various stormfronters #racist
(Note: So, they now hate Spanish as well.)
Bull commits suicide after Spanish men light its horns on fire
A rather disturbing story coming out of Spain and just further evidence of Spanish bloodlust and endless love for violence at any turn. This time against bulls made to run in the annual running of the bulls festival in Spain.
Safe to say more than a few drops of Spanish blood in those savage gangsters and criminals so plentiful in Latino lands and of course in our own nation.
edit : well thank youtube for deleting the video clip just hours after it was posted there. For those who have not seen it , the bull basically impales itself with the burning horns to end the suffering , all while the lazy loser Armada men celebrate and dance in the street.
(concerned englishman)
Must have been an emo bull. What other kind of bulls commit suicide?
(Tattered Faith)
Pretty sick...
Everytime I've seen footage of that inane contest, I rooted for the bulls.
Same with the bullfights in mayheeco; nothing more pleasing than watching the bull gouge the stuffing out of that crud with the cape, instead of the other way around.
(civil warrior 2)
Wait...i thought the spanish were "white" according to you lot. You're talking about them as if they were Arabs or Mexicans.
This is cruelty worthy of the Jews. Many of those "Spaniards" who went to the New World then procreated with native women were Jews. They forced to convert to Christianity after the Muslims were all killed or expelled from Spain and were known as "Conversos." However, the Spaniards never forgot the Jews' role in the Islamic conquest of Spain, and they always remained suspicious of them. They regarded them as Christians by day, Jews by night. It's very likely those sick bastards have Jewish, Moorish or BOTH blood in their veins, and that is how they could be capable of this kind of cruelty.
It is surprising that a country that is a member of the European Union is permitted to carry out this level of ritualistic animal cruelty in the guise of entertainment.
They do this same kind of animal torture just south of the US border, in Mexico:
Agreed! I could never see ANYTHING REMOTELY acceptable in these savage displays ...............worthy of Arabs NOT Europeans!