(In response to a post about protesting a Hindu Rally in Trafalgar Square...)
fred the bus driver said...
Hey Garv,
It is good that you are protesting against this Hindu rally.
Some of us at church are thinking of getting a bus together and going up to protest at a certain Chicago university. Apparently this university is distributing FREE COPIES OF DARWIN to students and indoctrinating their vulnerable young minds through lectures espousing the ideas of evolution. Read more here:
I know that you have an interest in education, so perhaps you would consider writing to the President of this university to protest against this breach of academic freedom.
God bless,
End lactose intolerance!
Fred is a bus driver?
Yeah, the book is a book ABOUT Darwin. Northwestern's One Book program is where they send every incoming student in an undergrad program the same book, then there are lots of lectures about it all year. This isn't the first year they've done it. The book isn't by Darwin, it's about his life and work, and it's awesome. I highly recommend it.
Fundies fail at reading the things they link, even. If this isn't a Poe.
Free copies of Darwin? So we're cloning him now, and giving one to everyone in college? Cool.
"I know that you have an interest in education" If you mean destroying education and implanting fundy 'logic' instead, then you're probably right.
"to protest against this breach of academic freedom" The only breach of academic freedom that I see is fundy protesting against buk lernin. By denying the giving away of free copies of a SCIENTIFIC book to college students, that's denying the role and importance of education. This is horrendous, and should be punishable by law.
"It is good that you are protesting against this Hindu rally."
The Hindus again? Man, there's been a lot of anti-Hindu (and anti-Catholic) stuff on here recently. What's going on here?
And why is it a "breach of academic freedom" for a university to distribute free copies of a book? You guys have a really strange definition of "freedom."
since when did "academic freedom" consist of protesting other people's religion?
how, please someone tell me, how can anyone be this ignorant and bigoted? i just can't wrap my brain around it. i have a hard time accepting the idea that this is anything less than a poe, for the sake of my sanity.
Hate to break this to Gar and Fred, but if a kid is smart enough to get into Northwestern, he has obviously already studied evolution and read Darwin, something that neither one of those clown's have done.
would consider writing to the President of this university to protest against this breach of academic freedom.
Teaching students part of biology is a breach of academic freedom how? I guess education really is bad when you're a Fundie.
As much as I want a Darwin of my own, I have to wonder where they're getting them from. A Darwin farm? I'm getting images of poor, caged Darwins, never allowed freedom to travel to foreign islands and study finches...
Stop the abuse! Free the Darwins!
"...Apparently this university is distributing FREE COPIES OF DARWIN to students and indoctrinating their vulnerable young minds through lectures espousing the ideas of evolution..."
Hm. So they're giving out cloned British scientists to brainwash teh kiddiez?
YES! It is a breach of academic freedom to have students learn based on evidence! They should have the freedom to be banned from learning anything that could cause me to feel insecure about my faith! It is a breach of my civil rights to have evidence contradict what I believe to be true, evidence should be respectful and tolerant of my beliefs! Any evidence that dares tell me what I should believe should be burned! Burned I say! God will smite all of you, at some indeterminate point in the future, and probably in such a way that you will assume it's a coincidence, but God will know!!
freedom of religion cunt!
You Xians think it your right to stuff your batshti insane musings down our throats and be respected for it.
Allow other delusionists of a different myth the same courtesy
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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