Garvan Ellison #fundie
The Absence of Transitional Forms
This is one of the most potent arguments against evolution I have ever come across. It has never, to my knowledge, been effectively countered by any evolutionist.
Basically the evolutionist believes that transitional forms happen "all the time" throughout history. So we don't actually need to look at fossil records to establish evolution - all we need to do is LOOK AROUND US and OBSERVE all the billions of transitional forms and species which - according to the evolutionist - should be running about the day. Since, according to the evolutionist, change is slow and gradual, then we be able to observe many forms which things like three legs, half a fin, one wing, etc.
So why can't we see them? Did evolution grind to a sudden halt over the past 150 years since Darwin declared its existence? That would be a bit odd, would it not???!!!
So, evolutionists, show me the evidence. Who needs to concern themselves with the fossil record when according to your own THEORY transitional entities should be ALL AROUND US - walking, swimming, crawling or flying.