Kevin Swanson #fundie #homophobia

[in response to a CO baker who was fined for discriminating against a gay couple]

“What I think the homosexuals are doing is pressing into every nook and cranny of civil society,” [Kevin] Swanson said, urging on fundamentalist Christians to “impose God’s laws upon our systems, especially our political systems.”

He called on Christians to advocate for the recriminalization homosexuality.

“God’s laws require that we prosecute homosexuals who are caught in the act of homosexuality or the act of sodomy on the basis of two or three witnesses. If Christians would do that, if Christian pastors would do that then we would be able to hopefully press back the line upon those who are impressing their rights upon Christians who really need that religious freedom.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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