Hentala #homophobia comments.deviantart.com
I respect homosexuals as people, and I don't hate them at all, especially not because of their sexuality, but I do not support giving special legal rights to people just because they were born with an anomaly in the sphere of sexuality. Homosexuality is not a reason to hate anybody, because there is way more to each person than their sexual urges, and I'm really sad seeing people judging others solely on that basis, but homosexuality is also not a culture by itself, or religion, so what's the point of treating this subject under category of human rights?
I guess many would disagree that homosexuality is an anomaly in sexual behaviour, because homosexuals do not choose homosexuality [at least not the real ones] but just are homosexual. Yet, that's no argument at all. Shizophremic people also did not choose to suffer mental disease. Pedophiles do not choose to get aroused by children. [Note the difference between pedophilia and child molesting, first is just a sexual urge towards children or child related things, without acting on it, when in second case a person acts on that urge]
The fact that homosexuality is not one's fault, doesn't make it less of an anomaly. Just an anomaly that appears harmless enough for general society that people who choose to act on it actually try to present it as something normal, so... nobody will point out that something's not 'normal' with them? That might be it, but I do not dwell, there could be hundreds of motivations behind this.
There are therapies for people with sexual deviations percieved as harmful if acted upon, like pedophilia, but a deviation from basic sexual behaviors that isn't as plainly harmful is to be not considered a deviation because... it theorethically hurts nobody? Well, people with some lighter cases of aspergers also can lead a pretty normal life, yet it's still a mental anomaly, last time I checked. And no, there is no confirmation of something like homosexual gene.
Still, my point is not to hate these people. There are still people, like everybody else and hating them on basis of who they have sex with. If anything, they may be hurting themselves, among other reasons because some organs are not made to take part in sexual intercourse. And I agree that bullying and hating homosexuals because of their sexual urges is just as wrong, just as bullying and hating other coloured people or women is, but I'm not gonna let them convince me that what they're feeling is normal.
Also please take notice that I'm not telling people that loving someone of the same gender is not normal. Just having sex with them isn't normal. That's it. I really don't like when people use love as a synonym of sex. No, you don't have to feel sexually aroused by someone to love him/her