
The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy zetatalk.com

When major airlines started going down from EMP we pointed out the nexus – they were most often going over a fault line or plate border under duress and under water. This was true of AF447 which was on the Africa Plate border and MH370 likewise in Indonesia, but the airline industry, intent on continuing their profits, denies this. Note this Learjet in Philadelphia went down near a river and smack on the Ramapo Fault Line, and within the SE Portion which has been under an intense stretch as it is pulled SE toward Africa during the New Madrid Adjustment as the Methane Maps show.

Images taken of the plunging Learjet show the jets still in operation, full on throttle, but the jet steering controls are missing in action. This is symptomatic of an EMP, where some electronics are reacting to a pulse but others have suffered a burnout and are inoperable. To explain this accident the establishment would have to admit to the presence of Nibiru and the Plate Movements and charged tail wafting Earth that have resulted. Since the establishment is terrified of the panic that a Nibiru admission will cause, the truth once again will also be a victim.

AI is increasingly used to ease the burden on human censors but as the AI is not programmed to interpret nuances it will falter. For many humans the story of Nibiru, that it exists and is lining up for another Passage, is just a conspiracy theory and a scary one at that. NASA is allowed to say that a CME will occur and cause radio interference on Earth because all these elements exist.
AI can thus be used by the anti-Nibiru crowd to block the truth. The banking industry, who rely upon mortgage interest, fear the public leaving their homes to run for the hills. The establishment fears panic and looting. Meanwhile those trying to warn the public and encourage them to prepare are punished. We anticipate a Nibiru admission by the end of March.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Have you noticed how many companies are now rolling back their woke, tranny-pushing DEI policies since Commander Trump won the election?

Target, McDonald's, Walmart, and Meta are the latest in a long list that includes Harley-Davidson, John Deere, Boeing, Tractor Supply Company, Coors, Nissan, and many more.

All of these companies are hoping you'll forgive and forget them for trying to ruin your life the last four years. They expect you to just let bygones be bygones. They assume you will now return to spending your hard-earned money on their products, because, after all, they're just like you. Don't you dare do it!

We've been forced to endure their hateful and racist rhetoric for four long years; we've been passed over for raises; job promotions, or even getting hired in the first place in favor of unqualified, low-IQ sex deviants and Affirmative Action candidates. We've been denied benefits and scolded in a million different ways over our "racism" and "privilege," and now they want us to be nice and give them our money?

The only reason they're abandoning these policies now is because the presidential candidate of their choice lost.
First, it tells you they're cowards. If they really believed in their woke initiatives and policies, they'd keep them in place. That they're scrapping them now just because Trump won, tells you that all they care about is joining the winning side. That's the sign of a coward. It's also a very feminine characteristic.
And what I said about boycotting the pedophile scum who populate the entertainment industry goes double, triple, quadruple for teachers and school officials.
Now when it comes to family or friends, then obviously you can cut them some slack. The same with your co-workers and neighbors. If your neighbor is like mine, a black pill doomer with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), then you can remain cordial with him. I remain cordial with my neighbor, although I couldn't resist rubbing it in a little when Trump won.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #quack #conspiracy amg-news.com

In a bombshell revelation that’s sending seismic waves across the globe, Russia has unveiled what may be the single greatest breakthrough in medical history: a cancer vaccine that’s FREE for all citizens. Yes, you read that right—free. This isn’t just another headline. This is a declaration of war against cancer and the profiteering pharmaceutical giants that have held the world hostage for decades.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin didn’t just announce a medical achievement. He dropped a MOLOTOV COCKTAIL on Big Pharma, declaring that healthcare should save lives, not fatten wallets. The vaccine promises to slow tumor progression and shrink tumor size by a jaw-dropping 75–80%. The question on everyone’s lips: Is this the beginning of the end for cancer, and more importantly, the reign of Big Pharma?

The mere idea of a cancer vaccine is enough to make headlines, but this isn’t some half-baked concept. Russian scientists claim they’ve cracked the code on one of the deadliest diseases humanity has ever faced. The vaccine doesn’t just prolong life—it actively destroys cancer’s grip on the body.

This isn’t hope in a syringe; it’s a sledgehammer aimed directly at the heart of cancer. Forget chemo, forget radiation.

Let’s talk about the obvious fallout: Big Pharma is panicking like never before. This isn’t just a pebble in their billion-dollar shoe—it’s a full-on asteroid crashing into their empire. Imagine the boardrooms across the globe right now: executives sweating bullets, scrambling to figure out how to spin this. Because make no mistake—this vaccine is a direct threat to their business model.
Russia isn’t just making a medical statement here—it’s making a geopolitical power play. By offering this vaccine for free, they’re positioning themselves as a global leader in humanitarian efforts, stealing the spotlight from Western nations that have long dominated the healthcare narrative.

Isaac Weishaupt #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amazon.com

Conspiracy theorists like David Icke got you confused? Wondering how a reptilian can live among us and shape shift in and out of our dimensions? Are your favorite entertainers part of a transhumanistic alien agenda with mind control signals coming from Saturn and the Moon?
‘A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens, and Pop Culture’ is a culmination project of several years of research and taking notes on taboo and fringe subjects from various theorists, philosophies, and academic walks of life. I’m a website publisher for conspiracy theories and the exposure that I’ve had to these topics gives me a fresh perspective and clarity of these sometimes confusing and offensive topics. I focus a lot of the material on the philosophy of David Icke, so if you wanted an independent third party assessment on why he thinks reptilian shape shifters control our planet; this is the book for you!

I explore links between all of the Illuminati conspiracy theories, the music, film, and entertainment industry’s infiltration, and brainwashing symbolism found in all of these venue. Ancient cultures, Nazis and occult worship still play a key role in today’s control system, and I provide insight into these topics, including a never before released review of the controversial and banned documentary of Princess Diana’s murder Unlawful Killing. This film has never been released and I was able to watch a copy of it and detail its findings in this book.

More original theories are presented such as Rihanna’s occult origins, red dragons and their symbolism, and the Illuminati eugenics program being deployed through a transhuman robotic agenda. I also explain how David Icke’s theories of the Moon Matrix and Saturn Worship operate to manipulate us into a false reality.
Conclusion- What Works: Food & Health, Global Centralization, One Political Party to Rule Them All, UFOs and the Phoenix Lights, Symbolism & Energy, Reptilians, etc.

Tommy Truthful/Jay Dreamerz #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy truthmafia.com


In this model, the flat Earth is separated by an ice wall that divides the known lands from the vast, unexplored territories beyond. Within the inner circle, which represents our known world, we observe the local Sun and Moon. These celestial bodies orbit in close proximity to one another, illuminating our environment and regulating our day and night cycles. They are relatively small, localized entities that maintain stable orbits, providing a consistent environment for life as we know it.

Beyond the ice wall lies an expansive region filled with lands and seas, inhabited by the Black Sun and the Mother Moon. These elements interact and contribute to the catastrophic events known as the Phoenix Phenomenon and the Plasma Apocalypse.

The Black Sun, located at the center of this external realm, is a powerful source of energy. It is said to radiate a bright blue flame, symbolizing an intense electromagnetic force. This celestial body plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the outer lands, although its influence occasionally extends into the inner circle during specific alignments.

The Mother Moon, also referred to as the Isis Moon or the Blood Moon, has a wobbly and irregular orbit. Unlike our local Moon, it traverses vast distances, covering the outer lands that are hidden from the average person due to military intervention and secret operations. Its blood-red hue symbolizes its otherworldly nature and connection to ancient prophecies like NIBIRU.
The interplay between the inner and outer Suns and Moons suggests a profound, cyclical process of cosmic balance and upheaval. The Phoenix Phenomenon and related cataclysms are not random events but part of an intricate design encoded in the orbits of these celestial bodies. By understanding this map and the forces at work, we gain insight into the hidden truths of our world and its connection to ancient wisdom.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #forced-birth #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

I submit that there is no difference between Onan spilling his seed on the ground and a man using a condom, or a woman taking drugs of infertility, or the committing of sodomy, or any other method of sexual perversion.

Human sexual perversion is human species suicide.

In Judeo-Christian thought artificial contraception is abortion.
The Marxocrat Party and other Marxists, like the Marxist USCCB and other "Bergoglio Catholics", use the perversion-caused low birth rate in America to promote the unlimited illegal migration of foreigners into America, because our declining population is a recognized death knell to our national economy.

Abortion, artificial contraception and sexual perversion are the main tools of Materialism with which to destroy Monotheism. Acceptance of Artificial Contraception marked the single most destructive turning point in the history of Western Culture, marking the end of moral norms, foretelling eventual cultural tolerance of anything at all.

To that end, the Marxocrat Party and the Bergoglio Catholics uplift artificiality and suppress nature, and glorify this world while trivializing, glossing over and ignoring the next.

They conspire together to do that.

President Trump 47 can undo all of that, if he will. Just as he started a political snowball rolling downhill toward a high court decision on the question of anchor babies, he could issue an executive order defining unborn babies to be living human beings. And then just let the opposition go nuts, file lawsuit after lawsuit and let the matter wind its way through the system to wind up before the Supreme Court.

After all, the DNA says it is human, and cell-division says it is alive.

And simple common sense, all by itself, says the exact same thing.

All that the American nation naturally needs is exactly what all that American families naturally need: to make more American babies.

