never been very interested in converts. They prefer killing off the native population of goyim and replacing us with Jews rather than accepting converts. The rabbis teach that a convert is like malignant sore upon Israel.
What converts they accept are turned into real monsters, worse than the Jews, themselves. For example, Jews are forbidden to have sex with their own mothers (unless they are less than nine years old, in which case it is perfectly okay). But converts are encouraged to screw their own mothers and sisters.
Even when the converts prove what "good and loyal Jews" they have become by having sex with their mothers, they are not considered to be "real Jews" until after ten generations.
Like Jesus taught, the Jews turn converts into twice the children of hell as themselves.
But for treason of someone pretending not to be a Jew, it's hard to beat Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This lying Jew got us into WWII and brought Jewish Communism into the USA.