L #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I think Tomlinson's website falls into the category of what Hoffman and Heimbichner call Revelation of the Method.

The alchemical processing of the Group Mind proceeds apace whether the revelations are true, co-intel pro or whackjob tell-alls. Its all the same.

When the Minister for Health can apologize to the victims of Jimmy Savile in the House of Parliament and acknowledge that 'we' - the establishment - have let you down badly


I think we must draw the conclusion that the revelations of Savile's activities (of which I am sure we know very little) are not the prime fact of matter. Neither is the failure, incompetence, negligence of the relevant authorities.

What the Savile story reveals is the vertical integration of every aspect of British society (rather like the pyramid on the M16 logo) and that the psychopathic control grid, under and through which all authorities in every institution operate: is total.

Here is a man, Savile, who had access across the board to every institution in British society and to every authority in Britain. He committed atrocities in all the institutions he visited, stayed and 'patroled'. Five decades of multiple, congruent victim reports and outraged staff who caught him - even in the act - to the relevant authorities failed to curtail his activities. In his last BBC interview he was bragging 'I got away with it.'

Imagine being a doctor or a forensic with a position of authority in a place like the Broadmoor hospital and knowing that Savile has clearance to regularly visit and stay at your hospital for his 'charity work'. Imagine that you know for a fact - one of his activities in your hospital is his necrophilia in the morgue - and you are prevented from interfering with his visit or activities in any way. The police are not interested in any report. The press hangs up on you. Your MP does not return your calls.

That was the deal with Savile, he was absolutely teflon. And he bragged on American television how he brought a girl to Prince Phillip at night in Buckingham Palace.

With Savile, how far does it go? Frankly - I think the revelations of his pedophilia and necrophilia are only on the surface of his activities which were so important [wicked] that the entire establishment covered for him.

"We know ...that the whole world (aion) is seated in the power of wickedness and the evil one" 1 John 4:19

Once upon a time, that idea was fairly abstract and hazy in terms of whatever authority was in the tier above your social level. Now it is crystal clear. Decency and morality begin to appear the farther down the social pyramid you go.

And this is the ground that must be occupied and held at all costs.

Thank you for your work helping to identify the psychopathic control grid and de-program your Jewish and Gentile readers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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