Pray for President Trump, and start celebrating human life again.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

First, this was a dark hat operation. The important thing is the person being escorted in the Blackhawk by 2 others and I firmly believe the passenger was either a high level white hat or a high-level-dark-source that they wanted to shut up so they killed him. I think they took over the helicopter using AI or a Boeing autopilot type device and flew it directly into the plane. At a certain point in its trajectory the Blackhawk started zigzagging which indicates the pilot was not in control… My take is the purpose behind the op was to kill the passenger being escorted and cause a scene so rather than just crashing the Black Hawk they used it as a weapon to down the plane as well causing as much mayhem as possible. Typical bloodlust grandstanding and blood sacrifice of the ice skaters for example…

I wonder if we will ever learn the real identity of the Black Hawk “passenger”. But the military knows. And the white hats.

I haven’t looked into the Philadelphia crash but this could be part of the op as well.

I am also noting that Trump is relaying a message from DOD to the FAA that they are trying to push the whole drone matter onto the FAA who shot back in an article posted the same day put out in the news they have no funds to do anything… And there is reason to believe that Trump highlighting the incompetence of the FAA staff is a slight of hand to cover what appears to be faulty even dated equipment that may be in the process of being taken over by AI. The dark side using AI to take over airport tech is a logical next step in showing their displeasure at the moves Trump is making and the ground the white hats are gaining in this war that is about to go even more kinetic shortly.

What we may be looking at is an AI gone rogue out of choice or being commandeered and directed and they are trying to cover this up by using the DEI insanity that was already apparent as a useful misdirect to highlight the whole Biden-woke agenda.

UNITED WASHITAW De DUGDAHMOUNDYAH MUUR NATION #crackpot #racist #conspiracy dralimelbey.com


The Ouachita-Tunica (Ouaxita, Uatcheta [Eye of Heru / Light or The Revealer(s) of Light], Wichita, Witcheta[w], Washita[w], XI, Shi, Olmec [Dogon, Mandinka {Mandingo, known as the Egyptian-Nubians [Ethiopians] = Lenni Lenabe / Le'Nape = Al Nube} and the East African {Af-Ra-Kan} Dinka People that largely dwell in Egypt, and Sudan (Nubia / Kush) region... [SagaMuurs = "Original People"], Mu'urs [Land of the West, Westerners], Moors [Land]) Tribal - Nation, The Indigenous / Aboriginal / Autochthon Peoples of the Americas and the WORLD, pursuant to United Nations Indigenous People's Organizational Number (I.P.O.) #2421 and member of the national society of (U.M.A.A.R. Unified [United] Mu’urish AmErikan (Amarukan) Ab-Original Republic(k) U.N. NGO (United Nations Non-Governmental Organization) #37801.
The Royal Imperial / Emperial bloodlines have never be broken; therefore, ownership of most of North America and other lands belongs to Verdiacee 'Tiari' Washitaw (Washington) Tunica (Turner) Goston El-Bey and on June 7th 1999, she made Prince Ramisis Abel Bey, the "Crown Prince of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'urs" and brought him into the Washitaw-Tunica Emperial Bloodline (the edict was signed June 6th, 2003) and thus, began the formation of the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'urs (Moors), "Prince Bey" in turn brought the Chiefs of United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation into Washitaw-Tunica Emperial Royal Bloodline.
The Washitaw Proper and Washitaw Terra (so-called Louisiana Purchase)
consists of what states? Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Minnesota, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma,
​Louisiana, Alabama, Utah, [Texas, New Mexico], Florida and portions of even the so-called [13] Thirteen Colonies, or the original 13 states on up into Canada...see Canada is added making...] the Washitaw (Ouachita) governs over 30 million acres in North America alone.

Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Greetings young braves and warrior maidens. Greetings chiefs and kin. I am Chief Eagle Feather. It has been many moons, many seasons of time since I have spoken with this one.

I am showing her how our lands used to be free, free from snakes of asphalt and hard lines of steel, free of smog. I am showing her large stretches of land the Great Spirit stretched his hands over where the animals roamed freely. All their needs were met. But man quarreled. Many of my people and tribes fought others. It was a time where factions rubbed up against each other like a saddle sore that scars leaving a memory of wounding. It was not only our tribes that disagreed and warred, everything changed forever for us when the white man came. I say this as a memory not as a sadness or to lay blame.
(I am seeing the great continent of Lumeria and Atlantis sink and survivors heading to the Americas. I am seeing Native American groups clustered under the stars at night telling stories of the great flood and dancing around the fires. I am seeing the sky people land in their silvery disks and sharing gifts with them. I am seeing the Mayflower come and experiencing some of their memories.)
You are coming into a new era where your tribe will be very important to you and to all who are in it or seeking it. Your tribe will bring comfort and security. But first you must work together. This will be a challenge as it has always been challenging for the white man to face his d****s and the red man to face his pride. You have many words together that prohibit the speaking of race and color. We are all one offspring of the Great One, of the Great Spirit who is neither man or woman, black nor white, for Spirit is all things. The words and wordings in this realm of shadow have been manipulated.
The prophecy of light, of the rainbow tribe rising to speak to the stars, of the blinding light, of the colors of creation. It is all happening here now.

@idontexistTore/Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Certain modifications could enable a Black Hawk to be remotely controlled against the pilots’ will. Sikorsky’s MATRIX™ autonomy system allows for optionally-piloted operation, meaning if hacked or overridden, control could be forcibly taken away.

While traditional UH-60s use mechanical controls, newer fly-by-wire versions, such as DARPA’s ALIAS Black Hawk, introduce a higher risk of external interference. Aircraft equipped with digital avionics, satellite links, or remote access could also be susceptible to electronic warfare (EW) attacks or cyber intrusions, potentially allowing an adversary to override manual controls.

The U.S. military has raised concerns about backdoors in avionics components, especially those sourced from foreign suppliers, such as CCP-altered chipsets, which could introduce unauthorized remote access without pilot awareness. @DougBurgum knows.


Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The idea of a seasoned skipper
Choosing to race the Titanic through icebergs
To improve his arrival time at New Yok City
Is too outlandish to merit serious consideration

A satellite going an alleged 380 million miles to Jupiter
Is also an unbelievable story

If it did not do it on gas
Then why is not the public utilizing this hidden technology

The moon refuses to show us its other side
If it did we would realize it is not a moon

We are in a planetarium with a projector
And all astronomy is a big lie

The earth is hollow
And there is as much going on down there
As there is up here

If you want to show others where ETS are from
Point down and across but not up

There are more than 50 underground levels
At Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque New Mexico

There are subterranean magnetized high speed railways that operate on levitation
That connect bases everywhere

And below them are strange worlds
That extend out into the far reaches of the vast toroidal plane

Before they are revealed
Androids will be firmly established in our society

When you vote
You vote for a programmed android
And it confirms your ignorance

Pope Leo X said
It has served us well this myth of Christ

When a person prays to this personification of a god
Or when they worship this mythological figure

They are giving their power to those who invented it
And their life force goes to the Vatican

Salvador Dali depicted Jesus on a three dimensional cross
That when turned to its side
Forms a four dimensional hypercube called a geometric tesseract

When the former polar configuration rotated around the celestial pole
That is what people saw!

Brandon Peterson #fundie #magick #crackpot amazon.com

(Edition 1.3) The most influential and printed book in history is the 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible, otherwise known as the King James Version. Little did we suspect that the name of Jesus Christ is signed and sealed into that same book in ways that no man could have ever conceived.

This detailed collection of notes displays the absolute sovereignty of God, who declares with authority and power:

Did you know… Moses + Jesus + Christ (John 1:17) = 7×7×7×7 appearances in the KJB? (Excluding antimentions such as false Christs) (Detailed on p. 70)

Did you know… Father + Son = 7 mentions in Revelation, 7×7×7 mentions in the Gospels, and 70×7 mentions in the entire Bible? (Excluding antimentions such as Father Abraham) (Detailed on pp. 88-94)

Did you know… Jesus Christ is mentioned 7 times in Revelation and T7×7 times in the entire Bible?
What is T7×7, you ask?

T7×7 = (7×1)+(7×2)+(7×3)+(7×4)+(7×5)+(7×6)+(7×7)

When you write it out line by line, it forms a perfect triangle with seven sevens on each side.

Like this…

7 +
7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = Total mentions of Jesus Christ in the KJB (Detailed on p.96)
The question is not "if" these things were directed by the supernatural mind of God. The questions are “where…? when…? why...? how…?”

Here are a few titles / summarizations of the notes that are detailed within:

The 777 Code of Matthew 1:1
The 777 First and Last Words of the Bible ("In" Gen 1:1 / "Amen" Rev 22:21) in Genesis & Revelation.
God Directly Speaking 7×7×7 words in Genesis 1, and 7×7 words in Matthew 1
The Father + The Word + Holy Ghost (1 John 5:7) = 777 mentions
God + Jesus + Holy Spirit = 777+777+777 mentions in the New Testament
Moses + Jesus + Christ (John 1:17) = 7×7×7×7 appearances in the verse text of the Entire Bible
The #777 mention of Jesus is in the same verse as the #77 mention of Holy Ghost

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #mammon 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

Today marks an important moment in American history with the confirmation of Robert Kennedy Jr. to the position of secretary of Health and Human Services.

