/The thing that bugs me most is that people over here do not recognise what Sarah could do for the world./
As Quantum Mechanic said, we're afraid of what she could do TO the world and to our country.
/She is an ordinary mom,/
How many mothers live in large mansions, hunt animals from planes, believe that rape victims should pay for their own rape kits, believe that America is God's darling, and try to control other people's lives? Not that many, I assure you.
/from a small town,/
So, what?
/and she holds values that so many people share/
Newsflash, most people aren't delusional.
/(not only in America, but worldwide).../
Yeah, because I know that all my relatives in Greece like to shoot endangered animals, ban abortion, and bash homosexuals. That must be why abortion and homosexual marriages are legal in many parts of Europe. *eyeroll* Maybe this person meant in the Middle East, because plenty of fundies there share Palin's views.
/The world would be a much safer place with SARAH./
Endangered animals aren't safe with Sarah Palin around. What makes you think that humans would be?