Bellatrix #racist
I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I think it depends on the scale and the intent. Large, permanent colonies -- not such a good idea. That forces a place like Hungary to sacrifice their national entity, and that's not fair. Taken to an extreme, they would cease to exist.
On the other hand, a handful of western European countries are in a crisis and the nationalists in those countries can't seem to make any headway. You either have to change the system from within (staying home) or change it from the outside, and maybe they could achieve something by temporarily going elsewhere? I don't know. Maybe if nationalists leave, that would have the opposite effect of completely handing those countries over to anti-whites. A collapse would eventually follow but once you hand it over, you can't necessarily get the country back. Would the children of these expats even have, say, British citizenship from their parents? Leaving with no legal means for descendants to return down the line is a dreadful thought. And of course the long-term objective should be to get these lands back again to their rightful indigenous owners.
Then there's the danger of assimilation. If children aren't surrounded by a majority of white peers, they are going to race mix. You bet. Unless we come up with something amazing that prevents it. So for those white families who stay in the mire, it's almost certain death by assimilation. Which is of course what our enemies intend. Stay and fight is great, but what does that actually mean? And is it actually working? At what point do we know if it's ever going to work? The ideal situation is a nationalist movement takes hold in western Europe that overthrows current governments. But there's still a massive demographic problem to contend with, even if they were able to pull off that feat.
Really, it's probably not for those in the Western Hemisphere to prescribe what they should do. It's a very different situation in North America because the countries are so large but the cultures are so similar. I moved from a city that was about 50% white to one that is around 90% white, in a different country. I couldn't imagine living long-term in my former city, not to mention raising children there. Yet despite crossing a border, the white culture didn't change because the white nationalities are more or less the same. So nobody is really losing except for my former city maybe, where the whites are pretty happy with race mixing and don't seem to want to be saved anyway.