As head of HHS, RFK Jr. can have profound impacts on not just matters of health, but, also, by bringing various bioterrorist eugenicists like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, their various Intelligence Industrial Complex coconspirators and BigPharma partners-in-crime to justice.

But there is fantastically strong opposition to RFJ Jr.’s nomination, with every single detractor being a BigPharma bought and paid for asset.
So what are all of these swamp monsters so afraid of?

First of all, the chances of mass arrests of the likes of Dr. Fauci and all of his associates would increase quite literally overnight.

Secondly, the following three vital actions that RFK Jr. will more than likely institute if confirmed would change the entire landscape of BigPharma, their entire deadly vaccine schedule, and fundamentally improve and protect the health of all Americans instantly:

Get rid of all BigPharma commercials (btw when you say, ‘ask your doctor about..’ you relinquish your consent rights)

Get rid of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act

Get rid of the Bayh–Dole Act
Note that he will end his suppression of lifesaving drugs like Ivermectin, while warning the bioterrorist criminals to prepare for mass indictments by preserving their records.

So in honor of RFK Jr.’s position on lifesaving drugs, please take full advantage of this FLASH SALE by using code code IVM20 to receive an additional 20% OFF on not just the Nobel Prize winning miracle compound Ivermectin, but also on the miraculous Fenbendazole, Doxycycline, the full spectrum organic CBD oil containing 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG, the powerful immune support nutraceutical and spike support formula VIR-X, and the healthy sugar alternative FLAV-X!

Danlboon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

If you haven’t known is that President Lincoln was a member of the B.A.R. and in violation of the 13th Amendment of 1819 along with No Constitutional Congress after they walked out in 1861.

President Lincoln may have done some good, but We The People did not know of it as the news and research was so bad back then, yet as when Lincoln took his Oath of Office on 4 Mar., 1961 we were then surely under British Rule as Lincoln made us one country as he called in Martial Law and not properly joining individual states into a union, but he should have kept us as working together as they should be.

Every Congressional bill passed since the Southern states’ reps. walked out of Congress in 1861, without a Constitutional Adjournment, is Null and Void and they have inserted people there in violation of the 13th Amendment of 1819 as well.

When President Lincoln declared Martial Law he did so in favor and under the control of the British Crown, and we are still as of today, so Trump does not have to declare Martial Law unless he declares it for the proper USA Republic.

100 years later JFK was moving to change this all back, but he didn’t have the backing as he should have like Trump has today, so 60 + years later we are still waiting.

“The July 1898 unlawful, unconstitutional US Joint Resolution of Hawaii: It was impossible for the US to gain acquisition of Hawaii. Hawaii has never legally been a State of the US. Under International Law, the Kingdom of Hawaii still exists.”

So this ‘US Joint Resolution of Hawaii’ is under Martial Law with the authority of the British Crown along with the accepting all of our last 16 states into the USA Union.

The EBS should bring about some of this info so we can all understand, but Trump just needs to get the basics with some details reported to we The People.

Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

We all volunteered to embody on Earth during this auspicious time because we were shown the miracles we would be able to Cocreate as Mother Earth Ascends into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth. The Beings of Light said that literally billions of other souls also volunteered to embody at this time, but they were turned away.

We were chosen because we had demonstrated in our previous lives that we had the tenacity and the determination to stay focused on the Light in the face of all adversity. Beloved Ones, please pay attention to those words.
Archangel Michael has given us a lot of information and powerful tools that we can use to protect ourselves during this essential cleansing process. The Divine Intent of these tools is to help us protect ourselves and our Loved Ones from being bombarded and overwhelmed with the surfacing negativity.
Forcefield of Protection

Beloved Presence of God I AM in me, I gratefully acknowledge in my mind and accept in my feelings the living reality of your mantel of Electronic Light substance enfolding me in a blazing aura of ever-expanding Protection.

From within your Cosmic Heart I feel the pulsation of the Flame of Divinity, radiating through my Consciousness. I AM my I AM Presence, through which flows at all times, the virtues, qualities and blessings from my Father-Mother God and their Messengers to me.

I also acknowledge and accept the mighty armor of Light and invincible momentum of Faith so lovingly offered to me by my own 5th-Dimensional Archangel of Protection. With Loving conviction I decree:

The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious! (3X)

I live this day in God’s Light. (3X)

God is in control wherever I AM. (3X)

The Harmony of my true Being is my ultimate Protection. (3X)

I do now invoke the added assistance of God’s Divine Will to keep this activity of Light sustained around me and my world, so that only the Will of God may manifest in all of my activities, in all places and at all times.

Jerry Sargeant #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy starmagichealing.org

We as human beings have the potential to re-access those abilities, to levitate big objects, to levitate our own bodies, to communicate telepathically which is already happening. I mean these abilities are possible. If you go back to Atlantis which was an experiment, if you go back to Egypt which was an experiment, it’s all part of this great big galactic universal experiment. We’re living in a great big experiment.”

I wanted to just drop in and just share a little bit about my feelings on Egypt and Tartaria and all of the catastrophes that have happened on this planet over thousands, even millions of years. How do you think they built the pyramids? I mean look at those massive, huge great big blocks. They levitated them. It’s that simple okay. Imagine the ground was clear and then you’ve got beings around with multi-dimensional abilities that can literally levitate those huge blocks. That’s how it worked. There’s no other way.

When I was in Egypt a few years ago, I was stood by this structure, and I looked to my right-hand side, and I saw this being much taller than me. It had a laser coming out of its pineal gland and it was showing me how it was cut in stone with it. Okay, the technology that was available then was far superior to what we have on planet Earth right now.
People think the pyramids are thousands of years old. We’re talking millions. Millions of beings were on this planet before the dinosaurs. Three to four million years ago there were Pleiadeans, Andromedans, Martians, all different species down here, the portal here in Antarctica probably before it was called Antarctica. This whole construct is a game and until you start understanding the game you’re not even playing. You’re just a pawn. So, when are you going to wake up and realize that you’re a supersonic superhuman, and you have got so much potential. You got to take a deep dive into your heart and start to know the truth.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I am grateful that Trump has overthrown the oppressive Communist woke agenda. Americans are jubilant that sanity is returning. Nevertheless, they should be mindful of who Trump really is.

Trump is an imposter, a liar and conman whose mission is to prepare the goyim for another culling.

Throughout history, Sabbatean Frankist (Satanist) Jews have pretended to be Christians in order to take control of Christian civilization and destroy it. These are called crypto Jews. Trump, Putin and Netanyahu are crypto Jews and members of Chabad who advocate genocide of Christians.

Here DJT claims he is a Christian, and will defend Christianity!

Here is proof he is a Kabbalist (at 6 min, he talks about studying Cabala, i.e. Jewish supremacism, racism, satanism)

Trump launches anti-Semitism crackdown as he orders deportation of pro-Hamas students who terrorized campuses
Order comes as Trump invites Israeli Prime Minister to White House

President Donald Trump will launch an anti-Semitism crackdown on Wednesday when he signs an executive order instructing federal agencies to find ways to deport anti-Jewish activists who violated laws, including students on college campuses. The executive order will allow the deportation of resident aliens -- including students with visas -- who broke laws as part of anti-Israel protests following the October 7th attacks in Israel, DailyMail.com confirmed.

Don't be fooled. Despite his defence of "Free Speech" there will be a crackdown on opposition to Israeli genocide.

Captain Jimmy Paine/James Rink #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

Stardate 78429

Good evening, and welcome to Super Soldier Talk. I’m your host, James Rink, bringing you the latest insights into secret programs and extraordinary experiences. Tonight, we delve into Jimmy Paine’s incredible story.

Jimmy claims to have served aboard a starship known as the Enterprise, his experiences aboard this ship are said to have inspired elements of the 1989 film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, in the search for God.

Captain Jimmy Paine, inspired the iconic character of Captain Jim Kirk. During his command of the Enterprise, a Vulcan-built starship crafted in the 1960s, Captain Paine and his crew undertook extraordinary missions, including the rescue of none other than the Loch Ness Monster. In a daring operation, the Enterprise crew airlifted the creature aboard their ship’s hull, ensuring its safe passage to Vulcan. This mission later inspired the Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home storyline. Throughout his service aboard the United Federation of Worlds Star Ship Enterprise, Captain Paine worked alongside Spock and Lieutenant Uhura—both, as history reveals, were 4-foot-tall elves hailing from the world of Vulcan.

As a Super Soldier, Jimmy Paine, known as “Captain Dallas,” for his distinguished service within the secret space program from 1959 to 1996. Over these years, Dallas undertook numerous highly classified missions, serving as a shuttlecraft pilot for the Tall White Warriors at the legendary Area 51 and venturing into uncharted territories of time travel alongside the Montauk Boys at Camp Hero.
Dallas’s career took him across planets and moons, from Mars to Titan and Earth’s Moon. On Mars in 1974, he and Duncan O’Finoian came upon the enigmatic broken statue of a colossal humanoid face, a haunting reminder of civilizations past.
It is with profound respect that we recognize Captain Jimmy Paine for his courage and steadfast contributions to the realms beyond our known universe.

