Awake Carolina #ufo #conspiracy
The human representative of the Andromeda Council states he has been given the Andromedan name “Tolec.”
Tolec is a well-adjusted 20-year career professional in the computer industry. In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Tolec states he was first contacted in 1993 by his principal Andromedan contact who took him on three time travel journeys via Andromedan space craft to the 1840s western U.S. visiting the same 1840s family to observe their live journey.
Tolec states that his Andromeda contacts ended subsequent to the 1993 contacts until the Andromedan Council contacted him again in September 2010.
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Tolec states that he receives information updates from his Andromeda Council contacts in a number of modalities:
Telepathic communication with Andromedan representatives
Automatic writing from Andromedan representatives
Communication in the dream state with Andromedan representatives
Visions from the Andromedan representatives
Interdimensional travel of his soul essence to a venue of communication, such as an Andromedan ‘biosphere”
According to Tolec, the Andromeda Council has a number of “biospheres” or large planetoid-like spherical spacecraft stationed around Earth.
One such biosphere has 26 stories and a staff of 50,000.