Kris Harpster #fundie
My choice is to not respond. It’s not my place to arm wrestle anyone over to my belief. If another “hears” truth in my words, and that leads them on a path in search of more truth, then I have planted a seed. If another resonates completely with my words, then that person is validated in their belief, and feels deeply seen and understood. I don’t personally believe that spiritual understanding can be taught to those who are not in a spiritual position to be taught.
I know, from my experience, spiritual understanding is not an intellectual enterprise. It’s truth beyond words and intellectual concepts. The intellect can be utilized to help illuminate truth, but this is useless as a tool to convince a nonbeliever. A nonbeliever doesn’t understand the truth is beyond intellect, and thinks that if the believer cannot win an intellectual debate, he is disproven. When the truth is, the intellectual debate is entirely outside the realm of spiritual truth.The intellect can only be used to indicate. The reality is beyond words. Using arguments made of words causes the reality to be lost.