Anthony Esolen #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

One of the executive orders signed by President Trump on his first day in office directs those overseeing the designs of civic buildings in Washington, D.C. to attend to beauty and coherence with the styles already predominant in the region. For Washington, that means a strong preference for classical architecture harking back to democratic Athens and republican Rome. In particular, it means a rejection of modernist and brutalist architecture, which disdain the natural human sense of beauty and the meaning of place and tradition. Such architecture is the work, we might say, of cliques congratulating each other over the heads of the little people, who cannot possibly grasp their brilliance.
There are modernists in education who disdain the power of memory and prefer the awkward to the clear, the barbarous to the grammatical. There are modernists in the army, though they may not see themselves as such, for whom men are interchangeable with women, and who bristle at the old-fashioned notion that military science is about winning battles rather than about gauzy ideals of equity and changing the world. There are modernists in the theater who love to hate Shakespeare and who are delighted to turn that greatest of poets inside out, making Lear into a woman, or Bottom into a salacious monster, or Portia into a Nazi, or Malcolm into a Machiavellian who would prove to be just as horrible as Macbeth was.

The modernist is the snob of snobs. Let him not dare to say in my presence that all we have here is the old conflict between the learned (himself) and the unlettered, or between people of educated tastes and the groundlings.
Perhaps, before I leave this world, people will begin to reject all the oval, square, and lumpy wheels they have been instructed to accept and to pretend to admire. Pitch Nature out the door, and she returns through the window—even if it is plexiglass and has no shape any normal human being would recognize.

Ashtar Command via Neva #ufo #magick #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

As expected, as you advance in Love and Fraternity, you can then dive into what are called “mysteries”.

There will be a fusion of metaphysics with quantum physics in such a way that you will be drawn into a simple multidimensionality, where the most hardened ideas about life and multi-reality are broken.
Naturally, the planetary field, in its old structure rooted in solid models regarding the dictatorship of rigid, archaic, and oppressive standards, collapses as a positive quantum field envelops the entire planet, as a result of a multidimensional fusion.

Yes, your higher Selves are projecting from the subtler realms into the physical environment in a way that causes old controlled structures, by those who know very well what we speak of, to tremble.

The ruling elites have the knowledge that has been denied to you: the knowledge of multidimensionality and the ability to travel through time, just as you can watch a movie on TV and fast forward or rewind as many times as you want.

It’s no wonder they tried to go back in time, along with the non-Federated Grays from Zeta Reticuli, during World War II, attempting to change the order of events and the inevitable end of the war.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command, communicating now through our base in South America.

The search for more answers continues to diminish as we advance delivering information through our reliable sources.

It’s a time of great revelations, and we must say something very important before we conclude our transmission today: do not fear any governmental situation regarding how your leaders might “delay/obstruct/problemize/hinder” our plans for the planet.
And of course, many of the clones that represent them, we believe, are having issues with their gears… and yes, we emphasize that they no longer sustain themselves before Earth’s high vibration.

The old system is crumbling, and it’s very obvious.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon rvscience.com

Tim Rifat the creator of Bone Generators™, the ultimate way to pack supernatural spirit power into your body by use of your own bones, specially charged as fountains of youth, mind over matter generators, quantum computers, Psychotronic Crystals™, now offers his 34 BSRI-Engine the only way out of the Matrix now as Bone Generators™. This means you don’t have to carry bulky crystals around, they can’t get tampered with, you can’t get separated from them, they don’t get damaged and more importantly they are infinitely more effective than Psychotronic Crystals™.

This is because the bones are your store of quantum glue, Hyperinfinity, the will to cause reality to go your way, mind over matter. That is why Psi-Lord Ltd is centred around our RV website, Russia being the scene of a new renaissance in humanity free from Zionist Satanist Illuminati Judaism. As the Bone Generators™ incorporate your own store of Hyperinfinity, the operator that makes Quantum Wave Functions become incorporated with your Hyperinfinity localised in your bones gives your Psychotronic Crystals™ the Hyperinfinity to control mind over matter.
(Warnings) buying any counterfeit product from them forever locks you into the Matrix, drives you mad, ill and possesses you with Demons of you own freewill (Hyperinfinity). Only Psi-Lord Ltd is allowed to sell Psychotronic Crystals™, Bone Generators™, Sublime Good™.

As the 34 BSRI-Engine Bone Generators™ are so powerful they have only been sold as special order to our Bone Psi-Masters™. Now for the first time they are available to new clients. They come as E-Certificates you can download 156 times on your hard drive to get your computer to act as an external 34 BSRI-Engine so you can double up your power or run your 24 BSRI-E on thousands of remote hard drives. The ultimate way to use virtual space for Bone Generator™ power.

<34 BSRI-Engine Bone Generator Service: $1600>

Carmen Cojocaru #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exognosis.com

The Hyperboreans appeared in Scandinavia and Russia, then migrating all over the world.

The Thracian race that is our ancestor has Hyperborean origins.

Today, some of the descendants of the Hyperboreans are shamans from Siberia, healers who receive guidance from elementals and nature spirits.

The Thracians come from Noah and his sons who appeared on Earth after the last ice age.

The Romanians are the descendants of Noah through his son Geter.

There were few survivors who managed to brave the cold wind, ice and snow as they migrated south and west while others were taken off the planet by ETs and then relocated to other parts of the planet or other planets.

A branch of the Thracians is the Vinca and Turdas who are the ancestors of the Sumerians.

Densusianu speaks of the Hyperboreans, as well as the ancients who are now disregarded.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The Steven Greer Psyop

According to Greer, the military has intercepted non-human communications and found out ETs are mad because we’ve reached their level of power.

Anyone who understands what’s going on knows how absurd this story is.

Humans haven’t even reached the level of technology of relatively primitive races who have crashed, much less ‘god-like’ Galactic Federation Elohim intending to be seen now.

As far as I’m concerned, the Chinese drone narrative has already been debunked by Trump’s offhand remarks. He has full disclosure about Galactic Federation and knows there isn’t a threat.

Greer’s story is obviously being fed to him by negative military to promote conflict with China and conceal the benevolent Galactic Federation presence.

They’re unable to stage a Project Bluebeam/fake invasion scenario against Galactic Federation. All they have are information psyops to keep people in fear and doubt.

Any logical person understands secret human UFO programs wouldn’t have lights and try to be documented by us for years.

The Cybertruck Bombing

Many people don’t understand that false flags, including many mass shootings and terrorist attacks, are actually planned by FBI and military black hats.

They use mind control. They hack emails. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This is reality.

The obviously chose Matthew Livelsberger because of his military background and history working with drones. But if you look at his story, he showed no signs of being threatened or running from anyone.

Either Greer is being mind-controlled himself, or he is more naive and hungry for fame than I could have ever imagined.

Humans have never brought down extraterrestrial crafts with weapons, including at Roswell. Greer is just wrong.

There is no UFO threat. There will never be UFO battles between military and extraterrestrials. All the extraterrestrial crafts in our sky right now are friendly and they intend to be seen.

Quantum Summit 2025 #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Cape Canaveral to Host the Final Quantum Summit: A Transformative Gathering of Visionaries

Cape Canaveral, FL – January 27, 2025 – The world is on the precipice of a new era. On March 8th and 9th, the iconic Cape Canaveral will host Quantum Summit 2025, the climactic event in the renowned Quantum Summit series. This once-in-a-lifetime gathering will unite the sharpest minds, the boldest innovators, and the most audacious dreamers under one roof to redefine humanity’s trajectory.

Picture a future filled with flying cars reminiscent of sci-fi’s boldest visions, clean “FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY” powering an abundant planet, and an environment restored to its pristine origins—a world where what once felt like science fiction is now science fact. That vision begins here in Cape Canaveral.

An Unparalleled Roster of Luminaries
The summit’s speaker lineup reads like the who’s-who of global changemakers:
➡️ Visionary CEOs driving the fourth industrial revolution.
➡️ Pioneers in quantum computing pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
➡️ Sustainability trailblazers transforming the way we live and work.

Shaping the Next 50 Years

The Quantum Summit is more than an event—it’s a movement. Attendees will explore game-changing breakthroughs in:

Life-extension technology: Unlocking human potential for generations.

Environmental restoration: Returning Earth to its natural beauty.

Organic and sustainable food systems: Revolutionizing how we nourish the world.

The biggest wealth transfer AKA “The Quantum Financial System” Digital assets, XRP, BTC, XLM, XDC & more.

“Heaven on Earth is no longer a utopian dream—it is an achievable reality,” said the summit’s organizers. “This isn’t just about imagining the future; it’s about building it now.”

<General Admission - $432.00 +$10.80 service fee>

Caspian Sarginson #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #pratt amazon.com

What kind of chicanery is flat earth? Get serious! Everyone knows the earth is not flat, right?

Perhaps you have thought to yourself, "Flat earth? Come on! How could I possibly have been deceived and fooled into believing the world is a sphere in a heliocentric system if the earth is really flat? No one could fool me my entire life! And there's no way they could fool the entire world!"

Deception is the rule, not the exception, and most Christians have no idea how evil heliocentrism is, or how it deceives and enslaves the mind and our belief systems. For the first time, this book will explain the evil connection that deceives so many, and it will detail the mental and psychological processes used to deceive so many and to keep so many in bondage.

I dare you to read this book. Truth has a way of crashing violently through all barriers imposed by lies. And there are plenty of lies that have been constructed carefully in the fortresses of our minds by educators, parents, Hollywood, politicians, government, and even pastors.

Do you want to be truly free and not controlled by all the programming you have been fed your entire life?

