"We took prayer out of schools"
Really? When? I was under the impression that any student can pray any time they like as long as they do it quietly and with respect to those who don't partake of their specific nutty beliefs.
As far as I know, it's only faculty (in publicly funded schools anyway) who cannot initiate a prayer and the school cannot mandate that you take part in such events, nor can they set them up. The students though are free to do what they like.
"The ten commandments out of schools and courts"
Federally funded institutions cannot endorse, or seemingly endorse, one religion over another. What the holy hell is so fucking hard to understand about that?
"countless people use God's name in vain"
Oh my, no, say it ain't so! Why the hell would your god care in the least? Is his ego that pathetically crippled that it can't stand something like that?
Aside from that, I don't believe I've ever heard anyone actually use the name of god in such a way. I've heard "God damn it!" but never "Yahweh damn it!" God, as I'm sure you're aware being a person that pays such astute attention to details, is a title and not a name.
"and your shocked we have all of these horrible natural diasters in America?"
Not particularly. Then again, I'm well enough educated to understand the causes behind such things.
"The idea of evolution is like one day 70 billion years ago 2 rocks collided and the world was formed...LOL thats only true in STARWARS folks."
Fucking moron. Evolution has exactly jack shit to do with the formation of the Earth.
"Last night when looking at the eclipse,I said to my self......if theirs no God..than how come everything is so beautiful?"
Because the human brain is a pattern seeking organ. Certain patterns are pleasing to us; other's not so much. For instance, the pattern of letters you've chosen to combine into words to form sentences is quite offensive due to the stupidity that it contains.
"My point is : I'm a Christian,I was homeschooled my entire life and learned the right way"
Normally I don't really have a problem with homeschooling, despite the stigma associated with it, but you could certainly change my mind.
"people that believe in evolution believe scientists are always right"
No, we don't. Scientists can be wrong. Most are quite a considerable amount of time but that's how science works. You come up with a hypothesis about how or why something works and then you test it. Odds are you'll be either completely and utterly wrong or partially so. That's why it's big news when some major breakthrough happens.
"let me present ths point."
Oh, good. I was afraid you didn't actually have one.
"Can we see the brain of a professor?"
Yes. Dead people generally don't mind if you take a gander at theirs. Find a dead professor and have a look.
"Can we touch it?"
If you'd like. Make friends with an anatomy professor at a local medical college and I'm sure they'd let you come in after hours if you really wanted to. It probably wont be a professor's brain but it'll be a reasonable likeness.
"Can we Smell it?"
I'm not sure why you'd want to do such a thing and I'm hoping you're not going to go further into "can we taste it?" territory but yes, you can in fact smell a brain.
"Then how do we know theirs a brain in this professor?"
You're joking, right? Get a CT scan and it'll show it quite plainly. Schedule brain surgery and they'll show you your own brain on the monitor. Since you generally have to be awake anyway for brain surgery you might as well learn something. I'd suggest having the professor do this but you seem to be in dire need of both.
"Because we have faith and Cat Scans prove it."
No. We know because we have evidence to show for it. Faith doesn't enter into it.
"As for God,he has 10,000 years of history of his power an majesty in the Bible"
Ten thousand you say? My version must be short a few pages. Using Ussher's calculations I can, apparently, get back to about 4004 B.C.E. Where are the other four thousand years of history hiding and what happened during those years since the universe didn't exist before then according to the Bible?
"but athiests are so damn stupid and ignorant they believe that 10,000 years of people...are crazy? nuts? Psychos?"
Ignorant, superstitious and foolish is more appropriate. Don't worry, six thousand years from now we'll all be viewed as being just as primitive.