We switched from man coming from monkeys to we are now just a common ancestor, because they were totally wrong, and now they are not even sure of that...
Oh boy, where to begin
1) No scientist ever seriously said that human beings evolved from monkeys.
2) The theory has always been that all life stems from a common ancestor.
3) Of course the scientific community isn't "sure." Surety is for religious dullards, not scientists because surety depends on ignoring or suppressing new information as it becomes available. However, the evidence suggests that we can be convinced to within a reasonable margin of error (note the terms used)that the Theory of Evolution is an accurate explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.
Hope that helps, but I doubt it.
Wait . . . what?
The theory of evolution never stated that humankind evolved from monkeys. If it had, that would be "totally wrong", but the only people I've ever heard claim that "men came from monkeys" are creationists who know absolutely nothing about the theory of evolution. What the theory of evolution points to is that monkeys and human beings share a common ancestor. It never stated that one evolved into another. There's been no change of opinion in the scientific community on this matter. (And if there had been, it wouldn't be an argument against evolution because the beauty of science is that it changes it's conclusions according to the facts.)
And anyone with a rudimentary understanding of evolution is pretty sure that monkeys and human beings shared a common ancestor. (Here's a hint, jester461 -- all life on earth probably shares a common ancestor!)
Jester461, it's you and you're ridiculous strawman that are "totally wrong."
man from monkeys is not totally wrong. They now say common ancestor because people get confused with modern monkeys, and the ancestor was a very long time ago.
Nothing mich in science is absolute. If there is more evidence found the theory will be corrected.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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