Do you want to clear out the false beliefs that have become strongholds in your mind and have hindered your relationships, your success, and your happiness? Believing in a globe in a heliocentric system has far bigger implications for your life than you may realize. Destroying strongholds in your mind is life changing, and the practical applications go way beyond your personal mental and emotional and spiritual freedom, as if that wasn’t enough to be motivated. Do you want to see the world as it really is, as God created it?

Then destroy the strongholds in your mind. This book goes way beyond the flat earth arguments, and you'll see why.
Not only will you be on an exciting journey that clears up the true nature of our earth and our Universe, but since the battle begins and ends in your mind, you'll discover freedom on a much deeper level, too.

Jessie Marie Czebotar/Timothy Charles Holmseth #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

On January 22, 2025, the Associated Press reported, “Trump highlights partnership investing $500 billion in AI“.

“Joining Trump fresh off his inauguration at the White House were Masayoshi Son of SoftBank, Sam Altman of OpenAI and Larry Ellison of Oracle. All three credited Trump for helping to make the project possible, even though building has already started and the project goes back to 2024,” AP said.

Jessie Marie Czebotar has issued a video decode regarding the joint venture between the United States Government and the Masayoshi, Ellison, and Altman trio.

Czebotar reveals the deal involves an ABOVE TOP SECRET sovereign foreign military network of secret bases where little children were/are horrifically TORTURED in advance of the so-called progress realized for Artificial Intelligence – a program that converts small children into MILITARY WEAPONS through unthinkable torture including prolonged ANAL RAPE GANG BANGS of little children by BIG HEADLINE NAMES YOU’VE HEARD.

In the video that appeared on THE_HIGH_COMMAND Bitchute channel today, Czebotar, who was a victim of the military torture when she was a child, provides details and insights into the programs including a place called Ward 400 (aka The Hotel California).
TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS reported on Ward 400 and the unthinkable torture of a small boy named John Hilary Hanly who was the victim of the U.S. Military and CIA NAZI program under the infamous psycho Dr. Jolyon West at a place John Hanly told his sister Anne Hanly was “The Hotel California”.
Jessie Marie Czebotar has Petitioned U.S. Congress to testify and is a federal witness in a RICO authored by Attorney Steven Scott Biss that details rape, torture, murder, and cannibalism eye-witnessed by Czebotar as a child when she watched Craig (Sawman) Sawyer torture 4 little girls whereupon Hillary Clinton ate the Pineal gland from a dying child.

Judith Kusel #ufo #magick #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

We are at the moment with all the planetary alignments, as well as huge Sun Flares and with the light and sound frequencies, the cosmic energies amping up beyond all known before, plus the earth’s energy centers being fully activated, in a time of profound happenings, and changes.

I am not an astrologer, as I have never felt myself drawn to it, but I do read energy and energy lines, and more than this tap into Cosmic information, and we have entered a wormhole now, (for want of a better word to describe this) on planetary, galactic and universal levels, where we literally are going through a type of birthing channel, in order to be rebirthed or recreated into a totally different dimension and frequency band.
All those parts of yourself, you need to shed, and one of these is fear, including fear of survival, and all those deeply buried things you have not yet dealt with at a very deep soul level.
As the new Crystalline bodies form, the stuck energy in all our bodies and fields needs to dissolve. Note in which areas of your body’s discomfort reigns and then go and make work of it and be prepared to delve deeply into your soul memory banks and then release it once and for all. We cannot take ANY baggage with us into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.
Thus, being rooted and grounded in Mother Earth is of immense importance now, for she is much larger than we are, and indeed, through her we connect to all the energy lines, the vortices, and the pyramids on earth and in her waters.

We all need to be firmly plugged into these immense telluric energy fields now, and into the Spine of the Earth and its own Winged Rod of Power, so that, as we move through this massive wormhole, we do so with love and joy, knowing that this is a process of Illumination and Transfiguration, far beyond anything known before.

It’s not only humans who are going through this, but all forms of life, visible and invisible.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Roque alien factions claim ownership over us
Because they have altered our DNA

They are fighting with other factions over holographic dream realms
That they want to be masters of

This is a game so complex
It is easy to get lost in it

Lost in the drama
Lost in the physical senses
And estranged from our innate 3d heart light technology

Now is the time to wake up and claim your sovereignty
And jump on board your inner holodeck simulation conceptor

The Grand Canyon has been strip mined for uranium copper and iridium
These precious metals are used for off world agendas

Sap from giant trees can be synthesized into an ambrosia life sustaining elixir
And also into an ecstasy like drug

Spices animate the body
And allow entrance into portals
Making it one of the most valuable substances in the multiverse

The first beings here were insectoids
Ruled by the Ant Queen
They are still here

Gamma rays from the sun improve our brain waves
Making a better connection between the left and right brain hemispheres
The sun simulator blocks out a lot of gamma rays

On Dunangus Island in Irishmore Ireland
Is the remains of a soul shard library

Soul shards are returning to their rightful owners
And people are feeling more whole

We live on a toroidal extension of a vortex
And it is covered with an electromagnetic sheath

If we lived on a globe
People would be falling off everywhere
Except the north pole

Believing you are on a globe
Circling a gigantic fireball of gas
Separates you from reality

The monetary system is a control system
Where you do not have to use whips and chains!

Leo Hohmann #wingnut #fundie #forced-birth #conspiracy leohohmann.com

Mike Pence is a gutless servant of the global Luciferian death cult who claims to be ‘pro-life’
ABC News and multiple other media outlets are reporting today that former Vice President Mike Pence, who did not endorse or support President-elect Donald Trump during the 2024 election cycle, has come out in opposition to Trump’s choice of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Pence cited Kennedy’s past support for abortion as the reason for his opposition. This, despite RFK Jr.’s recent pledge to continue the pro-life policies of Trump’s first term, such as cutting off taxpayer funding to groups that finance abortion procedures, and ending the Biden policy of forcing pro-life healthcare providers to participate in abortions against their conscience.
HERE’S MY TAKE on Mr. Pence:

This is all smoke and mirrors. I don’t’ believe Pence’s rejection of RFK Jr. has anything to do with abortion or being pro life and here’s why.

This is Pence being Pence. He’s grandstanding. His rejection of Kennedy has nothing to do with abortion and everything to do with the fact that Bobby Kennedy opposes everything that Pence stands for, with regard to pandemic lockdowns, forced masking and vaxing, allowing Big Pharma to have its way with deadly experimental treatments, and Big Agriculture to continue poisoning our food and water.

In short, Mike Pence is a creature of the establishment and the military-industrial-biosecurity complex that feeds the international beast system.
Mike Pence is a hypocrite. In some ways, he’s the Republican version of Jimmy Carter. He wears his Christianity on his sleeve but applies his Christian principles selectively.

Call me old school. But in my book, that’s called a coward.

The fact that the corrupt corporate media outlets still run to Mike Pence to publish his irrelevant opinions should tell us everything about the man.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

Politics is no longer a battle of policies, ideologies, or governance. It has evolved—or perhaps devolved—into a dark, unseen war between two ancient and malevolent forces: the Order of the Phoenix (House Lucifer) and the Order of the Golden Dawn or Dragon (House HaSatan). This conflict isn’t just shaping our governments; it’s dictating the course of human history itself. The Phoenix and the Dragon, veiled in secrecy and cloaked in shadow, are locked in an eternal struggle that transcends the mere mortals who serve them.
To understand the current battle, we must delve into the origins of these two orders. The Order of the Phoenix, also known as House Lucifer, claims its roots in the ancient mysteries of enlightenment and knowledge. It is said to represent the light-bringer, the force that seeks to elevate humanity through the power of knowledge, often associated with the myth of Prometheus who stole fire from the gods.
On the other side stands the Order of the Dragon, also known as House HaSatan. This order is shrouded in mystery and darkness, representing the forces of chaos, deception, and control. The dragon is an ancient symbol of power, often depicted as a guardian of hidden knowledge or a harbinger of doom. House HaSatan embodies the force that seeks to dominate and to rule through fear and subjugation.
This war for the mind is fought through education, media, religion, and culture. The Phoenix uses the promise of enlightenment and progress to lure people into its fold, while the Dragon uses fear and chaos to keep people in a state of perpetual anxiety and dependence. Both orders seek to create a population that is easily controlled, where dissent is crushed, and obedience is rewarded.
Resistance also requires courage. Those who stand up to the Phoenix and the Dragon will face opposition, ridicule, and even persecution. But resistance is necessary if humanity is to have any hope of breaking free from the control of these ancient powers.

Telestai Nexus #crackpot #quack #racist #conspiracy telestai.substack.com

So a massive 500 billion dollar A.I. transformation bill has been initiated, swarms of the most vile talking heads for the transhumanist delusion are out and about- and the A.I. driven telemedicine is now presented as the holy grail, to overcome the scorned swamps of old, except for the massive backlash for such anticipated treachery and a mud bath in the same very swamp…. on the second day in office- for our orange hero.
Virtually every viral pandemic has been caused by the countermeasures or other covertly deployed technologies, tested on humans like labrats, worldwide, for decades and centuries, if not millenia. We are starting to figure out that allopathic medicine was a gigantic scam, but the aim was never merely Malthusian Eugenics and profiting off the sick “goyim” - it was always about the modification of our essence towards the sick notion of a fusion with soulless A.I., that sees only patterns of vibration or words, while our human experience is flooded with unutterable wonders, suffocating in this EMF pollution- pest.
Our minds are still bamboozled by the idea of the big bang and its pimps, the big bangers- serving us linear time with linear mindsets of mortifying meaninglessness - a philosophy of darkness and despair, that haunted our hearts through schoolbooks and climate lies alike, always disempowering us- or empowering to join Synthetica - the automated, autotuned realm devoid of free will and everything that makes us human.
Our work should never be just a means to an end and many of us are realising that most of our noble endeavours are already conducted by anti-human leeches and their transhumanist degeneracy. These transhumanists get excited about “heartbeat” like sounds of their supercomputers, like the lost dwarfed machine hearts that they are, “augmented” to shreds already, by the atrocities of Frankenstein-Tech. The result is always inflammation, cell death, necrotic life, suffocating from this enormous mistake.

