[Ultimate X-Men as homosexual propaganda.]
Yes, I do feel that homosexual propaganda has infiltrated popular culture these days. I can't think of how many movies I have started to watch, only to find that there is a token homosexual character that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot. It is definitely propaganda, though you might not realize it if you have been exposed to it a lot, and think of it as normal. I haven't, so I noticed right away. Propaganda, for those who are confused, is defined as "The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause". By this definition, constantly repeating the dogma that "homosexuality is simply another lifestyle choice", and putting it in print, on the airwaves and in the movies certainly qualifies as propaganda. They are trying to change the prevailing views.
It's called character depth. Can't accept Colossus can still kick ass and enjoy it too?
And yes, if their aim is to make people finally accept homosexuality as something that isn't evil( Not a bad thing), it's also propoganda. So is the bible, churches, saying homosexualtiy is eveil and a sin... but let's forget that, shall we? Actually, I'd perfer you uncomfortable.
Firstly, using the word 'propagation' to define 'propaganda' would get you a 'D' in my english class in high school.
Secondly, there is no gay agenda, it just sounds like you watch a lot of homosexual movies.
Considering one in thirty people are gay, and most folks don't have a problem with hearing about lifestyles different from their own, it's not surprising that you are noticing 'token' gay charecters.
Also, it's funny how you are willing to accept men in tights with supernatural powers and beams of light emitting from their eyes but you don't like the idea of two people of the same sex having a relationship?
Yes, I do feel that racial propaganda has infiltrated popular culture these days. I can't think of how many movies I have started to watch, only to find that there is a token racial minority character that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot. It is definitely propaganda, though you might not realize it if you have been exposed to it a lot, and think of it as normal. I haven't, so I noticed right away. Propaganda, for those who are confused, is defined as "The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause". By this definition, constantly repeating the dogma that "racial harmony is simply another lifestyle choice", and putting it in print, on the airwaves and in the movies certainly qualifies as propaganda.
Yes, I do feel that christian propaganda has infiltrated popular culture these days. I can't think of how many movies I have started to watch, only to find that there is a token christian character that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot. It is definitely propaganda, though you might not realize it if you have been exposed to it a lot, and think of it as normal. I haven't, so I noticed right away. Propaganda, for those who are confused, is defined as "The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause". By this definition, constantly repeating the dogma that "christianity is simply another lifestyle choice", and putting it in print, on the airwaves and in the movies certainly qualifies as propaganda. They are trying to change the prevailing views.
Seomah, I don't think anything in the movies gave a hint of Colossus' sexual orientation either way. But I've been away from the comics a long time now, so for all I know, it's possible he came out of the closet there. But I cannot verify it.
~David D.G.
Colossus barely has a sentence in the 3rd movie (and he hasn't even his accent), so you can guess how much thought the scenarists gave to his sexual orientation...
In the normal comics (the Earth-616 Marvel Universe, and most alternate realities), Colossus is heterosexual and currently in a relation with Kitty (he also has had relations with other women, he even has a son in the Savage Land, although he isn't aware of it).
The Ultimate Marvel Universe is a separate line (with editors claiming that there never would be a crossover between the 616 MU and the Ultimate MU) that is basically a rebooted MU that was originally intended to be "new readers-friendly by not having 40 years of backstory to know. They also "fixed" some of the silliest origins (Spidey and the Hulk getting their powers still through accidents, but accidents involving genetic engineering, more precisely attempts to replicate the Super Soldier serum that gave Captain America his powers, not freak accidents with radiation). In this universe, Colossus is indeed gay, and currently dating Northstar (Canadian mutant speedster who is gay in both universes). One can note that in Ultimate X-Men, while Colossus has no problem with his sexuality and doesn't make a big deal of it, the deeply religious Nightcrawler has difficulties dealing with his (former?) best friend's orientation ever since he came out... ^^
In this [Ultimate X-Men] universe, Colossus is indeed gay, and currently dating Northstar (Canadian mutant speedster who is gay in both universes).
The problem with dating a speedster is that he'll be faster than a speeding bullet, ifyouknowhatImean.
X-men and homosexuality?, I thought that Jean Gray was a female mutant with two male suitors, and that Rogue was a full female being too, in love with an icy boyfriend, but, well, if you want to see the rainbow............
First off, being gay is not a "lifestyle choice" because it isn't a choice.
Secondly, it's part of making characters people can relate to. Some of the people reading the X-Men books are going to be gay. If they see Colossus and sympathise with him, great.
Thirdly, the X-books have ALWAYS been about persecution of minorities.
So don't read X-Men. Add it to the list of places you will not go, businesses you will not patronize and people you will not listen to.
Soon your world will be too small to live in. What then?
There are also often a token tall character that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot.
Constantly repeating the dogma that "black skin is simply another lifestyle choice" is also propaganda, then.
It's YOU fundes that want to change the prevailing views. Most people accept homosexuality as a natural variety of sexual orientation.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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