darklogos #racist stormfront.org
Yet again Britain is awash with violent crimes committed by foreigners. As in the acid attack in Worcester for which people with names like Norbert Pulko, Jan Dudi, Adam Cech, and Jabar Paktia, were arrested. Like the murder committed by Shuayb Mahomud, Abdulqaliq Mohamed and others in Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, all of whom were members of a drug-dealing gang.
Would Britain be a safer, less crime-ridden, less violent, place were it still a country of only White people? I - and I'm sure many other racial nationalists - believe so. For it's not all about non-White Muslims being here but also about other foreigners who are not of English, Scots, Welsh, or Irish ancestry.
Yet in dealing with crime by non-indigenous people the police are increasingly hampered by the multi-cultural principle which condemns "racial profiling" even though front-line police officers know that in certain areas of certain British cities certain races are more involved in the commission of certain crimes than others, as in the drug-dealing gangs who infest parts of London.
What will Britain be like in fifty, in a hundred, years if nothing is done?