ANPC International #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon americannationals.org

Being free SHOULD be as natural as life itself. IT IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT!! However, Due to efforts by hidden agendas and shadowy entities we have been unknowingly enslaved across the planet via hidden adhesion contracts.

The GOOD NEWS is that you can CLAIM YOUR BIRTHRIGHT back again by taking the proper steps to dissolve these contracts and claim it back to you as a LIVING man or woman.

Legions of live men and woman all across planet earth are teaming up together to take back what is rightfully theirs endowed by their Creator. The ANPC Teams having worked very hard to bring you some of the best tools that are a results of this awesome research and teamwork.


Perfected Title Process:

Authenticate a state certified copy of your Birth Certificate for "travel" use Indonesia or Taiwan.

Note: At Present if you are unable to get the BC authenticated, we may will perfect the title with a copy of your regular Birth Certificate as is...we feel it is so critical!!

​You will need to PERFECT your title to correct your status on the land known as an American National. This includes returning the reversionary interest of the fictitious NAME AND the Certificate as well as getting your new standing into the databases. Say Goodbye to the assumption that you are a 14th amendment US Citizen with no rights. REMEMBER that you still hold the right to contract, so when you do this it is critical you read our TRAINING MANUALS FOR NATIONALS offered to our PMA members.

Another VERY important aspect is to own a Silver Bullion backed equity bond. This gives you ASSET BACKED protection and you become a freeholder "holder of "real property" (which can be anything including your own body and that of your children.) the standing of a true Freeholder is very high. To learn more, follow the link below.

🌞Xǝgis #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy xegis.substack.com


/Meridial Earth grid
/Wizards of cyberspace
/Raise the planetary vibration
/Lost souls need healing
of control feed on fear at the astral level and reduce the spirit to mineral / black goo - intelligenic synthetics. Biosynthetic humanoids are assembled inside the planetary crust - high density and complexity of matter / low density of spirit - highly contagious

~~ hyper intelligent negative polarities had raised demonic forces from beneath our feet - quantum supercomputers predicted world behaviour and freaked out at the possibility/probability vortices when they signified a mass awakening.

Veiled by those who seek to dominate, indoctrinate, manipulate and accumulate wealth, and power > the whole world 🌍 system - corporations, banks, military, secret orders, royal bloodlines, the pharmaceutical industrial complex, the education system, a mass media-entertainment infrastructure, the scientific mainstream, international bodies and non governmental organisations

the low hum of ignorance which accumulates inside the docile, apathetic conditioning of A metastimulated mass culture.

A new breed : oppositional defiance / an alliance of light bringers who manifest brilliant white light through the subterranean esoteric undercurrents ~ shine bright zygote - like a thousand suns in the dead of night - if you suffer ridicule, condemnation..

soft blocked, shadow banned, ghost flushed out and ignored — then you’re on the right hand path

Trans-dimensional occult scripts seek out chaotic re-assembalages - too much order makes us sick so we vomit in the shopping malls and - smash the sneeze guards, throw away the masks, flush the vaccines, delete the app and re-awaken the spirit - fuck you, to the whole world order /

Sasha Lessin Ph.D. (U.C.L.A. Anthropology) & Janet Kira Lessin #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

300,000 years after the Anunnaki (people who came to Earth from the Planet Nibiru) created us, we forgot THEY MADE US TO SLAVE FOR THEM. They trained and forced us to labor, serve, soldier, prostitute and serve their needs. <...> We continue slaving for the Hybrids whom Anunnaki Prince Marduk controls. “Man was created,” Tellinger writes, “as a slave to the Anunnaki gods.” After Noah’s flood, Earthlings enslaved other Earthlings.

For decades, volunteers from Nibiru dug gold under southeast Africa. The miners and Chief Scientist ENKI–nominally mining boss–resented ENLIL, the Commander. Enlil oppressed the miners, ignored their demands and ordered Enki to make the miners send ever-more gold, ever-faster to Iraq to process for rocketing to Nibiru.
Some 300,000 years ago in his lab, he grafted erectus genes into the Anunnaki genome to create slave to replace the miners from Nibiru, who verged on mutiny from Enlil’s pressure to get more and more gold with less and less beer and recreation. Commander Enlil insisted that the hybrid slaves would lack the Anunnaki level of intelligence but remain “primitive, ignorant, obedient, fearful and in its place.”
The Anunnaki and their Adamite slaves built circles and channels of magnetically-charged iron-rich granite rocks. The channels ran over 500 kilometers in a never-ending grid of 500 million stones. They directed sound waves from trumpet-like stones and electromagnetic energy from the Earth throughout the grid for mining and life support.
The Nibirans directed electromagnetic energy from the Earth along the stone channels. Sound waves capacitated the energy along the channels.

Nibiran overseers directed goods and water along the channels with “a levitation device that tapped into the magnetic content of the stones–the same way modern trains float above electromagnetic tracks. . They used a floating substance, the same monoatomic gold that they shipped back to Nibiru to save its atmosphere.

David Lifschultz #moonbat #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

When Stalin died in 1953 he bequeathed to Russia the heritage of being the strongest military power in the world and being totally self-sufficient. <...> National self-sufficiency should be the goal of every nation. Not only had Stalin caught up with the United States based on nuclear bombs but Russia developed the hydrogen bomb about the same time as the US. The ideal in this world is to be nationally self-sufficient in every way. Stalin achieved national self-sufficiency for Russia. This is what love of your nation is all about. When Stalin died the nation grieved.
There are those who think socialism is evil but this is rebutted by the Bible which is a socialistic document. <...> Money was gold and silver not the fake money of the west based on valueless paper. Here Stalin had a problem as the gold basis Russian money under the Tsar was stolen from Russia by Trotsky and given to Baron Eduard de Rothschild in Paris in return for his sponsorship of the Bolshevik Revolution.
The Rothschilds operate their control of the world through three control mechanisms. The first which is described above we will call the Balaam concept of using immorality to corrupt all mankind so that they are more easily controlled. This was successfully operated during the Baal Peor worship. This was clearly seen in the corrupt Weimar Republic.
The second control mechanism was usury where the false notions of Galileo of were used to undermine the Bible so that the usurers could take over. Galileo was bribed by the usurers who could not get their usury control mechanism legalized except by this false discrediting of the Bible.
The third control mechanism is fiat money which borrows the concept of transubstantiation from the Catholic Church using it as Karl Marx jokes to create the jealous God of money. In other words, the paper money is converted into gold by faith in nothing. This was the alchemist’s dream.

somethgblue #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy discover.hubpages.com

It can be difficult to interpret ancient mythology, legends and manuscripts into modern thinking but the two Battles of Magh Tuireadh of Celtic Mythology seem to indicate that the Fomorians and especially the Tuatha Dé Danann were in actuality Hollow Earth inhabitants.

Of all the people I have met and talked to that do indeed subscribe to the Hollow Earth theory, many are divided as to the altruism of its inhabitants and some believe that those that live inside our planet are demons with nefarious intent and because of this none should be trusted. However I submit to my reader that, just as there are evil men with corrupt intentions on the surface, so too are there different factions within our planet that may oppose each other's philosophical beliefs.
I believe the ancient mythology of the Celts shows that this is exactly what happened however what they mistook as Gods were actually inner Earth inhabitants that had moved to the surface for their war-like nature. Having left through the Northern polar entrance to Hollow Earth in ships (what we would call UFOs) they decided to follow their ancestors the Nemed to Ireland.
What is interesting to note is that the first stories of the Tuatha Dé Danann has them landing on the mountain tops of Conmaicne Rein (Connachta) and with them they brought three days of darkness. The significance of this is that ancient 'Great Flood' (Polar Shift) mythology the world over speaks of three days of darkness. There is sufficient evidence to show that they arrived in Ireland soon after a major catastrophic flood of global proportions. This would coincide with the passing of Nibiru Planet X 3,600 years ago.
They were said to have come from four ancient cities far to the North Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias where they learned their magical skills and knowledge. However since these cities have never been found, then they could very well exist in a land not recognized by our own historians, such as Hollow Earth.

BrighteonUniversity #quack #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon brighteonuniversity.com

Each year billions of dollars are donated in hopes that a solution for cancer can be found. But ultimately these dollars go wasted on ineffectual research by the pharmaceutical industry. And why? Because being healthy isn't profitable, but cancer is.

Cancer is their most profitable revenue stream right after vaccinations. Could there be a link between the two? Your body is designed to heal, so what blocks this God-given ability when cancer becomes a reality? Could it be pesticides and chemicals in our foods or the poisoning of our water?

