Jesus, you sound like some bleeding heart liberal. You are completely overlooking the fact that these people pose a mortal threat to our very existence, and always will as long as they exist.
You don't show mercy to people who threaten your existence, you crush them underfoot like the cockroaches they are. Leaving a few alive will soon lead to another infestation and the trouble will start all over again.
No, I would have the party of all parties if someone dropped a couple of atom bombs on israhell and reduced it to a lump of glass in the desert. How often will we get the chance to wipe out this many vipers in one fell swoop?
Just never lose sight of the fact, it's either going to be them or us. There can never be a compromise, because jews don't compromise, so we have to fight fire with fire. Anything else will result in defeat.
Haha, I wonder what the author of the post below this ('Miu') makes of this? Presumably he would say:
"as long as [white] people respond in such a immature way with these physical outbursts and tantrums, they will never be respected by other races."
What's that Miu? The actions of one white man are not representative of the entire white race? Lol.
@Doubting Thomas
Probably talking about Jews since he has no problem with glassing Israel since the majority of people there are Jewish and Muslim so they all must be "vipers" that want to destroy "us". He also says "There can never be a compromise, because JEWS don't compromise, so we have to fight fire with fire. Anything else will result in defeat."
I don't know whats up with White Supremacist hating Jews. However I can't complain since nazism always loses in the end.
"You don't show mercy to people who threaten your existence, you crush them underfoot like the cockroaches they are."
You know what? You're right. Let's do it.
Now up against the wall, you fuckin' Nazis! It's you or us.
@Doubting Thomas
Is he talking about Jews, Muslims, or some other group he hates?
It's Jews. He said as much:
There can never be a compromise, because jews don't compromise, so we have to fight fire with fire.
Though since this is Stormfront we're talking about, I think it's likely he'd be quite happy to have over a million Arabs annihilated along with the Jews in 'israhell'.
Marx, you sound like some liberal with false consciousness. You are completely overlooking the fact that bourgeois pose a mortal threat to our very existence, and always will as long as they exist.
You don't show mercy to people who threaten your existence, you crush them underfoot like the cockroaches they are. Leaving a few alive will soon lead to another capitalist state and the trouble will start all over again.
No, I would have the (Workers') party of all parties if someone dropped a couple of atom bombs on Wall Street and reduced it to a lump of glass in the desert. How often will we get the chance to wipe out this many vipers in one fell swoop?
Just never lose sight of the fact, it's either going to be them or us. There can never be a compromise, because capitalists don't compromise, so we have to fight fire with fire. Anything else will result in defeat.
I guess the freedom he loves is his freedom to be evil.
Somewhere in some illegal, particularly radical settler-compound in Palestina:
"G-d, you sound like some bleeding heart liberal. You are completely overlooking the fact that these people pose a mortal threat to our very existence, and always will as long as they exist.
You don't show mercy to people who threaten your existence, you crush them underfoot like the cockroaches they are. Leaving a few alive will soon lead to another infestation and the trouble will start all over again.
No, I would have the party of all parties if someone dropped a couple of atom bombs on the goyim and reduced it to a lump of glass in the desert. How often will we get the chance to wipe out this many vipers in one fell swoop?
Just never lose sight of the fact, it's either going to be them or us. There can never be a compromise, because goyim don't compromise, so we have to fight fire with fire. Anything else will result in defeat."
Jesus, you sound like some bleeding heart liberal.
Better a bleeding heart than a heart of stone, bub.
I don't get the huge emphasis on Jews, either. Many (mainly the Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews) look no different than white people and most of these "Hatey-Whiteys" follow a religious tradition created by them and worship a Deity who incarnated as one of them. I don't understand how Jews could be at the top of the "Hate Totem Pole" with anti-Semites.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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