William #fundie ca.answers.yahoo.com
(In response to a Christian who mentions why American Christian Zionists never seem to mind about the Christian Palestinian minority)
Spoken like a true atheist troll. Actually all Christians know that Israel is repsonsible for the existence of the Holy Bible, We also know they were God's chosen people long before we came about then of course favortism and legalism were no more because of Christ's sacrifice. Still those who curse Israel will be cursed and those who bless Israel will be blessed and there is no denying that. So your lack of knowledge has atheist troll written all over it.
Speaking to Israel's forefather Abraham God says, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." - Genesis 12:3 and what is for Abraham is for Israel.
Now for your claim that Palestinians are Christians too:
After the second Jewish revolt under Bar Cochba (A.D. 132-135) it is said the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed the land of Israel and Judea as Palastina (Palestine) after the ancient enemies of the Jews - the Philistines. Because of his hatred of the Jews, it was meant to be an insult to dishonor them and remove their Jewish rights and history.
Until so called Palestinians can define their Nation's capitol, their borders, their party politics, their financial institutions, their laws, their origins, their government's protocol on every level, their healthcare system, their emergency response system, their social services, their infrastructure, their foreign and domestic policies and any and all other institutions and ethics that would afford them the right to nationhood among the world's nations why should they even be recognized?
So what Christian in their right mind would become terroristic or part of an insult against the nation (Israel) that helped us Gentiles understand God and God's will?
You sir are an imposter at best.
EDIT: Thumbs down - of course all you socialist atheist liberals would come running to the defense of your atheist troll friend........ rotfl...........
Every American Christian prays, "Lord watch over and protect Israel, secure your land and give it peace."
Every American Christian will always be for Israel and support Israel even in their prayers.