wisdomlost #racist stormfront.org
There's more to this than meets the eye. This guy appears to be Indian (from India). The average IQ of India is 82. Despite all the false media about smart Indians they are really quite stupid.
Much of the reason for their success is that they come over here with degrees from India in Medicine, computer programing etc. If you've ever met one of these cons as a physician you would realize that their average physician probably has an IQ about 30 points above their population...meaning around 112.
The average White college student could probably graduate from a medical school in India (if they weren't so biased) and make a good living here as a physician. With an average IQ of 82 India is probably handing out many university degrees to people whose IQ is below 100. Furthermore, if you understand regression towards the mean in genetics, the children of these Indian immigrants will have below 100 IQs (probably they will average around 90).
Google is known for hiring Indians. Yet, I will bet the Indians aren't doing as well as the Whites or Chinese and Japanese Asians.
So the idea that people are different is a direct threat to this Indian CEO. If the truth of how dim-witted Indians are every gets accepted at Google he and his Indian friends won't be able to get Google's "affirmative action" for him and his friends.
And people will begin to realize that an Indian with a PhD. is probably less intelligent than a White with a bachelors degree. Or an Indian with a bachelors degree is less intelligent than an average White with a high school diploma.