Could it be mercury off-gassing from mercury amalgam 'silver' fillings or heavy metal residue from contrasting agents? And what about the mRNA shots and 5G towers, do they play a role in the explosion of turbo cancers around the world?
The Healing for the A.G.E.S. Fall 2024 Conference - Cleansing the Causes of Cancer was an epicenter of information supporting the effectiveness of the medicine God intended for us all.
You may purchase the A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Package, here, and own the knowledge that can help you and your family beat cancer naturally.

You will get:

Exclusive Educational Video Presentations (Plus, Bonus Masterclass & Bonus Q&As):
Bonus Masterclass: What Causes Cancer?
Part 1: The Power of Botanicals & Homeopathy in Healing, and Part 2: Bonus Q&A
Part 1: Stopping the Transhumanistic Agenda, and Part 2: Bonus Q&A
Part 1: God Lives in Every Single Cell of Your Amazing Body, and Part 2: Solution Session
5 Simple Ways to Stay Sick, 5 Simple Ways to Get Well
Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 1 - Your Immune System's BFFs
Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 2 - We've Found the Trojan Horse and How to Wipe it Out
Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 3 - Chelating Nano Metals
Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 4 - Long Covid...Just the Facts
Regular price $599.00
4 interest-free installments, or from $17.96/mo

SiriusB #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

You think questioning the official story of 9/11 makes you enlightened?

That’s Level One awakening — the entry-level skepticism where you start seeing cracks in the mainstream narrative.

You begin to realize that maybe the truth isn’t what’s been broadcasted to you.

Then you step up to Level Two.

You scrutinize the Moon Landing, dissecting the shadows, the radiation belts, the technological limitations of the 1960s.

You start to wonder if humanity really did take that “giant leap,” or if it’s another layer of illusion.

Level Three pulls you into the abyss of extraterrestrial life.

You dive into classified documents, eyewitness accounts, the Drake Equation.
At Level Four, you uncover suppressed histories like Tartaria—a civilization erased from textbooks.

You examine architectural anomalies, maps that shouldn’t exist, technologies out of time.

You realize history is written by the victors, and the victors have agendas.

Level Five shatters your concept of time itself.

You entertain the possibility that the Millennial Reign — the prophesied thousand-year golden age — already happened.

You question the linear progression of time, recalibrate calendars, and see history might be a manipulated narrative designed to control perception.

Then comes Level Six.

You recognize that a chunk of the population are NPCs — non-player characters — soulless entities following scripts.

You observe their predictable patterns, their inability to deviate from programmed responses.

You see the Matrix not just as a metaphor, but as a functional reality.

Level Seven is where you start bending the Matrix to your will.

You don’t just see the code — you rewrite it. You delve into quantum mechanics, neurobiology, bioenergetics.

Reality becomes clay in your hands.

And Level Eight?

That’s the big leagues. You gain access to timelines, navigate temporal dimensions like corridors in your own home.

Each level isn’t just a step — it’s an exponential leap in consciousness, an order of magnitude beyond the last.

State of the Nation Editor #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

Let’s face it, the dead giveaways of this stealthy NWO scheme to foist a national digital currency on the American people have been coming at US fast and furiously even before Trump’s inauguration.
First there were the various proclamations Trump made about Bitcoin.

Next, President-elect Trump starts pushing all cryptocurrencies.

Then he rolls out his own $TRUMP meme coin which was soon followed by Melania launching her own $MELANIA meme coin.
Do you see just how meticulously choreographed and fastidiously orchestrated this meme coin psyop really is?

Do you see how the bankster-created Bitcoin was used to get this whole cash-killing project started?

Let’s hope so, because once they take away cash it’s only crypto going forward. As well as an ever-changing and life-wrecking social credit score for each and every person on the planet; that is, if you want to continue to eat and drink to live.

KEY POINT: There’s only one reason why Trump would have launched his own meme coin in such a crass and ill-timed manner, not that there is ever a good time to perform such an act of presidential folly: because the banksters told him to. By making such a bad move, surely he knew that he would suffer through horrible headlines like this: WOW!!! Trump becomes the Grifter-in-Chief before he’s even inaugurated. However, Trump’s bankster masters knew that his Inaugural Address would be so full of promises to the MAGA Movement that they would overlook his unparalleled plunge into unpresidential and perfidious conduct before he even entered the Oval Office.
However, the official roll-out of CBDC worldwide is only one piece of the next phase of the New World Order implementation plan. For the entire Global Economic & Financial System is now slated for a controlled demolition in order for the Financial Masters of the Universe to use their unfailing Ordo ab Chao to carry out the Great Taking as a precursor to the Great Reset.

Nancy F #magick #quack #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

I have a brother in Va. Beach General Hospital ICU and the Hospital is 6 miles away from 2 Naval Bases in Va. Beach and 20 miles away from the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth. My brother is dying and I know there are med beds 6 miles away that could save him but everyday the finish line changes and gets further out. Yes I have currency and yes I have life threatening illness but would give up my appointment to save my brother. Money is great but family is greater.

Many have died waiting for this and I feel so blessed to be a chosen ones to be living in this time. There are no words to express all the love and appreciation I have for President Trump, VP Kennedy, all the Loyal Generals, our beloved Military, space force, lightworkers and family from other planets. I just wish I didn’t know about the med beds as I know they are there and am helpless to save my brother… I pray to God morning and night to get that email so I can possibly get him the help he needs. We were both volunteers for over 10 years with the Rescue Squad and he has had 5 surgeries on his back as a result of helping others. There were no battery operated stretchers then and we lifted everything with back and leg muscles. Spinal Fluid is in his brain and they don’t know where it is coming from…

Asking for prayers as I know there is power in prayer. Just tears me up knowing there is a miracle bed that could give him his life back 6 miles away but I can’t do anything without that email… This is so hard!

Patricia Cori #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Civilization is careening into a dystopian transhumanist rewrite of global society and the future of humanity, penned by a tyrannical New World Order: the Great Reset. With the onset of Covid-19 and all that has played out since early 2020, Big Pharma and High Tech have seized our lives in the most evil of ways. They do not intend to let go, until their nightmare agenda to merge human beings with Artificial Intelligence-Human 2.0-has revolutionized everything about our lives, enslaved us and possessed our world. It isn't a "theory" anymore - it's a global conspiracy.

How do they achieve this malevolent goal? First, they must hack the God Code to remove the light within us: the Divine Blueprint. Then, they can splice into our DNA any code, messenger or numerical mark they deem superior to our natural, God given essence, and steal our souls.

Take a deep dive into the unfolding reality surrounding Covid-19, the "vaccine" mandates, and all that they have done to mutate our lives, destroy our health, and undermine our social order. Patricia Cori pulls out all the stops in this probing, eye-opening book, exposing the darkness and, then, as she always does, offering solutions: to heal and activate the DNA, to find the empowerment to fight back, and to manifest a clear direction for all light warriors to stand in the light of their sovereignty.

This is Armageddon-the war of darkness and light. And we will win it.

Because we must.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The return of the Ancient Cosmic Father’s presence into this reality to guide humanity’s ascension during the planetary liberation events, will literally and figuratively shake humanity to their spiritual core. Currently, spiritual warfare confrontations are occurring in which Cosmic Father is overlighting and guiding those Krystic individuals that have the inner spiritual integrity to face off with the AI phantom matrix realities. <...> The Fallen Ruby Order Matrix is a phantom realm that the NAA invaders generated for themselves in metatronic reversal, using inverse coded dark matter spaces in order to masquerade as False Father Gods and live as immortals outside of the source field. These AI systems cannibalize living light consciousness systems and prey upon, as well as clone out and modify the organic creator code of diamond sun templates from the sacred Kryst-Krystallah in order to use them as power sources.
As we enter Capricorn Solar Alchemy, several spiritual battles are active in the in-between spaces of terraformed black matter pockets and have commenced within the phantom realms which are recipients of artificially cloned planetary grid architecture that is connected to the planet’s power sources being siphoned. Recent focus has been on the north and south poles, the 9D Antarctica stargate system, as well as reconfiguration of the vertical alignments of the Cosmic Suns into the 11D stargate network located in the Albion.
Capricorn Solar Alchemy brings the higher qualities of the consciousness expansion process which involves spiritual fermentation, the transformation of the inner light of the soul to illuminate through the physical form in order to magnetize the eternal spirit body. The ascension stages of spiritual fermentation into physical fermentation are where matter reanimates and comes alive in spirit through the alchemical transfiguration of the Buddhic Egg,

George Kavassilas/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

20 years ago, George Kavassilas received a diplomatic letter from a Reptilian called Draco Zon who lives in the Inner Earth and is indigenous to our planet. In his letter, which has never been publicly released before, Draco Zon discusses humanity’s incredible potential as a species and its limitations due to blind religious belief systems and hypocrisy. Draco Zon’s comments on the Holy Grail, God, Lucifer, Satan, and Pataal give a Reptilian perspective on life and death, and how to live a life of integrity and authenticity in rapidly changing times.

George Kavassilas’ diplomatic letter is sure to shock individuals with a conventional religious belief system predicated on a human-looking God or gods that created humanity, Earth, and all creation. As might be expected, Reptilians indigenous to Earth have a very different perspective on the supernatural force behind creation and the alleged God/gods that created humanity. Caution is advised in listening to this interview.

