Faith based discrimination is actually bigotry in the purest form, since it utterly rejects everything about the person, body, soul and mind. Faith is the man. There is nothing left over and nothing held back. On the other hand, disapproval of a sexual perversion is in fact the highest compliment to pay the person afflicted by the sin, since the sin is the enemy of the man.
For values of faith=Islam, heterodox Christianity, 0 (atheism), etc.
For values of sexual perversion=heterosexuality
I doubt you'd so breathlessly say such a thing. Because I can easily make up my own religion where heterosexuality and fundamentalist Christianity are considered grave moral violations.
"Faith based discrimination is actually bigotry in the purest form, since it utterly rejects everything about the person, body, soul and mind."
I've said this for a long time, but it didn't slow down the fundies one bit. Lack of faith based discrimination is a sin in their minds.
A sexual orientation is also body, soul and mind, asshole!
You're the one calling it a sin, bigot. We normal people call it a natural sexual orientation, and we say that sexual orientation has the exact same right to be respected as religious orientation does.
disapproval of a sexual perversion is in fact the highest compliment to pay the person afflicted by the sin
And is calling them perverts, degenerates, saying they like to molest children, as well as taking away their rights also the highest compliment?
Your idea of "faith based discrimination" is "I can't persecute people who aren't following the tentets of my religion without people yelling at me."
That's not discrimination. Refusal to serve someone, though, IS discrimination. Quit trying to change the meaning of words.
As a fellow Johnnie, sir, you embarrass me.
You are right; faith-based discrimination is bigotry in its purest form. Discrimination, that is, based on and justified by religious beliefs.
Christians have a rather long history of faith-based discrimination that rejects people's bodies as well as their souls and minds, often by burning them. How about the Inquisition? Or was that just "disapproval" of "perversion"? And who rejects people, body, soul and mind by dehumanizing them and reducing them to cases of "sexual perversion"? As I said, faith-based discrimination is bigotry in its purest form.
Remember that Jesus said committing any sin is the same as committing all sins and that everyone is a sinner. Therefore, everyone should shun everyone else, rejecting everything about each other, bodies, souls and minds. Sounds like a great, biblically correct life, huh?
"Faith based discrimination is actually bigotry in the purest form,...."
Then stop using your faith as a base for your discrimination, you bigot!
Wow. That is the most assholeish, astoundingly idiotic reverse "backhanded complement" I have ever heard. Do you direct a yo-mamma so fat joke at someone's mother and then say, well, you're just disapproving of her weight, which is really her enemy so it's fine! And then how many times would you get punched in the face, I wonder?
Oh, of course, the perceived discrimination of your faith has to be the absolute WORST. You couldn't possibly experience bigotry like everyone else, oh no. It has to be the purest, the most worestest kind! Poor old you. Nobody can know how discriminated you feel. Especially not the queers, because really they should feel flattered 'round the clock.
You've hit the nail on the head and you didn't even realize it. You're absolutely right, "faith based discrimination, also know as "I can't serve teh gheys because of my beliefs" is the purest form of bigotry.
On the other hand, disapproval of a sexual perversion is in fact the highest compliment to pay the person afflicted by the sin, since the sin is the enemy of the man.
Homosexuality isn't a perversion or a choice. YOU are the enemy of gay people if you go around insulting them and trying to treat them like second class citizens because of who they are, and no amount of mental or verbal gymnastics on your part is going to change it. You're not fooling anyone by trying to pass that shit off as a compliment.
Faith is the man
No, that's not how it goes.
Grease is the word
Is the word that you heard
It's got groove, it's got meaning
Grease is the time
Is the place, is the motion
Grease is the way we are feeling
You know, that's some mighty doublethink there. Good job.
By the way, what faith is horrible to discriminate against? Let me guess, it isn't Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, or Islam. Or Catholicism or liberal protestants.
Hurt sure fundie logic.
Bible Godism could well be the overweening prank of naughty schoolboys with its worship of an all-mighty evil deity who is actually the god of self-entitlement and mischief. Bible God is also the god of irresponsibility and eternal immaturity.
Another pointer to the the pranksterism of Bible God is His supposed creation of Satan, a pantomime villain who He pretends is the actual evil one but who He actually controls and can easily defeat with the merest twitch of an invisible bit of Himself.
“Faith based discrimination is actually bigotry in the purest form, since it utterly rejects everything about the person, body, soul and mind”
No, it doesn’t. You weren’t born a Baptist or a Fundamentalist Catholic or whatever. Those are choices you make and can change you rmind. PURE discrimination would be against something a person was born with.
“Faith is the man”
Meh. I can look at pictures of people and NOT KNOW if they’re Christains or if they’re fudies about it…
“There is nothing left over and nothing held back.”
I think you’re overimpressed with your own piety.
“On the other hand, disapproval of a sexual perversion is in fact the highest compliment to pay the person afflicted by the sin, since the sin is the enemy of the man.”
But where i want to stick my dick is none of your fucking no pun intended business. So even if meant as a compliment, which you do not, it’s an invasion of privacy to highlight my preferences and judge them.
Shove off, nosy posy.
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