And yes it would be nice if you could furnish a cow/shark, but we would also be happy with a trans species monkey, pig, rat, mouse, anything, take your pick , a transpecies anything.
"And yes it would be nice if you could furnish a cow/shark, but we would also be happy with a trans species monkey, pig, rat, mouse, anything, take your pick , a transpecies anything."
We're waiting...
Oh! Oh! I know! I know! Pick me!
I found a picture of one. It's actually rather famous now:
(Because evolution totally works exactly like this.)
transpecies do not exist because
1) animals do not evolve adaptations and forms with a specific plan as to their final form in mind
2) each species is too far along in their evolution to hybridize
whoever keeps propegating this false impression that evolution supports the idea of transpecies has to shut the fuck up, because they're making shit up.
If you did find a cow/shark, you would totally disprove evolution.
There are ligers and tigons, mules and zebroids, however.
You could say we are all trans-species, between the species of yesterday and the species of tomorrow.
Oh for the love of--
Is that a Shark that eats grass and gives milk or a Cow that rips you apart and eats you? Hey, it's your concept of natural, somehow, so you should be able to fit it in.
Evolution itself says such a thing can't happen. A sea born canivorous cow wouldn't resemble what we call cow in anyway, a bear would be the closest. A grazing shark that gives milk? A warlus maybe,,, huh?
Got caught in a stupid storm there
The cheetah is a cat, but it has non-retractable claws, like a dog. It does not stalk its prey, it runs it down, like a dog. It's canine teeth resemble those of a dog, not a cat. It can be trained, like a dog. Its almost like the cheetah is...
What was that? Oh, its just the goalposts being moved, again.
(emph-ass-is added):
"And yes it would be nice if you could furnish a cow /shark "
Bull Shark. [/smartarse]
Now here's a handful of dirt. It won't turn into a man by itself , and you lot always go on & on about how 'faith can move mountains' and all that jazz, so faith me that dirt into a man, chop-chop!
...or I'd be happy with breeding goats near spotted poles using the oculo-genetic method described in the Bible, or showing me a four -legged insect, or a bird with mammary glands, or a rabbit that can chew it's cud...:
...or your so-called 'God' actually appearing in hard solid physical form (and that's God himself , not 'Jesus') and doing as the above says, with a completely new species. Now do you realise why you Creationists - and religionists as a whole - are on a hiding to nothing, in the Reality vs. 'Faith' stakes? And that's before I mention Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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