If vocal "homophobes" are more likely to be closeted homosexuals, then vocal atheists are more likely to be closeted Christians.
This is a weird attack, but I've heard it several times.
I guess it must be difficult for some people to fathom that the reason us Bible-believing Christians disapprove of homosexuality is because we actually believe the Bible, and not because we're "in denial" or something.
Seriously, I'm having a hard time even taking this argument seriously XD
Because if vocal "homophobes" are more likely to be closeted homosexuals, then let's try turning that argument around on some other things:
Vocal atheists are more likely to be closeted Christians.
Vocal liberals are more likely to be closeted conservatives.
Vocal feminazis are more likely to secretly think men are superior to women.
Vocal race equality supporters are more likely to be closeted racists.
And of course: Vocal homosexuals are more likely to be closeted "homophobes." XD
(I could have used any of these phrases for this stamp, honestly)
Seriously guys. This argument is ridiculous. Come up with something better.
PS: the word "homophobe" is in quotes because I take issue with that term. I neither fear nor hate homosexuals.
Furthermore, I do not support the murder, torture, enslavement, etc of homosexuals. Or atheists.
"If vocal "homophobes" are more likely to be closeted homosexuals, then vocal atheists are more likely to be closeted Christians. "
And vocal "christians" are closet atheists.
Idiot! Homosexuality is not an ideology. It is a sexual orientation. Sexism, conservatism, Christianity, and racism are ideologies.
Do you have a stamp for "Gobs hates false analogies?"
the argument is ridiculous, a little childish and I failed to see it ever work.
there are enough other arguments against the bigots, just as we have better arguments than claim vocal anti-Semites are closeted Jews.
There is at least a little truth in this - Atheists are generally interested in answering for themselves questions about life's purpose and moral living, areas that are traditionally the stamping ground of religions. If we really didn't care about these things, many I think wouldn't bother with atheism and would be happily agnostic.
I would not say atheists are closet Christians (by definition, that answer has been considered by Atheists and rejected), but they are definitely closet seekers of spiritual truth.
@Goomy pls
It’s called Ray Comfort.
Actually I do think it's counterproductive to claim that all homophobes are secretly gay. But the fact remains that many extremely vocal anti-gay advocates have gotten caught in gay sex scandals. Do the names Larry Craig and Ted Haggard mean anything to you? And not just with the anti-gay speech, but the more "family values" a politician claims to be, the more likely it is he will be caught in a sex scandal.
And ever notice how homophobes on the internet always seem to enjoy describing gay sex in the most graphic detail? It would appear that homophobes are far more obsessed with gay sex than gay people are.
We've got the actual studies to back it, jackass. Don't blame us. Blame your buddies that got erections from watching icky, icky homosexual porn.
While you're at it you can also blame the numerous vocally homophobic preachers who've been caught hiring male prostitutes (or fucking little boys). I've yet to see a study showing that vocal atheists frequently mutter prayers when confronted with theism or video or audio evidence of Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens pulling out a rosary and saying the lord's prayer when they thought no one was looking.
" I do not support the murder, torture, enslavement, etc of homosexuals. Or atheists."
Gee, thanks. You're a real prince. And by your specious argument, can we assume that EVERYONE is exactly the opposite of their stated views? Lemme explain something for you. There are things you ARE, and there are things you BELIEVE. Learn to tell the difference!
White people are not those who tried being black and didn't like it. Tall people didn't decide not to be short. Gays didn't write out the pros and cons of heterosex and pick one.
But atheists are, in large part, people who have plenty of exposure to religion, and don't like or believe what it says. Christians are a prime source of atheists, and whenever the evangelicals open their mouths, they create more atheists. Thank you.
I hate using that argument myself but when vocal homophobes start talking about gay sex in great detail and start discussing their fears of being forced to have gay sex when the gays take over is raises an eyebrow.
I don't think the average homophone is a closested homosexual but the ones who can't get gay sex out of their minds? Yes.
Then you have not read your Bible.
It says gays are an abomination, deserve death and their blood shall be upon them. Thats pretty much an instruction to kill them.
By taking up a worldview that involves the rejection of faith, any atheist that, for whatever reason, is a closeted Christian would be deemed to be a false Christian by the judgmental fundies (e.g. Ray Comfort) if they ever came out this metaphysical closet. You can't have it both ways.
Although his point (that 'homophobes are closeted homosexuals' is a ridiculous argument) is actually correct, where he goes completely wrong is that, in my experience at least, a significant chunk of atheists, vocal or otherwise, are not closeted Christians, but EX-Christians, and many are ex-Christians because they actually examined the Bible, in detail, and found too much of it to be at odds with reality, verifiable facts, and, in places, itself, to believe.
I'm not a fan of that arguement either, tbh. It kind of takes any blame away from homophobic straight people, as if it's gay people who are the main perpetuators of homophobia, plus it tends to come off as "Oh yeah, well you're gay!", which suggests that calling someone gay is an okay insult if you're an ally.
I happen to believe that life, like sexuality or spiritual belief is far grayer than the black and white thinking of either side will accept.
According to Kinsey et al, most people are actually bisexual to some degree.
["the word "homophobe" is in quotes because I take issue with that term. I neither fear nor hate homosexuals.
Furthermore, I do not support the murder, torture, enslavement, etc of homosexuals. Or atheists."]
If you were Pinocchio, I could build a ski lodge out of your schnoz.
ExaltGod... you misunderstand horseshoe theory.
It's where something gets so extreme it is almost to identical to it's opposite.
Not what you are saying ya idiot.
If you want to show why that argument is bullshit, then use a better analogy, like vocal racists being more likely to be the race that they hate, vocal sexists being more likely to be the sex that they hate. You know, things that you can't help being rather than things you can change anytime you want.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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