Hunter Wallace #fundie
[From "Whites of Latin America"]
Robert Lindsay has a long post about the Whites of Latin America. They are generally under siege throughout the region. Argentina has a terrible problem with illegal immigration. Miscegenation is rampant in Brazil. Indian chauvinists in Bolivia and Peru are fomenting hatred against Whites. Communist politicians are exploiting the racial resentments of the brown masses to gain power. In Mexico, the few Whites who remain have to deny their racial heritage to curry favor with the demos.
In the Anglo-American mind, Latin America has traditionally been a powerful foil. It was widely seen as a “warning from history”: racially degenerate, Spanish-speaking, in thrall to the Vatican, inclined to authoritarianism, stagnant, ignorant, backward and poor. Latin America was not a model to be imitated. It was thought of as the sort of place the United States would become if Americans lost their morals. There was no feeling of solidarity with the region except in the patronizing sense.
Until the 1930s. It was around that time that [B]Jews began to rewrite Americanism[/B]. As they rose into the American elite, they substituted their own values — cosmopolitanism, internationalism, modernism, anti-racism — in the place of those inherited from the founding settlers. By 2000, the traditional narrative of Latin America’s racial degeneracy was replaced by a new tale about the struggle of freedom fighters against Yankee imperialism and commercial exploitation. Noam Chomsky (Jew) is the most prominent exponent of this view. Admittedly, it does have some basis in fact.
In spite of these efforts, traditional racial attitudes toward Hispanics and Latin America remain entrenched across a large cross section of the White population. Support for immigration restriction remains high. Millions of Whites aren’t willing to go quietly into the night. For now, their efforts are locked into the conservative mainstream, but that could one day change. It remains to be seen whether White Nationalists will exploit this opportunity.