Garvan Ellison #fundie
The Endgame
Like many others, I believe the earth is likely to come to an end in 2012 for the following reasons:
1. A massive asteroid (the second-largest ever) will pass VERY close to the Earth in January. Numerologist Michael Drosnin (who is an atheist BTW) claims that, according to the Bible Code, an asteroid will collide with the Earth. He is the one who successfully predicted the assasination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.
2. The Earth will be home to 7 billion people, according to the US Census Bureau. This is significant as '7' is regarding a number symbolises perfectionism in the Bible.
3. On 21 December 2012, the Mayan Calendar draws to an end,
4. The sun will reverse its own magnetic poles as a result of reaching the end of its sunspot cyle.
5. The Prophet Malachy was given a series of visions in 1140, which foretell a motto for the next 111 Popes. Since then, every SINGLE papacy, without exception, appears to have fulfilled Malachy's unique prophecy for them. And, according to Malachy, THERE IS ONLY ONE MORE POPE TO COME BEFORE THE END. We all know that Benedict is a man of great age, who may die soon. So 2012 would seem like a reasonable date where there would be time for only ONE MORE POPE.
6. In addition, virtually all the Biblical prophecies have now been fulfilled. A suspect antichrist is shortly to take up residence in the White House.
There are many more reasons besides -
Is this simply too much coincidence? Never in the field of human history have so many discrete sources linked a common date for the end of time.
Perhaps now is therefore the time to think seriously about your life and what will happen to you when it comes to an end.