Do you also follow what Jesus said about selling your possessions and giving the money to the poor? About curing the sick and helping the poor, housing the homeless and visiting the ones in prison? Or do you only read the OT? Is that why fundies often bleat about “Judeo-Christian”; because you like the parts of the Bible that comes from Judaism better than the ones describing the life of Jesus?
If homosexuality is such a grave sin, why isn’t it in the Ten Commandments or the Seven Deadly Sins?
The US of A is a secular nation, without a state church. What is and isn’t a sin is therefore unimportant, and there IS such a thing as gay MARRIAGE, whether you oppose it or not.
Beto or anyone else doesn’t have to do anything. The Obergefell vs Hodges is already in place.
You have the right to practice your religion your way, yes, but you don’t have the right to force your religion onto others, nor to persecute others in the name of your religion.
Not being allowed to persecute others is not a form of persecution, dolt.
My mother is a real Christian. She has no problem with gay marriage, nor with gay people. She’s more focused on what Jesus said and did, than what the OT god brawled about. God might be on your side, but Jesus is on HERS.