Miles Mathis #conspiracy

Anyway, among the many things Dr. Fuellmich confirms are that the mortality of Covid is no higher than the seasonal flu, and may actually be less. Also that the hospitals that were supposed to be overflowing were actually almost empty. Also that films from hospitals were faked. Also that the panic was created on purpose, in order to promote vaccines and other agendas. Also that the WHO, CDC, and other major governmental bodies worldwide have lied at the behest of foundations and corporations that control them. Also that almost everyone who has died was very old and had pre-existing conditions, again indicating the mortality of Covid is extremely low. Also that the Covid test was not created to diagnose or confirm Covid, as its inventor admits and as is admitted in its own literature—including inserts that come with it—and in the CDC’s own publications. That is, a positive result does not indicate infection with anything. It can give a positive result on anyone who has ever had a cold. Also that doctors have been instructed to assign deaths to Covid, whether that was truly indicated or not. Also that doctors and officials were PAID to list deaths as Covid when they were not. Also that government bodies recommended that no autopsies be performed in Covid cases, in order to hide the fact that Covid was NOT the cause. Also that those in media and government—when confronted with this evidence—had been instructed not to argue facts, but instead to label the opposition as conspiracy theorists and treat them as cranks, even when they were tenured professors at Stanford or Nobel Prize winners. Sound familiar? Also that orders from the CDC and governors have been completely unConstitutional, bypassing our legislative system completely and therefore our right to representation. Also that courts at all levels have utterly failed to protect our rights and uphold the Constitution, undermining their basic function. Also that all these actions above constitute massive centralized fraud and intent to cause harm. Also that provable harm—including complicity in mass murder—has been done on a worldwide scale, hence the Crimes Against Humanity tag. But you don’t have to take my word for it, watch the video for yourself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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