if the earth is not flat then homosexuality is not biological :).
As for being elected president I would try to rehabilitate the homosexuals in a correctional facility. If they refuse and or continue to do what they're doing then I can't do anythign but give them the punishment written for them in Islam.
As long as this correctional facilities have pretty girls as converters, I'd play along and "convert" to striaghtness :D
Anyways. Funny thing is, Islamic realm didn't have much gaybashing until 18th Century. In Ottoman Empire, gay prostitutes were protected from any hate so long as they paid their taxes and registered as sex workers, but were encouraged to repent and marry a Muslim woman. Go figure.
Such 'correctional facilities' already exist. They're called 'degayification camps', are run privately by homophobic fundies, and are incredibly damaging to the psyche of their victims.
Oh, and does the flat Earth-homosexuality thing work the other way, too? Would homosexuality be biological if the Earth was flat?
ANY theocracy is a fucked up form of government.
I don't care if its islamic, christian, "independant fundamentalist baptist" christian brands, or any other bloodthirsty powerhungry xenophobic superstitious organisation. The moment fairy-tales become law, you've got horrible human rights violations on your hands.
So, for you just existing is a sin. Ok, what if we did the same with muslims?, after all, I've never seen a homosexual blowing himself in the middle of a crowded street.
Yes, persecuting normal people like you and me, but if you want to be truly Islamic, leave vermin like PEDOS alone. (thereligionofpeace.com)
The earth is not only flat, but since it has no base, God made it supported by an angel, and since the angel has no base, God put a crag of ruby under the angel's feet, and since the ruby has no base, it's supported by Kujata, the bull with four thousand eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths and feet, and since Kujata has no base it's supported by Bahamut, a giant fish, and since Bahamut has no base it's supported by water, and since the water has no base it's supported by darkness, and beyond that is beyond the knowledge of Man. (Or another version goes that the darkness is a chasm of air, beneath which is fire, beneath which is Falak, the serpent in whose mouth are the six hells.)
I've read that this is a Muslim myth, but I can't help but think it might be pre-Mohammedan. Still, it's fun.
Wait a second. Just, let me get this straight for a second.
They want to send them to a prison to make them LESS likely to engage in homosexual sex.
Clearly, they're a little confused on the nature of our penal (penile?) institutions.
Actually, it's rather amusing. They only degayification process I can imagine is subjecting them to hookers and hardcore heterosexual porn over and over.
Heh. I can see it now.
"Oh yeah guys, seriously, those fundamentalist pimps have all the best prostitutes and porn. They're like, totally church funded."
Aahahahaha! Go for it guys. I'd love to see how this one turns out.
In words a Christian would understand...God allows homosexuals to live. That is obvious because none of them have yet been struck down. Ergo, God must like homosexuals.
I don't believe a word of that, but it fits the Christian idea.
...What does the shape of the Earth have to do with homosexuality?
Starts off with a non sequitur, and continues with asshattery.
And replace the word "Islam" with "Christianity" and this is exactly the same as any Christian fundie.
You really can't tell the difference if they don't say what religion they are.
If they refuse and or continue to do what they're doing then I can't do anythign but give them the punishment written for them in Islam.
Yeah, because you don't really have a mind of your own and can, say, NOT torture them to death. As much as I've defended Muslims on here against xtians, and then you guys fuck it up with something like this.
{if the earth is not flat then homosexuality is not biological :). }
The two arguments aren't related. Try again. This time try thinking. [font=wingdings]J[/font]
{As for being elected president I would try to rehabilitate the homosexuals in a correctional facility. If they refuse and or continue to do what they're doing then I can't do anythign but give them the punishment written for them in Islam. }
Okay two points: One, if you became president you would not be in any position to create such a law. We have a little something called separation of powers. You would not have absolute power. Two, if you try to practice your "Islamic beliefs" on a gay person, I imagine you'd find yourself in a nice cold tiny little cell in a maximum security prison. There you can experience well-deserved, sadistic homosexual dominance as the tortured recipient.
So yeah, if you really hate homosexuality, maybe you'd be best adapting to our principles of freedom so as to remove the possibility of that fate.
Correctional facilities worked very poorly on left-handed people in the past. They will work just as poorly on homosexuals now.
If you refuse to be blue-eyed and blond, we can't do anything but give you the punishment written for you in the book of something-or-other.
“if the earth is not flat then homosexuality is not biological :)."
"As for being elected president I would try to rehabilitate the homosexuals in a correctional facility."
Well it's a bloody good thing you're not President of the US.
"If they refuse and or continue to do what they're doing then I can't do anythign but give them the punishment written for them in Islam."
Assuming you're living in the US, Treaty of Tripoli bitch.
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