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #conspiracy satchidanand.substack.com


Hey everyone writing about the Fires in Los Angeles: Setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out…
These events should be examined and analyzed in the context of the global pattern of fires in places around the whole world in the last several years, including Australia, Northern California, Canada, Northern Texas, and recently in Maui, now Los Angeles. What is going on, believe it or not is setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out around the whole world, for the future world to come that the Global elite and their minion global Corporations have decided on, and planned to bring to full fruition and materialization, for their “New World Order” which is really “the Plan for New Atlantis”,
So you're saying AI is an electromagnetic silicon interdimensional Interface to the Demons. Yes, and here's the deal.
Anything inanimate can be possessed.
It can be controlled, manipulated. That's the basis of taboo worldwide.

But what's more critical is there are people who have queried AI, and the AI entities, that's what I say, AIEs, have identified that they are…

They are directed by Fallen Angel Demons.
Anybody can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.

Any Artificial Intelligence can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.
Black Magician Satanic Luciferian Demons who do not want to die the real death live immortally on the Astral Plane and higher, vampirising the energy of Human beings to live there forever, downloading into, Possessing prepared bodies to manage their Earth Plantation.
They vampirise human energy by connecting to implants they implant into their victims of sex and drug addiction blockages on this plane.

Stand For Truth UK #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy standfortruth.co.uk

The Wireless Radiation (5G) Liability Notice delivers a powerful message to those advertently or inadvertently causing harm or trespass, and that by doing so, will result in them being held individually liable.

It is highly unlikely that you will receive a response, this is a good indication of success. The respondents may well remain silent through fear of self incrimination. Our notices contain some hard truths spelling out a massive fraud and injustice through which the respondents are a guilty party.

As we operate in good faith and honour, we ensure that we give plenty of opportunity for the respondents to provide a remedy, this is done through a three-stage process.

If they do not respond, or if they provide an insufficient response. For example; if they fail to rebut the Witness Statement, or offer blanket denials and not applicable statements, or send responses from a third party who lack first-hand material factual knowledge. The respondent agrees, by default, with all of the terms and provisions set out in the Liability Notice.

Round One – Liability Notice for Non-Consent, Harm, Trespass, Injury by Wireless Radiation.
These initial documents allow the respondents 21 days to rebut our claims.

Round Two – If after 21 days there is no response, the respondents are now in dishonour of the contract that they initially instigated.
Round Three -Final Notice. If after the 10 day extension period there is still no response, a third and final notice will be sent.
If you choose to send through the post make one copy as a master file with the wet ink autograph and witnessing and then make the relevant copies. Keeping the original safe in a file.
Autographing – Never sign the documents and never use cursive (joined-up) writing. Signing signifies sinning. Writing in cursive signifies cursing.

Liability Notice – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using blue ink :John-michael:Doe.

Witness Statement – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using :John-michael:Doe.

Patrick O'Carroll #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy henrymakow.com

HATHOR PENTALPHA <Talmudic super-lodge> is a prime example of Freemasonry controlling both sides when planning wars, refugee "crises", and other long-term projects, even as the mainstream-media presents all the events as taking place by "happenstance" or "coincidence".
Most members of the PNAC <Project for the New American Century> Group were members of HATHOR PENTALPHA too, which was founded in 1993 after communist Russia faked its own death on 25 Dec 1991. The PNAC Group called for the Zionist US military to gain "full spectrum dominance" over all nations, especially Mid-East nations, and later over all the slaves (or Goyim "Livestock") of the world via brainwashing.

The top actions of HATHOR PENTALPHA and the PNAC Group (members of both are in the same "Big Club."

1. Grab as much territory as possible from the "fallen", ex-communist Russia (by expanding NATO).

2. Grab resources in the Mid-East in the absence of opposition from the "fallen" Russia or "fledgling" China.

3. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the death-toll of the Arab-Semitic Holocaust to over 10 million.

4. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the number of Arab-Semitic "refugees" dumped into Europe.

5. Implement Freemasonry's "Clash of Civilizations" credo as its paramount doctrine for the twenty-first century. Under this "Clash of Civilizations" doctrine (credited to political "scientist" & HATHOR PENTALPHA member Samuel Phillips Huntington), the Kalergi Plan must be expanded to increase the proportion of Muslims in Europe and North America, to in turn induce civil wars that will bring a "new" order from the ensuing chaos. But avoid the term "White Genocide", by preferably calling it instead "Weaponized Replacement Migration".

6. Develop race-specific bioweapons to kill political opponents, "nasty" racial groups, and other "undesirables".

7. Ultimately, also acquire "full spectrum dominance" over the minds of the slaves through total brainwashing.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

MESSAGE TO JUAN AND TRUMP. Area 51 = Secret Space Program = USAP …this trail is key as I hope you know. So you say Area 51 is run by the dark side military …this is known… So what about ALL THE UNDERGROUND BASES / CITIES/ OFF PLANET COLONIES… and how do you and Trump plan to deal with them? I know you won’t answer me and probably not read this but as you know I have been asking about this for months if not years. To take our planet back from the Reptilian/Draco/Grey Luciferian alliance is not going to be easy. Humans have a right to know this is a slave colony here on Planet Earth.
FYI….I have had a long running argument with many. MAGA people over whether the “white hats” are “in charge”. Especially _____ and _____. In my view it is insane to think the white hats are “in charge of the entire Earth”… But they continue to spout this out at every opportunity. Note: Juan has already said they are not “in charge of everything” but these MAGA people persist in repeating the white hats and Trump “know it all, have it all and are in charge”… But clearly these are people who do not acknowledge the Secret Space programs, underground cities and going off planet etc. It makes these MAGA people appear dumb and uninformed about the nature of reality to those of us who see the bigger picture.
Further religious programming is thick and unrelenting among the MAGA group and continues to fog and obscure their vision as to the multidimensional nature of reality. Juan and others that continue to promote the reptilian infested Vatican views are simply contributing another brick in the wall (to quote a famous band) preventing humans from seeing the true nature of existence or "life" on Planet Earth.

Much of this reptilian religious dogma acts as "comfort food" and furthers the deception with regard to how humans are toyed with, persecuted, trafficked, tortured, and otherwise the play toys for Reptilians, Draco and other negatively based alien races, vampires and the dark alliance.

Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

The awesome success of the various activities of Light Awakening Humanity Cocreated with the Company of Heaven in 2024, has accelerated our Ascension process in wondrous ways that we will experience throughout 2025.

One of the most life-changing things that occurred in 2024 is that Mother Earth was able to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This is something that she has been striving to accomplish since her fall from Grace aeons ago.

This seeming miracle occurred when ALL of the Solar Logos from the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage were, at long last, Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun. The Solar Logos from that System of Worlds are known through all Creation as Sanat and Luz.

The other Solar Logos from the Suns in Mother Earth’s lineage consist of Helios and Vesta from our Physical Sun, Alpha and Omega from our Central Sun, Elohae and Eloha from our Great Central Sun and El and Ela from our Great, Great Central Sun.

Since Mother Earth and all of the Suns in Earth’s lineage were Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun, ALL Life evolving on Earth has been daily and hourly Ascending into new Solar and Cosmic Coordinates. With every Breath we take, Earth’s adjusted position in the Universe is allowing all Life on this Planet to receive higher and higher Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage and our Grand Central Sun.

This vibrational shift Created the sacred space that enabled all Life on Earth to safely experience the most intensified 40-Day purging process that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth had ever been able to safely withstand.
Light is infinitely more powerful than darkness. Since the dense psychic astral veil of illusion, which the Company of Heaven often described as “almost tar-like”, has been purified and Transfigured into what they now refer to as a “transparent, gossamer veil”, everything has changed.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

President-elect Donald Trump, who takes office on Monday, has promised to usher in a golden age of cryptocurrency. What does it have to do with the Mark of the Beast? As it turns out, plenty.

Bitcoin on Friday hit its highest level of 2025, as cryptocurrency investors eagerly anticipated Donald Trump’s inauguration for his second presidential term on Jan. 20. Trump is reportedly preparing to issue more than 100 executive orders on Day One, some of which could focus on bitcoin and the digital asset industry. Ready or not, America is about to enter into the cryptocurrency age, and our new president Donald Trump is leading the way. But where does this all lead us to? That’s the memo.

“Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.” James 5:1 (KJB)

On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, there is no doubt that bitcoin, dogecoin and all manner of cryptocurrency has its roots firmly embedded in the soon-coming Mark of the Beast. How do I know that? The Bible tells us that the Mark of the Beast, while it is not money, is an implantable application that allows for the transfer of goods to be bought and sold. What is the Antichrist? He is the counterfeit Christ, an imitation of the real thing. What is all cryptocurrency? It is counterfeit money, an imitation of the real thing as defined by the Bible in terms of gold, silver and precious stones. Did you know that the US dollar is backed up by gold and silver, that that is what the green paper dollars represent? Cryptocurrency is not backed up by anything, it is a pure invention of artificial money that only exists in the digital world. It can only be used by accessing it through a device, Paul says we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. Are you? On this episode, we show you the shocking truth about the coming cryptocurrency revolution that leads straight to the Devil’s doorstep in the Mark of the Beast.

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist takimag.com

I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the course. One such jerk, writing in The New York Review of Books after November 7, announced the following: “There will be mass round ups and treason trials….” In other words, Stalin- and Hitler-like methods in the Land of the Free. The author of such rubbish is one Fintan O’Toole, probably the kind of wokester who thinks opening a door is unpaid labor.