Lubbock #racist
["Larry Elder to the GOP: 'Stop talking to blacks like they are children'"]
Hey, Larry! I hear this from my 16 year old grandson. Stop treating me like a kid.
The only retort is --of course, Stop acting like a kid. You want to be treated like a grown up, act like one. [He's at that age where he can either be a kid or a grown up, depending on how it's most beneficial to him at the moment --kinda like blacks.]
And by the way, Larry, it's the Communist Left in this country who have treated people of color like children; like plantation slaves having to be looked after and cared for and fed and housed by Massa.
It's Conservative America who fought the fight to free the slaves; we Conservatives have given people of color every opportunity known to man to grow up, but it's easier for them to sit in front of the taxpayer funded flat screen, swilling Budweiser, watching Bball, and whine that the flat screen isn't big enough.
The ones who escape the Plantation and take advantage of opportunity are roundly and soundly put down by the likes of you, Larry. House N*gger sound familiar, Larry. That's what your ilk calls Condi Rice. Uncle Tom sound familiar, Larry? That's what your ilk calls Clarence Thomas. 0prah say a whole bunch of us withe folks just need to die. How's that for bringing the races together, Larry?