goodman2 #racist
its not that I hate myself for that, ALSO I wouldnt wanna change it its somehow engraved in my soul...but your kids will definately not so much appreciate it that theyre the priduct of any kind of mixing!!
Come on guys, this is a WN forum and youd expect people here to be more open to the truth but apparently hair-mixing, the number one issue, is a nonissue...yall seen brainwashed!
Perhaps we simply do not understand.
What do you mean by hair mixing?
I think you might mean mixing between distinct groups of White Europeans, such as the English, French, German etc..
Do you consider black hair to be exclusive to a certain White European ethnic group?
Black hair is historically present in each of these populations, so I'm still not sure where you might be trying to go with that either though.
to me two things are important: race and common sense.
To some people on here nationality is all that matters, which I dont understand, they seem stuck in some kind of nationalism-mode. Race is more important. So just go ahead and group people by their looks (-> race) and notice how unnatural it is if you mix these people.
Do you think God approves (would approve“ if your atheist) of hairmixing? I dont think so.
And if God disapproved, well, we've mixed enough hair by now to go straight to the salons of Hell, haven't we?
and youre proud of that? yes you are 100% correct. People who argue like that (your not a tiny bit better than the musharks) WILL go to hell. True words.
Seriously, a White couple where one has black hair and one has blonde hair is as bad as race-mixing in your eyes?
This isn't the first silly post I've seen from you. I'm reasonably certain that you're a troll.
There is no leveling in racemixing. I have a blind eye for all kinds of racemixing and that includes the ones I outlined. For me racemixers, no matter what, are all the same. Its not as bad“ its even WORSE -> since it happens on a larger scale. You claim I am a troll but you people shoe NO sense of compassion, philosophy, theology or real race-ideology (that is focusing on racial hygiene). I stand by my words and will keep repeating them as long as people arent aware of this. Many here claim to be woke“, well apparently you‘re not woke enough to grasp the situation.
Why would God be against hair mixing?
He created these many different shades and told us to be fruitful and multiply.
He also created Adam and Eve.
That's only two people.
Even if they each had a different hair color, there are at least three distinct hair and eye colors.
I know! Brunettes must be aliens because we are out of this world.
Sorry, I dont want to get too personal but you‘re God seems to be Satan himself. My God charishes purity of the soul above everything elsr
You can keep repeating yourself all you'd like but that will not make the words become true, logical or meaningful. You’ll actually do the opposite.
‘‘Tis best to keep ones mouth shut and let others think you’re stupid, than to speak and remove all doubt”
Oh really? I think this topic gets ignored too often. Its time someone starts paving the way for lost souls. I dont really understand? You mean I am being to raycis“?