[Time to shut down homosexual clubs]
Did you get that? Each year, 12 percent more boys and young men were diagnosed with HIV. The trend is straight uphill. Yet homosexual activist groups like GLSEN and PFLAG, in lockstep with the ACLU and even Planned Parenthood, convince educators that safe-sex condom demonstrations, "gay straight alliances," and tolerance and diversity lessons are necessary "support" for those who are presumably born to engage in this behavior.
Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys were created to have anal sex? Right.
"Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys"
... what's the word for being attracted to post-puberty jailbait, again?
Okay, first: you're clearly a repressed pedophile. Second: At that rate we could safely say AIDS will take over in less than ten years. HIV and queers will win, thatis part of the "agenda" right? Since we know this is not the case and there is no cause for concern of an outbreak of such epic proportions, we know that the only two possible explanations are: scientists and doctors some how missed that one or you pulled the statistics out of your ass. Occam's razor anyone? Which is the simplest and most likely answer...?
"Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys were created to have anal sex? Right."
The term for a 14 year-old with a penis is "young man", Linda. I'd ask you to get it right next time, but I know that'd be a waste since fundies like you would rather see teenagers remain "sweet and innocent" for ever and ever, if only you could make it happen. Any issues you have with this, you should discuss with your God, since He's the one whom you claim created the human race, and therefore, allowed humans to experience puberty during their teenage years. I, on the other hand, see teenagers being forewarned about the possible dangers of sexual intercourse, regardless of what genders the participants are, as a good thing.
"... what's the word for being attracted to post-puberty jailbait, again?"
That would be "ephebophilia". Thanks for at least not confusing it with pedophilia, as anonymous apparently has (as strongly as I'm against pedophiliac behavior, the confusion of those two terms is one of my bigger pet peeves).
"Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys were created to have anal sex?"
That's what they tell their girlfriends. It's a win for the girls, because they get to stay virgins that way, and keep God happy! Yay!
[No seriously. The second part is actually how kids these days think about this, apparently! Start bitching about that instead!]
@Allegory for Jesus: "Kids these days?" To my knowledge, the whole anal doesn't devirginize thing has been an old standby for teenagers in the bible belt, and anywhere in the West where virginity is still considered important, for decades. Apparently, Mennonites have been using it for ages, too. In places where virginity isn't that big a deal, teenagers will have all kinds of sex without much hesitation and not worry about that kind of justification. Unless maybe the guy wants anal the girl isn't sure about sex at all.
"Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys were created to have anal sex? Right."
Seriously, if this wasn't in the actual article I would call POE.
This is too easy.
I wonder if fundies realize that there are other ways to get HIV besides homosexual sex. There's heterosexual sex, using dirty needles, blood transfusions, and probably other ways. I also find it funny that lesbians are the least likely to get HIV, as long as they don't use drugs and need some blood, even then, their chances are much, much smaller.
See, I read that as shutting down gay clubs/bars ... Shit, that's the ONLY place in the metro to here REAL Industrial or Electronica music. You better not take those away.
(Yes, I'm a girl. The guy's gay club lets us in once a week, but we have to share bathrooms... cleanest I've ever seen for a club.)
Uh, I don't know where you get your statistics from, but at that rate, every male in the world would be HIV+ by now.
Also, beautifully designed boys? Extra creepy.
@Poke: I believe the first cases diagnosed were homosexual men, and they proposed to call it GRID for Gay Related Immune Deficiency or something like that. Then they realized it had nothing to do with sexual orientation and called it AIDS instead.
"Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys were created to have anal sex?"
Honey, I think YOU'RE the one with issues, judging by this sentence.
by "cleverly" wrapping this up as a health issue, the bitch tries to obscure the fact that it is an equality and human rights one. She's happy to think of gay kids growing up unprotected from her type because she finds it easy to project her private morals onto public policy. This of course is the eternal calling card of the religious bigots and in the 21C we dhouldn't be giving them the opportunity to ruin lives.
God dammit! Here I am, of legal age, waiting for one of these gay activists to come along and convert me to their heathen, sinning ways, and what do I get? Nothing!
Lousy fourteen year-olds get all the luck.
@ Painful - Im not sure why but your bathroom comment made me giggle.
@ WND -
"Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys were created to have anal sex? Right."
Fucking creepy.
Anal sex isn't only "for the gays" anyway Linda... maybe you should try it once, that is if you have a husband.
"12 percent more boys and young men were diagnosed with HIV. "
Even though homosexuals are only 1%?
"convince educators that safe-sex condom demonstrations,"
While fundies force schools to teach ignorance based sex education. Strangely, the rate of AIDS is going up. I wonder why?
This may be news to you, Linda, but heterosexuals can and do engage in anal sex. Also, it's illegal to be attracted to fourteen-year-old boys if you yourself are not under the age of consent.
The first cases in America were gay males. We all know Africa doesn't matter. Or Europe.
"In 1976, a Norwegian sailor named Arvid Noe, his wife, and his nine-year-old daughter died of AIDS" [wiki, aids origin]
See, straight people get it too.
"Each year, 12 percent more boys and young men were diagnosed with HIV."
What beautiful 14-year-old boy's ass did you pull that out of?
...You do realize the 14-year-olds that she's referring to are probably her own sons, right? I think it's more that she can't bear the idea that they were conceived "defective", unable to properly pursue their design of fathering children (at least, they might not be attracted to doing so strictly in vivo), than her being an ephebophile.
First, the number of gay clubs and the AIDS epidemic has as much relation as the number of lolcats in the net to the quantity of hail tomorrow.
Second, Gay=/= Pedophile.
"12 percent more boys and young men were diagnosed with HIV."
Many of which get HIV through heterosexual sex.
"Our beautifully designed 14-year-old boys were created to have anal sex? Right."
Your Babble doesn't say anything about anal sex just gay sex, which is why teenagers who want to stay "pure" are using anal sex instead of vaginal and since they tend to come from conservative families that don't teach them about condoms they aren't protecting themselves.
Fundies are the greatest contributors to HIV/AIDS.
@ Wandering Discordian: " Apparently, Mennonites have been using it for ages, too. In places where virginity isn't that big a deal, teenagers will have all kinds of sex without much hesitation and not worry about that kind of justification."
Informative, and lolworthy!
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